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Northeast key to ‘Act East’: Dr Jitendra Singh

Ministry of Science & Technology
18-March, 2018 16:48 IST
Women Science Congress discusses health, contribution in science and impact of climate change

Giving a call to develop technology that can make programme implementation more efficient, reduce corruption and increase the response time in emergency in an effort to reach the unreached, Principal, D.G P.G College, Kanpur, Smt. Sadhna Singh has said that for this to happen, research and innovations need more input from women. Speaking at the first session of 7th Women Science Congress in Imphal today, Smt. Singh pointed out that technology can become a monitoring tool, but the real empowerment of women will come about only with the support of health workers, officials and policy-makers. “Low-cost technology and innovations can make the difference, especially in the fields of water purification, hygiene and sanitation, controlling vector-borne diseases and early diagnosis of communicable and non-communicable diseases”, Smt. Singh stated.

Quoting statistics on the condition of health of women, she said that breast and colon cancer account for 27 per cent and 22.86 per cent of all cancer-related deaths in the country. She strongly emphasised the need for easily accessible and user-friendly cancer detection kit to save women. Smt. Singh also pointed out that more than 47 per cent of people living with HIV infection in India are women and children. “Environmental degradation and pollution pose a challenge and adds to complexities in a woman’s life”, she said. She added that about 350 million Indian households use coal, wood or cowdung-fired Chullah and referred to low-cost technologies like Briquette developed from combustible biomass that have provided succour to thousands of womenfolk from the hills.

In a presentation on the role of women in science, Head, Department of Botany, Maharaja College, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Dr. Vidya Patni said that factors such as lack of encouragement, stereotypes, child care, competition, marginalisation and bias act as obstacles in increased representation of women in the field of science and technology. She stated that the Government is trying to increase the number of women scientists and more than 1, 000 project proposals from women have been cleared in an year recently. Dr. Patni also referred to Department of Science & Technology’s DISHA programme for research in various fields of science and technology, comprising of Women Scientist Schemes A for Basic/Applied Sciences, Women Scientist Schemes B for Societal benefit and Women Scientist Schemes C for internship in Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and self-employment. She underlined the need for three Rs – Recruitment, Retention and Recognition of women in scientific institutions and research. She also mentioned other UGC schemes for hostels for women in economically backward areas, scholarship for single girl child, skill education through National Skill Mission and establishment of 150 women study centres.

Prof Asha Gupta from Department of Medical Sciences, Manipur University, also delivered a talk on the impact of climate change on the health of women in the country.


Ministry of Science & Technology18-March, 2018 16:29 IST
7TH Women Science Congress Inaugurated at Imphal

Expressing the need for women empowerment through innovative use of technology built within institutional arrangements, Governor of West Bengal, Shri Keshari Nath Tripathi strongly emphasised that women need to be brought into the of mainstream of national development. Inaugurating the 7th Women Science Congress at the ongoing 105th session of Indian Science Congress in Imphal today, Shri Tripathi pointed out that representation of women in science and technology is less than expected. He added that proper education, motivation and maximisation of human resources are the need of the hour. “Women empowerment may be through innovative scientific activities and integrating action-oriented literacy. 7th Women Science Congress is a significant step towards nation-building”, Shri Tripathi stated.

In his keynote address, Vice Chancellor, Prof Adya Prasad Pandey said that women can not only prove to be good scientists, they can light the lamp of knowledge in the family as well as the society. Shri Pandey said that reaching the unreached through science and technology means reaching those areas which have not been reached, as well as those areas of research where not much work has been done.

Speaking on the occasion, General Secretary, Indian Science Congress Association, Prof P.P Mathur expressed the view that participation of women in the field of science and technology must increase. He underlined the need to frame guidelines to increase the participation of women.

Representing the Ministry of Science & Technology, Scientist ‘F’, Smt. Namita Gupta pointed out that the Ministry has launched the India-US Fellowships in December 2017 to encourage research by women in the field of science and technology.

The Governor of West Bengal also released a souvenir of Women Science Congress on the occasion.

The first Women Science Congress was held in 2012.

Floating lab to save largest freshwater lake in Northeast
Kalyan Ray, DH News Service, Imphal, Mar 18 2018, 13:07 IST

The IBSD floating laboratory. DH Photo by Kalyan Ray

Thrice a week, five young girls take a back-breaking one and half hours of journey from Imphal to Loktak, Northeast India's biggest freshwater lake, located 54 km from Manipur's capital.

They run a floating laboratory on the nearly 300 sq km lake - twice the size of the city of Mysore - which has begun to throw up its first signs of degradation.

In some parts of the lake, the water turns acidic and in other parts, an increased volume of floating biomass islets begin to choke the gigantic water body.

Unless these problems are not nipped in the bud, the degeneration could spell an ecological disaster not only for the Northeast but for the famed Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot as well.

"The lake has not gone to the ICU so far, but it is somewhere near," Dinabandhu Sahoo, director of the Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development, who leads the research effort on Loktak told DH sitting inside the floating laboratory on the lake.

The institute last month launched a unique experimental station - a motorboat that was converted into a data collection centre- to keep an eye on the lake's health.

IBSD researchers Sabeela Beevi, Kikku Kunui, Yambamree Nata, Rijeeba Haoba and Rajkumari Supriya collect data at 15 specific points.

Those spots were surveyed in 2001 and a fresh data set will illustrate the deterioration of the lake in the last two decades.

"Some of the parameters like temperature, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen and turbidity are analysed on the spot. For others like BOD (biological oxygen demand), COD (chemical oxygen demand), Fluoride, Phosphate and Nitrogen we take the samples to the IBSD," said Kikku, an IBSD senior research fellow.

