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‘Not a single Hindu woman come outside homes wearing religious symbols’: Islamists in Bangladesh issue threats while protesting ‘hijab ban’ in India

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Can we hear some opinions from Bangladeshis on this? And also by some Indians?
When people start using phrases like 'culling Hindus', do you expect any answers?

My opinion doesn’t matter here. But as long as they are protesting peacefully they are exercising their democratic right. Plus if I am not mistaken for meeting or rally government permission is required.

Definitely I condemn hijab ban in India though I have not followed the news.

Majority of Bangladesh will have solidarity with this protest as it’s for taking away rights of Muslim woman in India.
Completely in agreement.

They are teen ages, no one is banning them to wear one in college ,the problem is they were coming without one all these years and some Muslim organization issued a statement last month and they started coming in burka , hence they were stopped.
I am sorry, it is exactly the other way around.

I can explain if you wish.
Hijab ban in Indian schools then, if you're being pedantic.
Why though, what does it achieve apart from driving wedges between and harassing a minority community?
It was not banned; that is the irony. These girls started wearing hijabs recently, and the school authorities, under pressure from local Sanghi politicians (that state has a BJP government that is perpetually embattled, and that came into office due to cash-for-vote payments to legislators elected under other tickets), changed the rules.
The hijab is even allowed in English schools, for God's sake.
Where a skirt is prescribed as school uniform, then girls from religious or cultural minorities who wish to cover their legs are allowed to wear trousers or wear some kind of leggings underneath their skirts.
It's just common sense for a multicultural society anywhere.
This is not correct. Those missionary schools, convent schools, insisted on a dress code, and it did not cover these compromises.
Why does India have a problem with the hijab when it has been part of Indian dress culture for centuries?
India DOESN'T. Some politicians, turned desperate by the bad news coming out of the largest state, UP, going for elections (just finished) thought up this stunt to raise a row, and polarise Hindu opinion.
When people start using phrases like 'culling Hindus', do you expect any answers?
I did get answers but surprisingly no Bangladeshi mentioned what I thought they would.

I was very much under the impression that they would completely oppose this, as punishing the minorities of Bangladesh is not the right answer to what is going on in India. It's just wrong and unfair. But it was actually a Pakistani who mentioned this first.
This is deplorable and no Muslim can support this. Unlike the formal genocidal policy of BJP, with actual pogroms in Gujrat under their belt, this would be an aberration for Islamist groups in Bangladesh. They are opposed by atheists and wouldn’t be surprised if it was fake news pushed by them. Condemn it either way.

@Joe Shearer have you seen any country come back from what’s happening in India?
I did get answers but surprisingly no Bangladeshi mentioned what I thought they would.

I was very much under the impression that they would completely oppose this, as punishing the minorities of Bangladesh is not the right answer to what is going on in India. It's just wrong and unfair. But it was actually a Pakistani who mentioned this first.
The Bangladeshis on this forum, like the Indians on this forum, are not really representative. If you get an opportunity to meet those people on their home turf, they are utterly delightful. As far as I know, no Hindu feels under pressure; on the contrary, many Indian friends who have been travelling there tell me about an alarming number of Indian faces in their management and especially their banking circles.

So I feel that the average Bangladeshi agrees with you that a tit-for-tat policy would be terribly unfair.

The other thing worth mentioning is that there seems to be an increasing number of Pakistani members who are now able to see things in balance, and while rejecting the lunatic fringe of Indians who still infest this forum, do have some things in common with those of us, a very small and endangered species, who feel that each country in south Asia would do well to improve the lot of its own citizens, and not waste time on picking on another's unhealed scabs.

This is deplorable and no Muslim can support this. Unlike the formal genocidal policy of BJP, with actual pogroms in Gujrat under their belt, this would be an aberration for Islamist groups in Bangladesh. They are opposed by atheists and wouldn’t be surprised if it was fake news pushed by them. Condemn it either way.

@Joe Shearer have you seen any country come back from what’s happening in India?
Don't say that.

Umeed pe duniya qayam hai.
Two wrongs don't make a right or change anything for the better, its a pointless exercise. Hindus in Bangladesh shouldn't be deprived of their right to practice their faith because of what happened in India. Bangladeshis are better then that
However they don't represent whole Bangladeshi population.

However I still want to say that respect begates respect and hate begates hate.

At least these kind of people aren't ruling Bangladesh.

Besides, even these people are better than sanghis , as they are protesting peacefully , while snaghis always go violent!
That's the kind of unapologetic behavior we need from all Muslims.
Good work Bangladeshis. Immi tumako bhalo bashi!!
Bold part - Ami tomake bhalobasi / আমি তোমাকে ভালবাসি, is correct. But thanks for your effort .

Now for the rest , it's not the solution. If really they said it ( as the Indian news source claim ) it's not a good practice.

No innocent will be punished.

If India's hindutva retards abuse their own Muslim people,that's not the fault of Hindu people in Bangladesh.

Remember the speech of final hajj .

"FATHER won't be punished for the crime of son, neither SON will be punished for the crime of father" !

Let alone punishment for others.

That's it. South Asia has gone mad. I am going to Mars and establishing Communist settlements.
How can communism be a better system? I would follow Nordic social welfare system rather than Soviet style communism!

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Hate begets hatred.
Yes agree. But even those Mullahs were never agitated on minorities.

But because of India's constant provocation, now they are saying so.

Although I don't support them still I consider the agitation is provoked by Indian sanghis.
This is not correct. Those missionary schools, convent schools, insisted on a dress code, and it did not cover these compromises.
Sorry, my bad. I was a bit sloppy there. I meant English schools as in schools in England.
I should have said British schools.
Lot of Jamati rodents yearning for Razarkar glory
Surely you must have realized that all your hindutva bakht poison you were spreading would not only have consequences within India but outside it in the region
Surely you must have realized that all your hindutva bakht poison you were spreading would not only have consequences within India but outside it in the region
If a nation is so meek where wrongful actions of another nation influence its residents to ape the other nation in response

Its only a reflection how much culturally slavish they are to the other nation.
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If a nation is so meek where wrongful actions of another nation influence its residents to ape the other nation in response

Its only a reflection how much culturally slavish they are to the other nation.

Are you referring to India? I'm sure you are because I can think of thousands of examples to support the point you are making.

It was not banned; that is the irony. These girls started wearing hijabs recently,

I must correct you here. The girls have been insistent that they have been wearing hijab the whole school year, and it is only now that this issue has come about.
I did get answers but surprisingly no Bangladeshi mentioned what I thought they would.

I was very much under the impression that they would completely oppose this, as punishing the minorities of Bangladesh is not the right answer to what is going on in India. It's just wrong and unfair. But it was actually a Pakistani who mentioned this first.

I think Islamists are just making a show of it. No Hindu would possibly be harmed. The govt. will ensure the safety of all oppressed minorities as we have seen. Otherwise they have the global community to answer to - unlike Modi.

It is a sad day when you realize that the second biggest nation on the planet (India) is ruled by a fascist entity and is close to 'failed state' status compared to a new country next to it a seventh of India's size, which exceeded India economically.
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