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Return of remains by ROK may help ties
2017-2-10 , China Daily

The return of the remains of Chinese soldiers from the Republic of Korea, as scheduled, displays a willingness by both countries to push forward ties amid difficulties caused by the planned deployment of a U.S. anti-missile system in the ROK, Chinese observers said.

Defense Ministry officials from China and the ROK will meet on Wednesday and discuss the return, by the end of March, of the remains of more than 20 Chinese People's Volunteer Army soldiers who died in the Korean War, according to Yonhap News Agency.

The handover, the report said, may help to smooth a currently tense China-ROK relationship due to the United States and ROK's decision to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense anti-missile system in the ROK by the end of the year.

However, Chinese observers stressed that while the handover of the remains is welcomed, the humanitarian gesture alone will not diminish the underlying cause of the tension.

Beijing has repeatedly voiced its opposition to the deployment of THAAD, saying it harms the strategic security of China, since the system's radar can cover parts of the country.

Under a handover agreement signed by China and the ROK in 2013, officials from the two countries consult with each other every year on handing over remains found in the ROK.

From 2014 to 2016, the ROK has returned the remains of 541 Chinese soldiers.

Wang Junsheng, a researcher of Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the move, which embodies the friendship between civilians, shows that the willingness of the two countries to develop bilateral relations has not changed.

However, he added, China's opposition to THAAD is firm.

Da Zhigang, director of the Institute of Northeast Asian Studies at the Heilongjiang Academy of Social Sciences, said the ROK may be hoping that the return of the remains will itself help ease the tension.

"China's position will not change unless the ROK stops the deployment of the anti-missile system," Da said.

He suggested that the ROK should initiate diplomatic or defense talks between the two countries, "if it indeed hopes to ease the strained ties".
Mainland to keep facilitating Taiwan biz development
Xinhua, February 16, 2017

The Chinese mainland will continue to improve the business environment for Taiwanese-invested enterprises to support their development on the mainland, a mainland official said Wednesday.

The mainland has always attached great importance to the sustained development of Taiwanese businesses on the mainland, and has actively supported them, said Zhang Zhijun, head of both the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council.

In 2017, the mainland will continue to work to protect the legitimate rights and interests of all Taiwanese compatriots, and introduce policies and measures to facilitate their study, work, life and pursuit of entrepreneurship on the mainland, Zhang said while addressing a gathering of the Association of Taiwan Investment Enterprises on the Mainland.

Zhang thanked the association for contributing over the last year to the mainland's development, offering internships, jobs and entrepreneurship for Taiwanese youth on the mainland, promoting cross-Strait economic and social integration, and safeguarding the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations.

Stressing that the cross-Strait relations and situation face greater complexity and grimness in 2017, Zhang said the Chinese mainland will unswervingly adhere to political foundation of the 1992 Consensus, resolutely oppose and contain "Taiwan independence," as well as protect and promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations.
China reiterates opposition to THAAD deployment in S. Korea
Source: Xinhua Published: 2017/2/19
China on Saturday voiced its opposition to the US deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), a high-end US missile defense system, in the Republic of Korea (ROK), urging respect from the ROK.

The move came as Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with his ROK counterpart Yun Byung-se on the sidelines of the ongoing Munich Security Conference.

Wang stressed that the security of a nation should not be achieved at the expense of others' security, urging both countries to "remove obstacles" to ensure the healthy development of their bilateral relations.

Regarding the Korean Peninsula issue, Wang said although the situation on the peninsula is getting complicated and severe, efforts to seek peace should not be abandoned.

All related sides, while strictly carrying out the UN resolutions, should also actively explore the resumption of negotiation, he said. "We should end the negative self-reinforcing cycle of the nuclear issue on the peninsula."
Lotte is already experiencing some hardships in China :D
Lotte should move out of China over THAAD land deal

Source: Global Times Published: 2017/2/21

South Korea's Lotte Group is expected to sign a land-swap deal with the South Korean government at the end of this month involving the company's Seongju Golf Course and land owned by the South Korean military to deploy the advanced THAAD missile defense system. The news has generated a strong reaction on the Chinese Internet, with many netizens saying they would boycott Lotte. The company on Monday said its stance remains unchanged and a final decision would be made within the month.