The laboratory will function for at least one year to complete the data collection, on the basis of which an intervention can be designed.

Loktak is a unique ecosystem because of hundreds of floating islands of biomass - locally called phumdi - that dots the picturesque lake.

With eutrophication, the biomass is growing rapidly beyond the carrying capacity of the lake and shrinking the water body.

"It happens because untreated sewage from Imphal and surrounding areas is discharged directly. The huge inflow of nitrogen and phosphorus triggers a dense growth of plants (eutrophication) as the water becomes rich with nutrients favourable for plant growth," said Sahoo.

Excess nitrogen in the water adversely affects the indigenous fish species on which the livelihood of locals depends, whereas acidification harms numerous shellfish, mollusc and prawns. But in the absence of monitoring, the discharge continues.

With the floating laboratory in operation, IBSD now plans to set up a permanent station on one of the biomass islands (phumdi) with a data buoy that can automatically collect the data and transmit it throughout the year.
Ministry for Development of North-East Region
19-March, 2018 17:55 IST
Psychological outreach important for the development of North East: Dr Jitendra Singh

The Minister of State for Development of North Eastern Region (I/C), Prime Minister’s Office, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh inaugurated the two-day international seminar on " The Age of Multilaterlism and Connecting India's North East: Opportunities and Challenges" here today . The seminar is being jointly organized by the Ministry for Development of Northeast (DoNER), the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) and Asian Confluence (A Unit of Divya Jeevan Foundation), Shillong, Meghalaya March 19 & 20, 2018.

Addressing the seminar, Dr Jitendra Singh said that North East has unexplored potentials and the region is on the priority of the Government led by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. He said that psychological outreach towards development of North East region is as important as physical outreach. The fast-track thrust by the Union Government in the last 3 years, Dr Jitendra Singh said, has resulted in a sea-change by improving the connectivity scenario, both in air, rail and road connectivity, and this is bound to overcome many of the earlier constraints faced by the potential entrepreneurs. With the Union Government's emphasis on “Act East” policy, he said, this is a great opportunity to explore the new possibilities of growth production for international trade in the region.

He also said that the keeping in view the scenic beauty of the Arunachal Pradesh a second Film and Training Institute of India (FTII) will be set up in Itanagar, the first being in Pune, Maharashtra. He also said that region-based road development scheme for NE region namely “North-East Road Sector Development Scheme” (NERSDS) has also been started for maintenance, construction and upgradation of such roads, which remain neglected because of being interconnecting roads between two States as a result of which they remain un-owned and had thus gained the dubious distinction of being described as “orphan roads”.

He said that the Ministry for Development of Northeast (DoNER) is encouraging investments, both through the Government agencies as well as private parties. In this regard, he cited the example of huge collaboration with the Government of Japan, which is planning a heavy investment in the region as well as Singapore which has offered to set up a Skill Center in Assam.

Appreciating the role of facilitators being played by ICWA and Asian Confluence in the efforts being by Ministry for Development of Northeast (DoNER) towards the development of the region, the Minister said that priority is also being given to promote tourism in the North eastern states. Speaking on the ‘Act East Policy’ of the Government, he said that North East region shares similarity with neighbouring countries in terms of culture, lifestyle and food habits. He said that, keeping this fact in mind, the NE states should focus on manufacturing such products that will find market in these places and promote trade in North eastern states

He said that North East being a land of diversity within diversity , still it has been maintaining its integrity. He said with the setting up Camp secretiates at various places in North-East by the centre, local people have become more familiar with officials thus taking central Govt to the region instead of North-Eastern states approaching the centre.

Highlighting various youth-centric initiatives taken by the Ministry of Development of North East Region (DoNER), the Minister said that the Barak hostel for students from North East in the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) campus in Delhi and a Hostel exclusively for Northeast girl students in Bengaluru are being constructed. He said that a North Eastern Cultural and Information Centre will soon be set up in Dwarka, New Delhi.

The Director General of Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) , Shri Nalin Surie and The Director, Asian Confluence, Shri Sabyasachi Dutta were present on the occasion.


Ministry for Development of North-East Region
19-March, 2018 16:32 IST
Four MoUs signed under aegis of DoNER for promotion of tourism in the North-East, aim of doubling tourist arrivals to the North East in the next three years

Another MoU signed for leveraging of community resources and appropriate local resources based technology for development

Four MoUs were signed here today under the aegis of the Ministry of Development of North East Region (DoNER) in the presence of the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh and senior officials of Ministry of DoNER, NEC and various other organizations.

After the signing of the agreements, Dr. Jitendra Singh said that the development of the North East Region is of prime importance for the overall inclusive growth of India, and tourism development has always been one of our key focus areas, keeping in mind the North East’s natural beauty and cultural heritage. He said, these MoUs with Airbnb are a step towards achieving our aim of doubling tourist growth rate in the next three years, by creating more sustainable accommodation options and enhancing the hospitality service standards in the region.

The MoUs were signed on behalf of the North Eastern Council (NEC), the North East Tourism Development Council (NETDC) and two key livelihood initiatives, North East Rural Livelihood Project (NERLP) and North Eastern Region Community Resource Management Project (NERCORMP). The MoUs aim at creating hospitality micro-entrepreneurs across key destinations in the North East of India. Mr. Kum Hong Siew, Regional Director, Airbnb Asia Pacific signed the MoUs on behalf of Airbnb, one of the world’s leading community-driven hospitality companies.

