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Northeast Asia Geostrategic Forum

Last Updated: Thursday, October 27, 2016 - 15:09
Beijing: China`s Defence Ministry on Thursday accused Japanese air force jets of locking their radars on to Chinese military aircraft, acting provocatively and endangering safety, after Japan said it is scrambling a record number of fighter jets.

China and Japan have long been mired in a territorial dispute over a group of tiny, uninhabited East China Sea islands, called the Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China.

Patrol ships and fighter jets from Asia`s two biggest economies have been shadowing each other on and off near the islets, raising fears that a confrontation could result in a clash.

In the six months ending in September, Japanese fighters scrambled to chase Chinese planes 407 times compared with 231 times in the same period last year, the Japanese Air Self-Defence Force said in mid-October, an increase of about three-quarters.

Chinese Defence Ministry spokesman Wu Qian said Chinese air force activities accorded with international law and norms, and that it was Japan which was increasing its monitoring and interfering in normal training exercises.

"What is more, when aircraft of the Japan Self-Defence Forces encounter Chinese aircraft, their radars light up, they let off infrared jamming projectiles and show other unprofessional, dangerous provocative behaviour," Wu said at a monthly briefing.

"This endangers the safety Chinese aircraft and personnel and is the root of the China-Japan maritime and air problem."

China urges Japan to adopt a responsible attitude and prevent such incidents from happening, he added.

Japan worries that as China increases its control over the South China Sea, it is turning its attention to expanding its influence in the East China Sea and into the western Pacific.

China insists regular patrols in the region are its right and intended to protect national security and sovereignty.

Tokyo`s support for a July ruling by an arbitration court in the Hague that invalidated China`s sweeping claims in the disputed South China Sea, a case brought by the Philippines, has also angered Beijing.

China refuses to recognise that decision and says countries not directly involved in the disputes, namely the United States and Japan, should not get involved.

Japan is strengthening its ties in the region, in particular with the Philippines and Vietnam, which contest China`s claims to parts of the sea, and it aims to help build the capacity of coastal states in the busy waterway.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said on Thursday his country could join naval exercises with Japan.


First Published: Thursday, October 27, 2016 - 15:08

China, DPRK hold 3rd meeting of joint border commission
Xinhua, October 26, 2016

China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Wednesday wrapped up the third meeting of a joint border commission in Pyongyang.

The two sides reviewed the implementation of the agreement on the border management system since the second meeting and had an in-depth exchange of opinion on law enforcement and control of the border, cross-border infrastructure, cooperation in border regions and ports opening, where consensus was made.

The DPRK side appreciated the assistance given by the Chinese side in relief efforts after the flooding of the Tumen River and post-disaster reconstruction.

The two sides expressed their willingness to continue to make good use of the joint commission mechanism and strengthen communication and collaboration to jointly safeguard peace and stability of the border areas.

They also exchanged views on other issues concerning bilateral relations.

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin and DPRK Vice Foreign Minister Pak Myong Guk attended the meeting. Present at the meeting were officials of public security, environmental protection, transport, water conservancy, national defense and port affairs from the two countries
China dissatisfied with S. Korea using force against Chinese fishing boats
(CRI Online) November 03, 2016


Hua Chunying pictured on Nov. 2. [Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs]

China's foreign ministry has expressed its strong dissatisfaction with South Korea's use of force against Chinese fishing boats.

The opposition was voiced by Hua Chunying, spokesperson with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at a regular press briefing on Wednesday.

The foreign ministry is urging South Korea's law enforcement agencies to refrain from the use of force, which could endanger the lives of Chinese fishermen.

"China has repeatedly made solemn representations to South Korea concerning its violent law enforcement actions. Under complicated maritime conditions, utilization of lethal weapons can easily result in casualties and property loss," said Hua.

On Tuesday, the South Korean Coast Guard fired machine guns at two fishing boats, allegedly due to illegal fishing activities in South Korean waters.

No casualties were reported in the incident.
S.Korean president not to attend APEC summit amid snowballing scandal
(Xinhua) November 08, 2016

South Korean President Park Geun-hye will not attend the Asia-Pacific summit meeting slated for later this month amid a snowballing political scandal involving the president's longtime confidante and former aides, Seoul's foreign ministry said on Tuesday.