Since news of the land deal between Lotte and the military broke out last year, the conglomerate's business in China has gradually been affected. Construction activity on its project in the northeastern city of Shenyang was halted in December, its flagship store on Taobao, China's biggest online shopping platform, and three supermarket chains in China have been closed down. Although there is no official confirmation, analysts believe this is the price Lotte is paying for providing land for THAAD.

Lotte's image in China has been destroyed by its involvement in the THAAD deployment issue. Prospects for its approximately 120 stores and facilities in China are dim. Chinese tourists make up about 70 percent of Lotte Duty Free Stores' sales, but this is expected to drop.


Lotte should move out of China over THAAD land deal

Source: Global Times Published: 2017/2/21

South Korea's Lotte Group is expected to sign a land-swap deal with the South Korean government at the end of this month involving the company's Seongju Golf Course and land owned by the South Korean military to deploy the advanced THAAD missile defense system. The news has generated a strong reaction on the Chinese Internet, with many netizens saying they would boycott Lotte. The company on Monday said its stance remains unchanged and a final decision would be made within the month.

Since news of the land deal between Lotte and the military broke out last year, the conglomerate's business in China has gradually been affected. Construction activity on its project in the northeastern city of Shenyang was halted in December, its flagship store on Taobao, China's biggest online shopping platform, and three supermarket chains in China have been closed down. Although there is no official confirmation, analysts believe this is the price Lotte is paying for providing land for THAAD.

Lotte's image in China has been destroyed by its involvement in the THAAD deployment issue. Prospects for its approximately 120 stores and facilities in China are dim. Chinese tourists make up about 70 percent of Lotte Duty Free Stores' sales, but this is expected to drop.



I still hope the security crisis will be overcome without much harm done on economic relations. Trade ties should transform security ties, not the vice versa.
CCTV 4 中文国际 – FOCUS TODAY 今日关注 20170227

This 27 Feb segment starts with the South Korean THAAD problem.
"Lotte approves land swap for "THAAD". China warns countermeasures will be taken."

If the South Korea goes on with the THAAD deployment, China should deploy its annihilating "antidotes" in its NE regions, in overwhelming quantity, in order to neutralize the compound in the event of real conflict. No choice but a tit for tat!

Btw the Chinese people everywhere should bid farewell to the many Lotte's businesses. It's a minimum thing that they can do to express their disapproval with the Lotte's involvement in this threatening act towards China's security! Not even a penny for you, Lotte empire.

In broader view the South Korea will place itself as a legitimate tactical target with this AMD / BMD installation in the event of real conflict. The compound in the KOR is part of the USA's latest initiative to deploy the integrated APAC BMD Umbrella (land & sea) to achieve the Nuclear Primacy, trying to neutralize the nuke deterrence incl. the Second Strike capability of China and to lesser part, Russia as well, involving JPN, KOR, AUS, Guam etc. A similar move has been deployed in the European Theater.
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South Korea clears another obstacle for THAAD deployment

SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea’s Lotte Group has approved a land-swap deal with the defense ministry, clearing another hurdle to the deployment of an advanced U.S. anti-missile battery as early as this summer to counter a growing threat from the North.

The defense ministry had reached a tentative agreement in November to exchange military land near Seoul for its hilltop golf course, in a southeastern area that was selected as the home for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system.
A Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, interceptor is launched during a test in 2013.

But the deal stalled over concern about Chinese economic retaliation as Beijing objects to stationing THAAD in the region out of fears its powerful radar could be used to spy on the Chinese military. The U.S. and South Korea insist the battery will be aimed only at North Korea.

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South Korea’s defense ministry said it has now received word that a contract could be signed as early as Tuesday.

Once finalized, the South Koreans will hand over the golf course to the U.S. military, which will then be able to install THAAD.

“To avoid delays in the installation, the ministry will carry out the process of handing over Lotte’s golf course to the U.S. military for THAAD operation and designing the site for a THAAD unit at the same time,” a ministry official told the Yonhap news agency.