Under the MoUs, the NEC, NETDC and Airbnb agree to:

  • Expand tourism in the North East of India through Airbnb’s global platform
  • Improve the quality of homestay facilities and unique properties in the North East of India
  • Provide and promote outstanding tourism resources in the North East of India, and
  • Cooperate to improve the regulatory environment for home sharing in the North East of India

MoUs were also signed for strategic partnerships by the NERLP and NERCORMP with Airbnb to generate technology-enabled livelihood opportunities in tourism and hospitality for micro-entrepreneurs in the North East of India, and to help low-income families monetize their existing assets through home sharing. Under these agreements, Airbnb will provide training to core teams of the NERLP and NERCORMP, which will further train existing and potential hosts on home sharing, responsible hosting, hospitality standards, hygiene and basic amenities.

Another MoU was signed between NERCORMP and HESCO (Himalayan Environmental Studies and Conservation Organization) for leveraging of community resources and appropriate local resources based technology for development.


Ministry of Culture
19-March, 2018 17:47 IST
8th International Theatre Olympics being held in India with participation of 25000 artists: Dr. Mahesh Sharma

The National School of Drama (NSD), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Culture is taking various steps to preserve, develop, protect and rejuvenate the culture of India. For this purpose, NSD, is taking various steps through the medium of theatre in this direction. Some of the steps taken/ being taken are mentioned below:-

  • Under the Out-reach/Extension Programme, production oriented theatre workshops across the country for preservation and promotion and to rejuvenate of rural folk and tribal culture of India are conducted in collaboration with the local theatre groups and plays are also performed, as part of these workshops.
  • Further, NSD has also opened centres in North -East at Sikkim,Tripura and Bengaluru to introduce, encourage, promote and preserve and rejuvenate the culture and traditions of the local people in this area, through the medium of theatre.
  • As part of the curriculum, the students of the NSD also visit various regions of the country to perform, research and develop theatre forms prevalent in the regions, which are quite diverse in nature. This helps to make the people aware of various dramatic arts prevalent in these areas through the medium of Theatre.
  • Apart from the above, NSD also organizes theatre festivals like Bharat Rang Mahotsav (annually) at Delhi and in few selected cities of the country , in which Theatre groups from foreign countries also participate.
  • NSD’s Sanskaar Rang Toli (TIE Company) has a biennial event called “Bal Sangam”. This is a festival with a focus on Indian performing folk and traditional arts presented by children practicing these arts, from different regions of the country including rural areas.
  • Similarly, a Poorvottar Theatre Festival is also organized in the North-East region from time to time with a focus to preserve and promote traditional theatre practices of the North-East region, among other practices. Plays from other parts of the country are also showcased in this festival. This helps in introducing the Indian cultural traditions etc. to the people as well as in promotion/rejuvenation of the country’s old age practices and traditions through the medium of theatre.
  • In addition with the approval of the Government, NSD is organizing the 8th Theatre Olympics from 17th February to 8th April, 2018 in which 25 countries are participating with above 25000 artists with the theme of “Flag of Friendship’’.
  • Repertory company of the NSD also visit various places of the country to stage perform the plays which are seen/viewed by large no. of audience.
  • The plays produced by the students as well as the participants in various workshops across the country are performed and documented by the NSD. These plays are often based on folk and traditional forms.
The Budget grants and expenditure for the last five years 2012-17 are as under:

(Rs. In Lakhs)

Year Budget Actual Expenditure

Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan

2014-15 4633.00 1202.49 4079.00 1202.49

2015-16 5150.00 1345.00 5150.00 1345.00

2016-17 6675.00 1536.00 6675.00 1536.00

2017-18 8572.00


There is no criteria for nomenclature of different cultural committees. NSD is the only autonomous organization under Ministry of Culture promoting theatre.

This information was given by Minister of State (IC) for Culture and Minister of State for Environment, Forest & Climate Change Dr. Mahesh Sharma in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.


Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
19-March, 2018 20:15 IST
11th Science Communicators’ Meet inaugurated

Urging scientists to open Science centres in villages, the Deputy Chief Ministerof Manipur, Shri Y. Joykumar Singh has said that scientists should make an endeavor to explain basic issues to the common people.. In his speech at the inaugural session of the Science Communicators’ Meet at the 105th Indian Science Congress in Imphal today, Shri Y. Joykumar Singh added that the theme “Reaching the Unreached”, does not merely mean having access to high-end technology, but also to explain common themes that are useful in day-to-day life.

The Vice Chanceloor of Manipur University, Prof. Adya Prasad Pandey said that science communicators have a very difficult responsibility. “Their responsibility is to make science communicable i.e. to make the common man able to use technology”, he added.

The “Book of Abstracts” on the Science Communicators’ Meet was released on the occasion.

In his lecture, former Scientist & Head, Radiocarbon Laboratory, BirbalSahni Institute of Paleobotany, LucknowDr. C.M Nautiyal, said that the media and science communicators’ can play an important role in shaping the thoughts of the society. He added that science communicators’ should not over-glamorize. “They should not be entirely dependent on online sources of information while reporting and should verify the sources before reporting”, Dr. Nautiyal pointed out.