Seoul's foreign ministry spokesman Cho June-hyuck told a routine press briefing that President Park decided not to participate in the summit meeting of Asia-Pacific leaders in consideration of grave security situations on the Korean peninsula.

The decision was already made in September following the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)'s fifth nuclear device test in the month, the spokesman said.

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit is scheduled to be held in the Peruvian capital of Lima for two days from Nov. 19.

It would mark the first time since the Asia-Pacific leaders' meeting was launched in 1993 that a South Korean president is absent from the gathering.

Park's absence decision came amid a rising turmoil in the South Korean political sphere over the scandal involving Choi Soon-sil, the president's decades-long friend suspected of intervening in state affairs behind the scenes.

The first South Korean female leader fired eight presidential secretaries and named three cabinet members, including a new prime minister, but opposition parties had boycotted the "unilateral" nomination of the country's No.2 executive position.

President Park visited the parliamentary building, saying she will accept a new prime minister proposed by an agreement between ruling and opposition parties.

Non-President Park faction lawmakers within the governing party have demanded Park drop her party affiliation amid the falling approval rating of the president that hit the lowest for any South Korean president.

The foreign ministry spokesman told reporters that who will attend the APEC summit on behalf of the embattled president will be announced early next week, adding the ministry is bracing for all possibilities.


This is good. She will not be meeting Obama for a last time. Let's see THAAD will go down with her or not.
The situation is not improving...

Opposition rejects President's offer
Posted : 2016-11-09 17:29
Updated : 2016-11-09 21:27
By Kim Hyo-jin

The three main opposition parties rejected, Wednesday, President Park Geun-hye's offer for the National Assembly to select a new prime minister.

The main opposition Democratic Party of Korea (DPK), the People's Party and the Justice Party instead decided to join a rally demanding Park's resignation, scheduled for Saturday near Cheong Wa Dae.

The move could deal a blow to Park, who is seeking to normalize state affairs and overcome a leadership crisis triggered by the corruption scandal involving her confidant Choi Soon-sil through cooperation with the opposition.

Amid a growing public outcry, Park asked the Assembly to pick a new prime minister, Tuesday, withdrawing her prior nomination of Kim Byong-joon, which was criticized by the opposition bloc as a unilateral move.

Calling the President's offer "not worth considering," the opposition leaders vowed to actively participate in the anti-Park rally instead of discussing potential candidates.

"It deserves no consideration," said Rep. Youn Kwan-suk, the DPK chief spokesman. "We decided to channel our energies into the upcoming rally as it will be a critical event reflecting the public call and sentiment."

Youn said the parties agreed to push for an independent counsel and an Assembly investigation into the scandal while urging the prosecution to conduct an exhaustive probe.

However, the parties were at odds over whether to demand Park step down, said People's Party spokesman Rep. Son Kum-ku.

"We couldn't discuss it further due to differences of opinion," he said. "But the DPK and People's Party agreed to call on the President to give up her ruling party membership."

The Justice Party remained adamant in its stance that Park be forced from office and the ruling party through major reforms, while the remaining opposition parties were reluctant to make such calls.

The spokesmen said the leaders will meet again after the rally to discuss how to make a joint move against the President.

Following Park's proposal Tuesday, the opposition parties criticized her for falling short of clarifying the scope of authority to be wielded by the new prime minister.

They argued that she should step aside from her governing role, handing full authority over to the new prime minister.

"Park failed to explain to what extent she will delegate her authority to the prime minister," said Rep. Park Jie-won, interim leader of the People's Party. "If our call is not heard, we will be raising candles along with the public on Nov. 12."

Earlier in the day, Bae Sung-rye, senior presidential secretary for public relations, reiterated in a meeting with reporters that the President will clearly guarantee that the new prime minister would strongly exercise all rights enshrined in the Constitution, including the right to recommend the dismissal of Cabinet members.

He also said if the parties recommend a suitable figure, Park would appoint him or her without delay.

Meanwhile, the ruling Saenuri Party urged the opposition parties to start talks to select the new prime minister in an effort to settle the political quandary.

It criticized the opposition parties for aggravating the situation, saying the President accepted all of their demands.