Washington and Seoul agreed on the deployment last July after Pyongyang conducted its fourth underground nuclear test and a long-range rocket launch that sparked the current crisis.

Officials expressed increasing urgency about deploying THAAD as North Korea carried out a fifth nuclear test in September and test-fired several other ballistic missiles, including one on Feb. 12.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said in his New Year’s speech that development of an intercontinental ballistic missile, which could reach the U.S. mainland, was in the “final stages.”

Seems South Korea isn't reliable partner in Northeast Asia, they're not better than NK. They're US vassal, not proper independent state, if they 'real' free nation they should re-consider their neighbor state objection even they bind by defense pact with US. They SHOULD do that for sake of South Korean and the region, not by 'request' of foreign nation from thousand miles away. SK already make their call, hope for harsh answer from China and Russia.

Abe's first summit with Trump draws wide public support

Affirmation of Japan-US security ties seen behind 60% approval


The Abe-Trump summit has helped ease concerns among the Japanese public. © Kyodo

TOKYO -- Nearly 60% of the Japanese public liked the outcome of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's meeting with President Donald Trump this month, with the talks easing concerns about bilateral relations under new American leadership, the latest Nikkei survey shows.

Those approving of Abe's summit with Trump reached 58%, far outnumbering the 28% who did not, according to the poll, conducted with TV Tokyo from Friday through Sunday.

Asked about the future of bilateral ties, 13% said they expected improvement. The number marks a 7-point increase from a January survey that asked the same question in slightly different language. Those predicting a worsening of relations fell 38 points to 15%, while those seeing the status quo continuing surged 33 points to 64%.

Many of those who had predicted deteriorating bilateral ties apparently changed their views after the summit, now seeing no changes.

A joint statement declaring that the Senkaku Islands, also claimed by China as the Diaoyu, are protected under the Japan-U.S. security pact seems to be a big factor in the improved perception. Those backing the statement reached 69%, far above the 17% not approving. Even among those who did not view the summit favorably, 47% supported the document, against the 41% who did not.

But the public is not quite convinced of the benefits of a planned new Japan-U.S. economic dialogue, with 38% expecting a positive impact on Japan and 36% not foreseeing such an outcome. Eighteen percent said they could not tell or did not know, followed by the 8% saying the impact would be neither positive nor negative.

Abe managed to avoid thorny discussions over Japan's trade surplus with the U.S. and currency policy -- Trump's favorite targets during his presidential campaign -- by proposing the new economic dialogue. But the new framework could give rise to fresh economic friction between the two countries.

Support for the Abe cabinet fell 6 points to a still-high 60%. By gender, 63% of men expressed approval, down 7 points, while support among women dropped 3 points to 56%. Asked about reasons for support, 41% named stability, followed by the 28% citing international savvy and the 27% trustworthiness.

The cabinet's disapproval rating edged up 4 points to 30%, with 44% citing the fact that it is led by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, followed by the 34% objecting to its policies and the 28% expressing doubts over its trustworthiness.

Among those identifying themselves as politically independent, support for the cabinet plunged 9 points to 34%.

Controversial legislation targeting terrorist plots, retired bureaucrats receiving plum jobs in the private sector, and suspicion over the sale of public land in Osaka seem to have taken a toll on public support for the cabinet, a senior LDP member said.

The survey was conducted by Nikkei Research Inc. via random-digit dialing. It drew 1,001 responses from people aged 18 and older, for a response rate of 47.4%.

S. Korea formally signs land swap deal with Lotte for THAAD
China Daily | 2017-02-28


A woman protests against the deployment of an advanced US missile defense system in front of the Lotte Headquarters in Seoul, South Korea, Feb 27, 2017. Lotte Group, South Korea's fifth-largest conglomerate, decided Monday to offer its golf course to be used as a site for Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD). [Photo/Xinhua]

SEOUL - South Korea's defense ministry on Tuesday signed the land swap deal with Lotte Group for Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD).

A defense ministry official told Xinhua that the contract to exchange military land for the Lotte-owned golf course was formally signed earlier in the day.

Lotte International, a Lotte unit possessing the golf course where the U.S. missile shield is set to be sited, held a board of directors meeting Monday to approve the contract.