General Secretary, (Scientific Activities), Prof. P.P Mathur, General President, ISCA 2018, Prof. AchyutaSamanta and General Secretary (MA, ISCA), Prof. Gangadharwere among those present at the gathering.
Ministry of Textiles
19-March, 2018 18:11 IST
Silk Sector Witnessing Steady Growth

The production of raw silk in the country is estimated to be 33,840 MT in 2017-18 as against 30,348 MT in 2016-17. This information was given by Minister of State for Textiles Ajay Tamta in the Rajya Sabha today. He said, the estimated cumulative annual growth rate of Silk sector is 6.40% based on the progress of silk sector during the last five years. Shri Tamta said, the Government of India has approved a project-based strategy for the North East Region under an umbrella scheme North East Region Textile Promotion Scheme (NERTPS)to boost the Silk sector in the region. Under the scheme, among various projects of Textile sector, sericulture projects have been approved under two broad categories - Integrated Sericulture Development Project (ISDP) and Intensive Bivoltine Sericulture Development Project (IBSDP).

The MoS Textiles informed that these two projects aim at holistic development of sericulture in all its spheres from plantation development to production of fabrics with value addition at every stage of production chain. These projects are intended to establish sericulture as viable commercial activity by creating necessary infrastructure and imparting skills to the locals for silkworm rearing and allied activities in silk production value chain. He said, 24 sericulture projects have been approved covering Mulberry, Eri and Muga sectors in all States of the region at the total cost of Rs.819.19 crore with Government of India share of Rs.690.01 crore for implementation from 2014-15 to 2018-19.

The Minister further said that the projects are expected to contribute additional production of 2285 MT raw silk during the project period and 1100 MT silk per annum involving 46094 families, which will generate employment to about 2.30 lakh persons. Till February 2018 the Government of India has released Rs.549.38 crore to North East States, against its share of Rs.690.01 crore. Balance amount of Rs.140.63 crore is earmarked for the remaining period of 2017-18 and 2018-19.

The Chief Minister of Tripura, Shri Biplab Kumar Deb calling on the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, in New Delhi on March 19, 2018.

The Chief Minister of Tripura, Shri Biplab Kumar Deb calling on the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, in New Delhi on March 19, 2018.


The Minister of State for Development of North Eastern Region (I/C), Prime Minister’s Office, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh at the signing ceremony of various MoUs under the aegis of Ministry of DoNER, in New Delhi on March 19, 2018. The Secretary, DoNER, Shri Naveen Verma, the Secretary, NEC, Shri Ram Muivah and the Regional Director, Airbnb Asia Pacific, Mr. Kum Hong Siew are also seen.

The Minister of State for Development of North Eastern Region (I/C), Prime Minister’s Office, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh at the signing ceremony of various MoUs under the aegis of Ministry of DoNER, in New Delhi on March 19, 2018. The Secretary, DoNER, Shri Naveen Verma, the Secretary, NEC, Shri Ram Muivah, the Regional Director, Airbnb Asia Pacific, Mr. Kum Hong Siew and Dr. Anil Joshi of HESCO are also seen.


The Minister of State for Development of North Eastern Region (I/C), Prime Minister’s Office, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh at the signing ceremony of various MoUs under the aegis of Ministry of DoNER, in New Delhi on March 19, 2018. The Secretary, DoNER, Shri Naveen Verma, the Secretary, NEC, Shri Ram Muivah and Dr. Anil Joshi of HESCO are also seen.


The Minister of State for Development of North Eastern Region (I/C), Prime Minister’s Office, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh attending the inaugural session of the International Seminar on “The Age of Multilaterlism and Connecting India’s North East:Opportunities and Challenges”, in New Delhi on March 19, 2018. The Director General, ICWA, Shri Nalin Surie is also seen.


The Minister of State for Development of North Eastern Region (I/C), Prime Minister’s Office, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh addressing the inaugural session of the International Seminar on “The Age of Multilaterlism and Connecting India’s North East:Opportunities and Challenges”, in New Delhi on March 19, 2018. The Director General, ICWA, Shri Nalin Surie is also seen.


The Chief Minister of Tripura, Shri Biplab Kumar Deb calling on the Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs, Shri Arun Jaitley, in New Delhi on March 19, 2018.
The Chief Minister of Tripura, Shri Biplav Kumar Deb and the Deputy Chief Minister, Shri Jishnu Debbarma calling on the Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu, in New Delhi on March 20, 2018.

The Chief Minister of Tripura, Shri Biplav Kumar Deb and the Deputy Chief Minister, Shri Jishnu Debbarma calling on the Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu, in New Delhi on March 20, 2018.

Ministry of Home Affairs
20-March, 2018 18:16 IST
Union Home Secretary holds meeting of Chief Secretaries of Assam and Mizoram on the inter-State border issue

Both states to maintain status quo at Bairabi, joint team to visit the area within a week

Union Home Secretary Shri Rajiv Gauba here today held a meeting of Chief Secretaries of Assam and Mizoram on the inter-State border issue in the context of recent incidents at Bairabi on 8th and 10th March, 2018.

Chief Secretary of Assam, Smt. T. Y. Das and Chief Secretary of Mizoram, Shri Arvind Ray stated the position of their respective State Governments on the issue of construction of a shed at Kachurtal near Bairabi. Both State Governments reiterated their commitment to maintain peace and resolve the issues amicably. It was decided in the meeting to maintain status quo at the spot. Assembly of people at the site will not be allowed. Both the Governments of Assam and Mizoram will take all measures to maintain peace in their respective areas.

It was unanimously decided that a team comprising of Joint Secretary (North-East), MHA and Principal Secretaries (Home) of Mizoram and Assam will visit the area within a week. This team will be assisted by officials of Survey of India in its work. The team will submit its findings to the Union Home Secretary which will be discussed in a follow up meeting with the Chief Secretaries of the two States. Thereafter, a meeting will be convened by the Union Home Minister with Chief Ministers of Assam and Mizoram.