Seoul and Washington abruptly announced the decision in July last year to deploy one THAAD battery by the end of this year. The THAAD site was altered in September into the golf course in Seongju county, North Gyeongsang province.

The golf course evaluated at about 89 billion won (78.6 million U.S. dollars) will be swapped for a military land in Gyeonggi province near the capital Seoul, according to the ministry's press release.

Negotiation on the land provision will be launched as the first step between the military authorities of the United States and South Korea. It will be followed by a basic designing of the base, an evaluation of environmental effect and a construction.

To save time, multiple procedures are expected to be carried out simultaneously. An unidentified defense ministry official told a regular briefing that various efforts will be made to move up the deployment date.

Local media speculations say the U.S. missile defense system is forecast to be installed as early as June.


People protest against the deployment of an advanced US missile defense system in front of the Lotte Headquarters in Seoul, South Korea, Feb 27, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua]


People protest against the deployment of an advanced US missile defense system in front of the Lotte Headquarters in Seoul, South Korea, Feb 27, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua]


People protest against the deployment of an advanced US missile defense system in front of the Lotte Headquarters in Seoul, South Korea, Feb 27, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua]


A man protests against the deployment of an advanced US missile defense system in front of the Lotte Headquarters in Seoul, South Korea, Feb 27, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua]
A vested interest decision made by the corrupt regime in Seoul (read "Korea JoongAng Daily") unfortunately will cost severely the entire nation in the event of real conflict does break up between the major powers. The South Korea with such threatening compound will be the sandwiched meat at the very beginning if a military conflict breaks out.

Russians optimistic on improved US ties

Russians optimistic on improved US ties

By Hollie McKay

Published February 20, 2017

MOSCOW – Despite a growing list of potential conflicts between Russia and the U.S., Russian people hold the new U.S president in high regard and entertain strong hopes the two countries will function not only as friends, but joint world leaders.

The list of conflicts that might have estranged Russians from President Trump is lengthy: The ousting of Gen. Michael Flynn as NSA director for lying about his talks with Russian officials over sanctions; Russian fighter jets buzzing a U.S Navy ship in the Black Sea; Trump demanding the return of annexed Crimea to the Ukraine; and investigations into his team's ties to Russian intelligence.

But none of these have apparently dimmed Russian enthusiasm for Trump.

"Russia and America are special, and very much the same. They are not perfect, they both have some corruption," one Russian foreign ministry official, not authorized to speak on-record, told Fox News this week. "But we want many of the same things. I hope we can cooperate. That would be a win-win. Before, there was no cooperation."

The U.S-Russia association has been one of antagonism since the beginning of the Cold War in 1947, with Russia routinely regarded as a top enemy. But from the Russian side, at least, times have changed.

Across the country, from Moscow to Saint Petersburg, Trump souvenirs adorned with American flags can still be spotted in numerous shops. President Trump is featured as a “matryoshka,” or Russian nesting doll. He is also respectfully portrayed on shirts and alongside their own revered leader, Vladimir Putin, on mugs.

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Russian nesting dolls with Trump's image on them. (Hollie McKay)

The official explained that following the Soviet Union’s fall in 1991, "the American Dream was the Russian Dream." However, many were left poor and helpless, eventually giving up on the U.S. hope for help.

"People have lost everything. We were starving. We realized that we must do things our own way, and people stopped believing in western democracy," the source said. "We had to fight very hard to survive and become a country of opportunity. Maybe Russians had a more aggressive mentality in the nineties, but we are past it now. Friendly relations are the only way forward."

Efforts to promote friendly relations are increasing. For the first time, the Roman Catholic Cathedral of St. Mary in Moscow is set to hold an "Easter Friendship" event in April, featuring western classics sung half in English and half in Russian.

"We want to send a message of hope and standing together," event organizer Joshua Levy said.

There is also a growing enthusiasm to expand Russia-U.S relations in the higher education exchange sector. Ivan Kusov, dean of Moscow State University’s branch in Sevastopol, Crimea, told Fox News that while they had no exchange program, students and faculty hold video conferences with California Institute of Technology. Also, last December, Moscow State University students were learning English online with professors from Oklahoma East Central University.