The Chief Minister of Tripura, Shri Biplab Kumar Deb and the Deputy Chief Minister, Shri Jishnu Debbarma calling on the Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh, in New Delhi on March 20, 2018.

21-March, 2018 20:34 IST
Cabinet approves North-East Industrial Development Scheme (NEIDS) 2017

The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the North East Industrial Development Scheme (NEIDS), 2017 with financial outlay of Rs.3000 crores upto March, 2020. Government will provide necessary allocations for remaining period of scheme after assessment before March 2020. NEIDS is a combination of the incentives covered under the earlier two schemes with a much larger outlay.


In order to promote employment in the North East States, Government is incentivizing primarily the MSME Sector through this scheme. Government is also providing specific incentive through the scheme to generate employment.

All eligible industrial units, which are getting benefits of one or more components of other schemes of the Government of India, will also be considered for benefits of other components of this scheme.

Under the Scheme, the following incentives shall be provided to new industrial units set up in the North Eastern States including Sikkim:

Central Capital Investment Incentive for Access to Credit (CCIIAC)

30% of the investment in Plant & Machinery with an upper limit of Rs.5 Crore on the incentive amount per unit.

Central Interest Incentive (Cll)

3% on working capital credit advanced by eligible Banks/ Financial institutions for first 5 years from the date of commencement of commercial production by the unit.

Central Comprehensive Insurance Incentive (CCII)

Reimbursement of 100% insurance premium on insurance of building and Plant & Machinery for 5 years from the date of commencement of commercial production by the unit.

Goods and Service Tax (GST) Reimbursement

Reimbursement up to the extent of Central Govt. share of CGST and IGST for 5 Years from the date of commencement of commercial production by the unit.

Income-Tax (IT) Reimbursement

Reimbursement of Centre's share of income tax for first 5 years including the year of commencement of commercial production by the unit.

Transport Incentive (TI)
  • 20% of the cost of transportation including the subsidy currently provided by Railways/ Railway PSU for movement of finished goods by rail.
  • 20% of cost of transportation for finished goods, for movement through InlandWaterways Authority of India.
  • 33% of cost of transportation of air freight on perishable goods (as defined by IATA) from the airport nearest to place of production toany airport within the country.

Employment Incentive (EI)

The Government shall pay 3.67% of the employer’s contribution to the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) in addition to Government bearing 8.33% Employee Pension Scheme (EPS) contribution of the employer in the Pradhan MantriRojgarProtsahanYojana (PMRPY).

The overall cap for benefits under all components of incentives will be of Rs. 200 crores per unit.

The newly introduced scheme shall promote industrialization in the States of the North Eastern Region and will boost employment and income generation.

Ministry of Finance
22-March, 2018 16:51 IST
States Exempted from Tax Refund after GST

The North Eastern and Hilly States have not been provided exemption from tax refund till March, 2027 under GST. The GST Council in the meeting held on 30.09.2016, had decided that all entities exempted from payment of indirect tax under the then existing tax incentive scheme shall pay tax in the GST regime. It was also decided that the decision to continue with any incentive given to specific industries in existing industrial policies of States or through any Schemes of the Central Government, shall be with the concerned State or Central Government and in case the State or Central Government decides to continue any existing exemption/incentive/deferral Scheme, then it shall be administered by way of a reimbursement mechanism through the budgetary route, the modalities for which shall be worked-out by the concerned State/Centre.

The Central Government, w.e.f. 01.07.2017, has notified a Scheme for grant of Budgetary Support to the eligible units which were availing exemption or refund benefit, for the residual period of exemption under erstwhile Central Excise regime. The support under the scheme will be equal to the share of Central Government of CGST/IGST paid by the unit after utilisation of credit of Central and Integrated Tax.

This was stated by Shri Shiv Pratap Shukla, Minister of State for Finance in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha.

Ministry of Culture
24-March, 2018 15:15 IST
MADHAVPUR MELA of Gujarat to have a grand four –day celebrations through its first ever cultural integration with the North-East under Ek Bhart Shrestha Bharat: Dr Mahesh Sharma

In a unique initiative, the famous Madhavpur Mela of Gujarat will see its first-ever cultural integration with the North-East with which it is said to share its roots. Disclosing this at a media briefing in New Delhi today, the Minister of State for Culture, Dr. Mahesh Sharma said that the Ministry of Culture is organizing the Madhavpur Mela from 25th to 28th March, 2018 in Madhavpur Ghed, District Porbandar in Gujarat in a grand way. Dr Mahesh Sharma said that the purpose of this integration is to bring various parts of the country especially the North-East, close to each other under the banner of Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat announced by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi.

The Madhavpur Mela of Gujarat shares its connect to the Mishmi Tribe of Arunachal Pradesh. The Mishmi Tribe traces its ancestry to the legendary King Bhishmak and through him to his daughter Rukmini and Lord Krishna. For the first time ever, the festival will celebrate the immortal journey which Rukmini undertook from Arunachal Pradesh to Gujarat with Lord Krishna, Dr Mahesh Sharma explained. Bhismaknagar, located near Roing in the lower Dibang Valley district, also finds mention in Kalika Purana.

Giving more details, the Culture Minister said that the IGNCA, Manav Sangrahalay of Ministry of Culture and States of Gujarat, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and others have joined hands to give a new dimension to the festival. A jatha of 150 persons from the North-East will be given a traditional welcome at Madhavpur Mela as representatives of Rukmini’s family. The entire concept of celebration this year is in the spirit of ‘Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat’ campaign of the Prime Minister and symbolizes unity in diversity of the country and establishes the East to West connect, he said. All States & Union Territories except West Bengal are participating in the Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat campaign and have been paired for the purpose of exchanges at the level of students, sports and through culture.

Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Shri Raghvendra Singh said that some of the local sites and temples connected to the Madhavpur festival have been upgraded by the Ministry of Culture and connecting the North-East through such kind of events and cultural exchanges will now be made a regular feature.

The Union Culture Minister, Dr Mahesh Sharma ; MoS, Home, Shri Kiren Rijiju; Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Vijay Rupani; Governor Arunachal Pradesh, Brigadier (Dr.) B.D. Mishra (Retd); Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Shri Pema Khandu and Chief Minister of Manipur, Shri N Biren Singh will join the Mela on 27th March 2018 along with senior officials of the Ministry of Culture and Government of Gujarat.

The 4 day ‘utsav will see a vibrant cultural trail of art, dance, music, poetry, story-telling and folk drama from Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and other North-Eastern States with the aim to integrate the rich cultures of the two regions.

Madhavpur Ghed, a small but culturally significant village, is the place where, according to folklore, Lord Krishna married Rukmini, the daughter of King Bhishmaka. Madhavpur lies on the seashore, close to Porbandar. A 15th century Madhavrai temple marks the site. This event is commemorated by a cultural fair held every year, commencing on Ram Navami. A colorful chariot carrying the idol of Krishna circumnavigates the village and the festivities usually continue for five days. This year the Ministry of Culture is collaborating with Government of Gujarat to scale up the festival by incorporating the various vital elements.

Madahvpur Mela will witness for the first time ever the magnificent performances from the North-East, especially Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur. Troupes from Assam will perform Rukmini-Haran, a popular folk theatre of the region. Musical troupe from Manipur will sing songs related to Rukmini in the Khullong Ishei and Nat genŕe. Dance-dramas based on Rukmini-Krishna legends from Arunachal and Manipur and folk dance of the Idu Mishmi tribe from Arunachal will be part of the varied repertoire.

An exposition and sale of art and crafts of Gujarat and handloom and handicrafts products from Arunachal, Manipur and other North-Eastern states will be part of the event. A Visual Art Exhibition on Krishna and Rukmini put together by different institutions of Ministry of Culture like the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts and Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya highlighting the variegated legends of Krishna and Rukmini will be organised at an exhibition space being created for the purpose.

The daily schedule of the four day Madhavpur Mela is given below:

Timing: 6.00 pm onwards

March 25

Manipuri dance-drama based on Rukmani-Krishna using cymbals and pung (the cylindrical mridang).

Naatya Katha on Krishna and Rukhmani by Dr. Sonal Mansingh

Idu Mishmi Ritual Dance

Dandiya Ras, Garba and other folk dances from Gujarat

March 26

Choreographed music and dance ballet from the North-East on the wedding of Krishna and Rukhmani (this will include the traditional Idu Mishmi ritual dance (20 minutes).

Naatya Katha on Krishna and Rukhmani by Dr. Sonal Mansingh

Nyioga folk songs from Arunachal

Lai Haroba dance from Manipur

March 27

Krishna Rukmani dance dram from Gujarat

Rukmani Haran, a popular folk theatre performed in the Ankia-Naat genre from the North East.

Pung Cholam dance of Manipur performed with acrobatics.

Manipuri Ras and Sankirtanaand

Krishna – Rupen ballet by Kalasharee


March 28

Procession from Madhavraiji temple at 3.00pm culminating at Rukhmani temple at 7.30pm-The wedding chariot will move to the beats of traditional percussion instruments like dhol, manjira, nagaras and khanjari and wind instuments like flute, shehnai, been, poongi and tarpi. The Dholis, Bhats, Bhaands and Nats will sing and dance around the chariot recreating a wedding–like atmosphere.

This will be followed by the Idu Mishmi ritual dance performance by priests and priestesses from Dibang Valley.



Nyioga folk songs from Arunachal, sung when the bride is sent to her future home

The Minister of State for Culture (I/C) and Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Dr. Mahesh Sharma addressing a press conference on Madhavpur Mela, organised by the Ministry of Culture from 25 to 28 March 2018, in Madhavpur Ghed District Porbandar, Gujarat, in New Delhi on March 24, 2018. The Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Shri Raghvendra Singh is also seen.
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Ministry for Development of North-East Region
25-March, 2018 19:31 IST
Union Goverment's Special incentives for new Industrial units in Northeast

The Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space Dr Jitendra Singh said here today that the North East Industrial Development Scheme (NEIDS), approved by the Union Cabinet, will play a crucial role in promoting new industrial units in the region by providing several special incentives.

Interacting with a series of Industry and trade delegations from the Northeast, Dr Jitendra Singh said, the Cabinet decision is yet another reiteration of the high priority accorded by the Union Government and Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi himself, to promote entrepreneurship and job opportunities in the Northeast.

Elaborating on the highlights of the newly announced North East Industrial Development Scheme, Dr Jitendra Singh said, to begin with, a financial outlay of Rs. 3,000 crore has been earmarked for it. Under the scheme, a number of exclusive incentives will be available to new industrial units being set up in any of the eight states. An important provision provided in the scheme is the Central Capital Investment Incentive for Access to Credit (CCIIAC), as per which, 30% of the investment in the industrial plant and machinery with an upper limit of Rs. 5 crore will be provided as the incentive amount per unit. In addition, he said, Central Interest Incentive (CII) will be available to the tune of 3% on working capital credit advanced by eligible Banks/Financial Institutions for first 5 years from the commencement of commercial production by the Unit.