Several Russians insisted that while President Reagan’s view of Russia as the "evil empire" is still prevalent in certain areas, younger generations in particular are much more open-minded.

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The positive regard of Russians for the U.S., however, is not reciprocated by Americans, who appear to be treading more carefully when it comes to a fresh Russian embrace. In a YouGov poll conducted across the U.S earlier this month, entitled "America's Friends and Enemies," 22 percent deemed the Russian Federation an enemy, and a further 33 percent called it an unfriendly state. Just 16 percent ticked the friend box, and three called it an ally, with the remainder having "no opinion" on the matter.

For many Russian civilians the notion of still being branded the villain -- even in Hollywood movies like "X-Men" and FX's "The Americans" -- is perplexing, especially given the spike of globalism jihadism.

Putin has stated repeatedly that the U.S and Russia share a mutual interest in squashing Islamic terrorism abroad. That sentiment is reflected by a popular tourist shirt featuring caricatures of Obama, Germany's Angela Merkel and France's Francois Hollande looking meek and childish while Putin towers over them exclaiming, "You will understand now! Look what you've done now!"

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The issue of the Syrian Civil War, too, is viewed differently in the two countries. Much of the U.S media, along with the former Obama administration and human rights groups, routinely shed light on alleged horrific war crimes and the bombing campaign of Syria’s Assad regime with allied Russian air support -- a depiction that surprises Russian civilians.

"It is war. There is nothing nice about war. But there are more than enough reasons why Russia must be involved," a ministry official said. "If the terrorists take over, the caliphate will have the money to fund jihadists in the Caucasus [mountain region] and spread here. We must protect our Orthodox churches. We are fighting the bad guys."

Many also say that the feverish Trump support leading up to the November election was less about Trump love and more about hating Hillary Clinton.

"She was stressful to us, and was speaking about Russians as enemies," Sergey Nesvitsky, a 34-year-old product marketing professional, said. "So when Mr. Trump won, I was out with friends and we all matched our drinks. We see a good future."

Anna Sorokina, contributing editor for popular news outlet Russia Beyond the Headlines also expressed confidence that most people in Russia are optimistic. She also said "things should be better, not only because of Mr. Trump, but because we are people -- not politicians -- and people should talk with each other."

Another prominent Moscow-based businessman said that the mere notion of Trump attempting rapprochement with Russia was a positive, especially in view of the fact that a Clinton administration would not be expected to make a similar effort.

But just how long the Trump cheering from the ground level lasts remains uncertain. Russia’s tightly controlled media has mostly downplayed tensions with the U.S. political developments, framing the Flynn firing as another U.S intelligence effort to frame Russia as the ultimate adversary. But how much longer Russian people are willing to give the U.S. the benefit of the doubt is uncertain.

Last week, there were reports -- dismissed by Russian officials -- that the Kremlin had ordered state media to ease off on the Trump cheering as controversies and divergences mount.

"Don't forget Russia always needs an external enemy to focus on the foreign affairs of another country," added one U.S official with close ties to the Kremlin. "It portrays a sense of strength, and it takes the focus off the domestic problems."
McMaster Takes Charge: Trump Relinquishes Control of Foreign Policy

By Mike Whitney
Global Research, February 25, 2017
CounterPunch 24 February 2017

The war party is back in power and the odds of normal relations with Russia have dropped to zero.


President Donald Trump shakes hands with US Army Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, his news national security adviser.
at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, on February 20, 2017. (Getty)

The appointment of Army Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster to the position of national security adviser indicates that Trump has done an about-face on his most critical foreign policy issue, normalizing relations with Russia. General Michael Flynn– who recently stepped down from the post following allegations of lying to Vice President Mike Pence –was the main proponent of easing tensions with Moscow which is a position that had been enthusiastically embraced by President Donald Trump. But McMaster does not support normalizing relations with Russia, in fact, McMaster sees Russia as a “hostile revisionist power” that “annex(es) territory, intimidates our allies, develops nuclear weapons, and uses proxies under the cover of modernized conventional militaries.” So, what’s going on? Why has Trump put a Moscow-hating hawk like McMaster in a position where he’ll be able to intensify the pressure on Russia, increase the provocations and, very likely, trigger a conflagration between the two nuclear-armed superpowers?