Among the other incentives available as per this scheme, Dr Jitendra Singh referred to Central Comprehensive Insurance Incentive (CCII) which will provide for reimbursement of 100% insurance premium on insurance of building and Industrial plant & machinery for 5 years from the date of commencement and commercial production by the Unit.

The North East Industrial Scheme approved by Union Capital also gives a relief on GST, disclosed Dr Jitendra Singh and said that a unique provision has been provided for reimbursement up to the extent of Central Government share of CGST and IGST for 5 years from the date of commencement of commercial production by the unit. Besides this, he said there will also be incentive on transportation to the tune of 20% of the cost of transportation including the subsidy currently provided by Railways/Railway PSUs for movement of goods by rail. On the Inland Waterways, there will be 20% incentive for finished goods and for transportation by Air freight on perishable goods, it will be 30% of the cost of transportation from the airport nearest to the place of production to any airport within the country, he added.

Meanwhile, the Gossaigaon Bazar Samiti delegation, led by Kokrajhar Member of Parliament/ Lok Sabha, Shri N. Kumar Sarania, also presented a memorandum to DoNER Minister, requesting to take up with the Assam Government the issue of interim financial assistance for the owners of 160 shops, which are under construction at the Supermarket building at Gossaigaon Town in Kokrajhar.

The Minister of State for Development of North Eastern Region (I/C), Prime Minister’s Office, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh receiving a memorandum from a delegation of Gossaigaon Town Business Association, led by the Member of Lok Sabha, Shri Nabn Kumar Saraniya, in New Delhi on March 25, 2018.
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The Governor of Gujarat, Shri O.P. Kohli, the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh, Brigadier (Dr.) B.D. Mishra (Retd), the Minister of State for Culture (I/C) and Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Dr. Mahesh Sharma, the Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Kiren Rijiju, the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Vijay Rupani and the Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Shri Pema Khandu and other dignitaries at the 3rd day of Madhavpur Mela, in Gujarat on March 27, 2018.

The Governor of Gujarat, Shri O.P. Kohli, the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh, Brigadier (Dr.) B.D. Mishra (Retd), the Minister of State for Culture (I/C) and Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Dr. Mahesh Sharma, the Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Kiren Rijiju, the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Vijay Rupani and the Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Shri Pema Khandu and other dignitaries at the 3rd day of Madhavpur Mela, in Gujarat on March 27, 2018.
28-March, 2018 19:50 IST
Boost for development projects in North-East

Cabinet approves Schemes of North Eastern Council (NEC) including continuation of existing Schemes Expenditure worth Rs.4500 crore approved for three years upto March, 2020 NEC Special Development Project for NE States as Central Sector Scheme with 100% grant from Centre NLCPR transferred to NEC for implementation

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the following schemes of M/o DONER for continuation till March, 2020:
  • Under the Schemes of NEC - Special Development Projects, with the existing funding pattern (90:10 basis) for ongoing projects and on 100% Central funding for new projects;
  • For other projects funded by NEC - both Revenue and Capital - as 100% Central funding basis, to continue with existing pattern;
  • Extension of 100% centrally funded North Eastern Road Sector Development Scheme (NERSDS);
  • Transfer to NEC for implementation, the Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR-C);
  • Proposal to ensure optimization of resources through convergence of efforts of various Ministries/Departments.
The projects under the existing Schemes of NEC, NLCPR (Central) and NERSDS will accrue socio-economic benefits to the people of North Eastern Region enhancing their capabilities and livelihood.

Presently, the major chunk of projects (599 projects out of 840) with 72.12% approved cost (Rs.5375.12 crore out of total Rs.7453.02 crore) and 66% of pending liabilities (Rs 1518.64 crore out of Rs 2299.72 crore) for all ongoing projects is funded through "the Schemes of NEC- Special Development Project"-wherein funds for the selected projects are shared between Centre and State on 90:10 basis and the execution of work is done by the respective State Governments. Apart from this, some funds are provided - both Revenue and Capital - as 100% Central funding basis, implemented through State and Central agencies.

The Scheme of NEC - Special Development Project will be changed to be a Central Sector Scheme with 100% grant, instead of the earlier block grant on 90:10 basis. The remaining component will continue to be funded on 100% Central funding basis as at present.

Apart from the above, NEC is also implementing "North Eastern Road Sector Development Scheme - Programme Component" for upgradation of the important and strategic inter-state roads. Transferred from DONER to NEC for implementation, the scheme is 100% Centrally funded. A sum of Rs. 1000 crore has been allocated under the scheme.

Another Scheme namely "Non Lapsable Central Pool of Resources-Central [NLCPR (Central)]”, presently funded by M/o DoNER, provides resources to the concerned line Ministries/their agencies for projects like Agartala-Akhaura Rail Link, checking erosion in Majuli Island. This Scheme will also be transferred to NEC for implementation.

Previously, there was no fixed arrangement for distributing the funds into State or Central component. Now, the total funds available to NEC are proposed to be bifurcated in two components (State component - 60% and Central component - 40%). The State component would be utilised for the projects in each State as per their share on normative allocation basis. For the Central component, the projects having regional character, requiring Inter-Ministerial intervention are to be taken up. Priority sectors have been identified such as bamboo; piggery; regional tourism; higher education, tertiary healthcare & special intervention in backward areas; livelihood project; Science & Technology Interventions in NER; Survey & Investigation and NER Promotion.

By the above, a clear apportionment or division of sectors is ensured between DoNER and NEC to avoid duplication.