The appointment of McMaster is an attempt by Trump to placate his enemies in the Intel agencies and foreign policy establishment. Trump is signaling to his adversaries that he will cooperate in carrying out their strategic agenda provided they allow him to finish his term. Trump doesn’t want to end up like Flynn nor does he want to do battle with the all-powerful deep state operatives who can launch one demeaning propaganda blitz after the other followed by years of excruciating investigations leading inevitably to a lengthy and humiliating impeachment that leaves Trump a broken, discredited shambles. That’s not how Trump wants to end his career in politics. He wants to end it on a high note, riding a wave of burgeoning affection and love.

That’s why he picked McMaster. The neocons love him, the liberal interventionists love him, the media loves him and the entire political establishment loves him. Everyone loves him. He’s the “warrior-scholar” who ‘speaks truth to power’ and writes futuristic books on ‘generation warfare’, ‘information superiority’ and ‘predictive battlespace awareness’ all of which delight his devoted admirers. The downside of McMaster is that he is a hard-boiled militarist with a driving animus towards Russia. Judging by his writing on the topic, I would expect a broader and more lethal conflict to flare up in either Syria or Ukraine as soon as he gets settled in his new job.

Bottom line: The removal of Flynn has convinced Trump that powerful elements within the national security state have him in their crosshairs. As a result, Trump has relinquished control of foreign policy and handed the whole mess over to gladiator McMaster who will coordinate with Sec-Def General James Mattis on a new strategy to deploy US troops to East Syria and West Iraq to establish a permanent military presence in “occupied” Sunnistan. (The area will also be used for natural gas pipeline corridors connecting Qatar to the EU) The strategy in Ukraine will focus primarily on luring Russia into a long and resource-draining war that will further depress the ailing Russian economy precipitating political instability, social unrest and regime change. That is the hope at least, that Russia’s wars abroad will lead to the ousting of Vladimir Putin.

Here’s a few clips from a presentation McMaster gave at the Center for Strategic and International Studies on May 4, 2016. They help to clarify the man’s ominous world view:

…what I’d really like to talk to you about is (the) period we’re in right now, a period of increasing risks…risks to our nation, to our allies, and really all of humanity……….

globally – the situation in connection with U.S. vital interests and security – .. is changing really in a direction that’s going to raise additional challenges to the U.S. and U.S. national security…. what we’re seeing is a shift in geopolitics in a way that imposes great dangers and has elevated the risk of a major international military crisis to the highest level in the last 70 years. A number of scholars are writing about this – Jakub Grygiel and Wess Mitchell in particular in their great recent book “Unquiet Frontier,” where they describe revisionist powers, Russia and China in particular on the Eurasian landmass, that are surrounded by weak states which are now becoming battlegrounds, areas of competition at the far reaches of American power. (“Harbingers of Future War: Implications for the Army with Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster”, The Center for Strategic and International Studies)​

We have discussed the “pivot to Asia” ad nauseam in this column. McMaster’s comments help to underscore the fact that the struggle to control the “Eurasian landmass”, the center of economic growth for the next century, is at the heart of the US imperial crusade which is now entering a new and more dangerous phase.


I also think Margaret MacMillan’s great essay written in 2014 making the analogy between 2014 and 1914, and really making the point that geopolitics is back; maybe our – what we might call our holiday from history in the post-Cold War period is over.​

So in McMaster’s mind, another global conflagration on a par with World War 1 is now in the making. Unlike most people, he sees this as a challenge rather than an apocalyptic event that should be avoided at all cost.


I think what might have punctuated the end of the post-Cold War period is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and annexation of Crimea. Now, this was – this was not really a new development in terms of Russian aggression. I think you can go back to the denial-of-service attacks on the Baltic states in 2007, certainly the invasion of Georgia in 2008.​

McMaster is extremely well read and follows the news closely. He knows that Georgia attacked South Ossetia and that Putin –who was at the Olympics at the time– merely responded. Why is McMaster deliberately misleading his audience about the details? And why doesn’t he explain how the elected government of Ukraine was toppled in a CIA-State Department coup? Those facts are readily available to anyone who has seriously researched the incident.

It seems obvious that McMaster is twisting the truth to make his case against Russia.


…even though it may have been apparent at least since 2008 that Russia was changing its geostrategic behavior … what we’re seeing now is we’ve awakened to, obviously, this threat from Russia, who is waging limited war for limited objectives – annexing Crimea, invading Ukraine – at zero cost, consolidating gains over that territory, and portraying the reaction by us and allies and partners as escalatory.​

The “threat from Russia”? In other words, NATO is not responsible for its relentless push eastward expanding its grip on all the former Soviet satellites in east Europe, deploying its tanks, heavy artillery, troops and missile systems right onto Russia’s doorstep. No. Instead, Russia should be blamed for its fictitious invasion of Crimea.

McMaster is basing his argument on fake facts and a convoluted interpretation of events that doesn’t square with reality. Russia is the victim of US-NATO aggression not the perpetrator.

McMaster then offers a remedy for so called ‘Russian aggression’: “…what is required to deter a strong nation that is waging limited war for limited objectives on battlegrounds involving weaker states … is forward deterrence, to be able to ratchet up the cost at the frontier, and to take an approach to deterrence that is consistent with deterrence by denial, convincing your enemy that your enemy is unable to accomplish his objectives at a reasonable cost rather than sort of an offshore balancing approach and the threat of punitive action at long distance later, which we know obviously from – recent experience confirms that that is inadequate.”

“Forward deterrence”? This needs to be clarified.

What McMaster is saying, is that, instead of threatening to retaliate at some time in the future, the US should use ‘deterrence by denial’, that is, make it as hard and as costly as possible for Russia to achieve its strategic objectives. By defeating ISIS in Eastern Syria and establishing permanent US military bases, McMaster intends to prevent Russia from restoring Syria’s sovereign borders which is one of the primary goals of the mission. The “safe zones” that Trump has talked about recently, fit perfectly with this same strategy as they undermine Moscow’s efforts to reunify the state and bring the conflict to an end.

This appears to be the plan that McMaster will pursue as national security adviser. Expect US ground troops to be deployed to Syria as soon as the details are worked out.

More from McMaster:

… what Russia is employing…is a sophisticated strategy…that combines conventional forces as cover for unconventional action, but a much more sophisticated campaign involving the use of criminality and organized crime, and really operating effectively on this battleground of perception and information, and in particular part of a broader effort to sow doubt and conspiracy theories across our alliance. And this effort, I believe, is aimed really not at defensive objectives, but at offensive objectives – to collapse the post-World War II, certainly the post-Cold War, security, economic, and political order in Europe, and replace that order with something that is more sympathetic to Russian interests.​

The Russian strategy employs “criminality and organized crime” to effect “perception and information”?

This is just more demonization of Russia intended to make the case for war. Putin does not want a war with the US nor does he want to “collapse the post-World War II order… and replace that order with something that is more sympathetic to Russian interests.”

Putin is a firm believer in capitalism and still participates in the G-20 and WTO. What Putin objects to is the US using its extraordinary power to topple regimes it doesn’t like spreading death and instability across the planet. That’s what he opposes, the persistent meddling that undermines global security. Is that so unreasonable?


So what do all these conflicts have in common is they’re about the control of territory, people and resources. ….what we need is that synergy between the joint force, where our forces have the capability and the capacity to deter conflict and, if that fails, to resolve conflict in our interest – to protect our security and our vital interests. And that may entail imposing outcomes without the cooperation of the enemy, and that has significant implications for the Army in particular.​

In other words, we are going to continue to fight for oil and markets (our “vital interests”), we’re going to go it alone if necessary, and if somebody tries to stop us, we’re going to annihilate them.

Isn’t that what he’s saying?

You know it is. There’s not going to be normal relations between Russia and the US on McMaster’s watch. The man believes we are in a life or death struggle with an evil enemy that wants to do us harm. That’s not the basis for building peaceful relations. It’s a justification for war.


Mike Whitney lives in Washington state. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press). Hopeless is also available in a Kindle edition. He can be reached at fergiewhitney@msn.com.