In order to give a boost to the Tourism in NE Region, amongst other things, the outstanding liabilities in tourism sector under Product Infrastructure Development for Destinations & Circuits (PIDDC) may also be addressed.

Further, a mechanism on the pattern of Standing Finance Committee (SFC) with representatives from the concerned line Ministries and from Ministry of DoNER would be constituted under the Chairmanship of Secretary, NEC for approval of the projects costing between Rs. 5-15 crore. This is aimed at bringing synergy with programmes of other Union Ministries and avoiding of duplication through process of SFC.

Ministry for Development of North-East Region
28-March, 2018 19:56 IST
Boost for development projects in North-East

Cabinet approves Schemes of North Eastern Council (NEC) including continuation of existing Schemes Expenditure worth Rs.4500 crore approved for three years upto March, 2020 NEC Special Development Project for NE States as Central Sector Scheme with 100% grant from Centre NLCPR transferred to NEC for implementation

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the following schemes of M/o DONER for continuation till March, 2020:

  • Under the Schemes of NEC - Special Development Projects, with the existing funding pattern (90:10 basis) for ongoing projects and on 100% Central funding for new projects;
  • For other projects funded by NEC - both Revenue and Capital - as 100% Central funding basis, to continue with existing pattern;
  • Extension of 100% centrally funded North Eastern Road Sector Development Scheme (NERSDS);
  • Transfer to NEC for implementation, the Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR-C);
  • Proposal to ensure optimization of resources through convergence of efforts of various Ministries/Departments.
The projects under the existing Schemes of NEC, NLCPR (Central) and NERSDS will accrue socio-economic benefits to the people of North Eastern Region enhancing their capabilities and livelihood.

Presently, the major chunk of projects (599 projects out of 840) with 72.12% approved cost (Rs.5375.12 crore out of total Rs.7453.02 crore) and 66% of pending liabilities (Rs 1518.64 crore out of Rs 2299.72 crore) for all ongoing projects is funded through "the Schemes of NEC- Special Development Project"-wherein funds for the selected projects are shared between Centre and State on 90:10 basis and the execution of work is done by the respective State Governments. Apart from this, some funds are provided - both Revenue and Capital - as 100% Central funding basis, implemented through State and Central agencies.

The Scheme of NEC - Special Development Project will be changed to be a Central Sector Scheme with 100% grant, instead of the earlier block grant on 90:10 basis. The remaining component will continue to be funded on 100% Central funding basis as at present.

Apart from the above, NEC is also implementing "North Eastern Road Sector Development Scheme - Programme Component" for upgradation of the important and strategic inter-state roads. Transferred from DONER to NEC for implementation, the scheme is 100% Centrally funded. A sum of Rs. 1000 crore has been allocated under the scheme.

Another Scheme namely "Non Lapsable Central Pool of Resources-Central [NLCPR (Central)]”, presently funded by M/o DoNER, provides resources to the concerned line Ministries/their agencies for projects like Agartala-Akhaura Rail Link, checking erosion in Majuli Island. This Scheme will also be transferred to NEC for implementation.

Previously, there was no fixed arrangement for distributing the funds into State or Central component. Now, the total funds available to NEC are proposed to be bifurcated in two components (State component - 60% and Central component - 40%). The State component would be utilised for the projects in each State as per their share on normative allocation basis. For the Central component, the projects having regional character, requiring Inter-Ministerial intervention are to be taken up. Priority sectors have been identified such as bamboo; piggery; regional tourism; higher education, tertiary healthcare & special intervention in backward areas; livelihood project; Science & Technology Interventions in NER; Survey & Investigation and NER Promotion.

By the above, a clear apportionment or division of sectors is ensured between DoNER and NEC to avoid duplication.

In order to give a boost to the Tourism in NE Region, amongst other things, the outstanding liabilities in tourism sector under Product Infrastructure Development for Destinations & Circuits (PIDDC) may also be addressed.

Further, a mechanism on the pattern of Standing Finance Committee (SFC) with representatives from the concerned line Ministries and from Ministry of DoNER would be constituted under the Chairmanship of Secretary, NEC for approval of the projects costing between Rs. 5-15 crore. This is aimed at bringing synergy with programmes of other Union Ministries and avoiding of duplication through process of SFC.


Ministry for Development of North-East Region
28-March, 2018 15:14 IST

NLCPR scheme for Arunachal Pradesh

Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region under Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR) scheme sanctioned nine (09) projects for Arunachal Pradesh costing Rs.108.44 crore from 2014-15 to 2016-17. The details of these projects are given below:

(Rs. in crore)

S. No.
Name of the project
Approved cost
Funds released


Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Middle School Khaso in West Kameng district to Higher Secondary (Ph-II)

C/o internal/sectoral township road at Tani Happa (New Sagalee) (SH: Survey, investigation, jungle Clearance, Formation cutting, pavement, CD work, CC drain & Protection work)

C/o road from Pakoti to Kamsha village (6.50 km)

C/o road from parsi-Parlo (Patuk ADC HQ) (Phase-I 5km length complete upto

C/o Nyodu to Sibe Siru road (23 km) in West Siang district

Providing water supply to Yingkiong for 2.00 MLD (Ph-I)

Water Supply at Tali


C/o road from PMGSY Bongleng road to Khet village in Tawang district in Arunachal Pradesh


C/o 6 nos. Bridges to provide connectivity to Admn. CO HQ, palling with district HQ in upper Siang district in Arunachal Pradesh

In the current financial year, nine (09) projects costing Rs.163.88 crore have been sanctioned.

This information was provided by the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Development of North-Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.

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