The very hawkish mind now back at the front seats in D.C., just watch out they're beating the drums for wars, in MENA & Europe Theater against Russia and in Asia Pacific Theater against China. And don't forget about Eurasia, look again at the essence of Mackinder's Heartland Theory, Brzezinski's Grand Chessboard. Just give them a year or two to watch their moves closely. Unfortunately for the world, guys like these kinds only understand the language of military might. Luckily China is not sleeping all these years, on the contrary is actively catching up in developing all the military assets. The same can be said upon Russia under Vladimir Putin as well, after the great setback during Boris Yeltsin era.

"Si vis pacem, para bellum, if you wish for peace, prepare for war." - Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus in 'Epitoma Rei Militaris'
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Lotte's land offer for THAAD may become nightmare for business
(Xinhua) 10:50, February 28, 2017


People protest against the deployment of an advanced U.S. missile defense system in front of the Lotte Headquarters in Seoul, South Korea, Feb. 27, 2017. Lotte Group, South Korea's fifth-largest conglomerate, decided Monday to offer its golf course to be used as a site for Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD). (Xinhua/Lee Sang-ho)

SEOUL - Lotte Group, South Korea's biggest operator of department stores and duty free shops, decided Monday to offer land for the US missile shield deployment, endangering its operation both in China and South Korea.

The decision could turn into a nightmare for Lotte, which depends heavily on Chinese tourists to South Korea for revenue from duty free stores. The South Korea's fifth-biggest conglomerate is struggling with businesses in China after entering the world's biggest consumer market in 1994.

Lotte International, a Lotte unit possessing a golf course where the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery is set to be sited, held a board of directors meeting to approve the deal, under which the golf course will be exchanged for military land near the capital Seoul.

Seoul and Washington agreed in July last year to deploy one THAAD battery in southeast South Korea by the end of this year. The site was changed in September into the golf course amid strong oppositions from residents, who have yet to be appeased by the alteration.

Seoul's defense ministry said the contract can be formally signed as early as Tuesday. The THAAD deployment will gain speed as the land swap deal was the last remaining obstacle to the launch of the installation process.

In response to the THAAD deployment, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang said on Monday at a regular news briefing that "China expresses firm opposition and strong dissatisfaction."

The THAAD deployment seriously undermines regional strategic balance and the strategic security interests of regional countries including China, and is not favorable to safeguarding peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula, said Geng.

China will take necessary measures to safeguard its security interests, and the US and South Korea will have to bear all the resulting consequences, he said.

The deployment may not be totally responsible for Lotte, but the conglomerate may have to take a large portion of responsibility as the land swap deal was announced amid suspicions over Lotte Group Chairman Shin Dong-bin for corruption.

An arrest warrant for Shin was rejected in late September, just before the announcement to alter the THAAD site into the Lotte property. Shin was accused of embezzlement and breach of trust worth hundreds of millions of US dollars.

Lotte also regained its duty free shop license in December despite its alleged involvement in a corruption scandal that led to President Park Geun-hye's impeachment. The retail giant is suspected of donating millions of dollars to nonprofit foundations controlled by Choi Soon-sil, Park's longtime confidante who is at the center of the scandal.

In addition to the donations, Lotte may have agreed to the land swap contract with the defense ministry in return for the rejection of Shin's detention and the restoration of the license to operate downtown duty free shops.

The allegations would alienate Chinese consumers and tourists to South Korea, who Lotte heavily depends on for revenue. Exasperated Chinese people may boycott Lotte products and services in their country.

Lotte generated nearly 70 percent of duty free shop revenue in 2016 from Chinese travelers visiting South Korea. Last year's revenue amounted to some 6 trillion won (5.3 billion US dollars).

Over 20 Lotte affiliates are doing businesses in China. Possible boycott campaign among Chinese consumers would hit hardest Lotte, which is already struggling with deficits there.

Lotte and the South Korean military initially planned to sign the deal in January, but it was postponed on growing objections at home and abroad. Lotte's board meeting on Feb 3 also delayed the signing amid lingering worries about possible negative ramifications.
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This whole segment is dedicated to: Lotte - THAAD - ROK
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