"They are forcing Park to give up her role as chief of state but it is not possible as the Constitution disallows the President from handing over the rights to exercise supreme command or proclaim martial law," Saenuri floor leader Chung Jin-suk said. "They are practically saying the President should step down."
Former Japan PM apologizes for WWII bombardment of China
(Xinhua) 18:47, November 10, 2016


(File photo)

CHONGQING, Nov. 10 -- Japan's former prime minister Yukio Hatoyama apologized for his country's bombardment of southwest China's Chongqing during World War II at the 2016 China International Friendship Cities Conference Thursday.

Hatoyama made the apology at the opening of the conference in Chongqing, the wartime capital of the Kuomintang government, where Japanese air-strikes from 1939 to 1941 left more than 30,000 people dead or injured.

In his speech, Hatoyama criticized Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for inflating the "China threat", noting that such remarks will bring tension to the region. He said that an East Asian Community with China, Japan, South Korea and ASEAN at the center would reduce nationalism.

Friendship cities are important in communication between countries, he said, adding that political, economic and cultural exchanges alleviate conflict and promote integration.

Over 700 representatives from around the world joined this year's conference.


I wish he was not forced to step down.

@GS Zhou
Russian State Duma ratifies China-Russia anti-terrorism agreement
2016-11-12 09:53 | Xinhua | Editor: Li Yan

The Russian State Duma, or the lower house of parliament, ratified an agreement on Friday between China and Russia on cooperation in fighting against terrorism, separatism and extremism.

Russian President Vladimir Putin submitted the agreement to the State Duma for parliamentary ratification on Sept. 28.

The agreement, signed in Beijing on Sept. 27, 2010, is aimed at developing bilateral cooperation in combating terrorism, separatism and extremism by taking joint measures to prevent and stop terrorist attacks.

The two countries will exchange information in fighting criminal activities of terrorists and extremists, hold regular meetings and consultations, and work together to prevent and suppress crimes in the border regions between China and Russia.

The agreement also introduces norms for joint investigation of crimes at the request of the other country, and stipulates the exchange and joint manufacture of special equipment between the two countries.

The agreement is a follow-up to the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism, signed on June 15, 2001, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Convention on Counter-Terrorism, signed on June 16, 2009.
National Library of China to create database of Japan’s historic investigations of China

By Zhang Tianrui (People's Daily Online) 17:57, November 16, 2016


National Library of China

On Nov. 15, the National Library of China announced plans to establish a database of investigation records that Japanese residents of China compiled in the early 20th century. The publication of the collection of East Asia Tongwen College marks the start of the database, which will grow to include journals and reports.

Founded by Japan in the city of Shanghai, East Asia Tongwen College, which now is Aichi University in Japan, used to allow its students to conduct investigations in China, to provide references for the Japanese government. These investigations guided Japan's policies toward China from 1901 to 1945.

Around 3,000 Japanese students divided into almost 700 groups participated in the investigations, comprehensively recording details of China's politics, economy, social life, culture and customs, offering significant insights into the late Qing Dynasty (1901-1912) and the Republic of China (1912-1949).

Fang Zijin, proprietor of the National Library Press, said that the National Library possesses around 2,000 volumes of investigation archives recorded between 1927 and 1943, while Aichi University has 650 volumes from between 1916 and 1935. The massive collection is currently very inconvenient for those looking to search and utilize the records. The National Library therefore plans to reorganize and photocopy the reference materials.

Han Yongjin, director of the National Library, said that the library will continue to sort and digitalize historical materials related to Japan’s investigation of China. Meanwhile, the library will join with other institutions worldwide to facilitate information collection and share database access.
China urges Mongolia to scrap Dalai Lama visit
(CRI Online) 09:58, November 19, 2016


(Photo of Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang)

China is strongly urging its northern neighbor Mongolia to stick to its commitment to Tibet-related issues for maintaining the sound development of bilateral ties.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang reiterated that the 14th Dalai Lama is a political refugee who has long been engaged in activities to split China and alienate Tibet from China in the name of religion.

He noted China firmly opposes visits by the Dalai Lama to any foreign country.

"China resolutely opposes the Dalai Lama visiting any country to carry out anti-China separatist activities in any name or in any capacity. We also stand firmly against all forms of contacts between officials from any country and the Dalai Lama. We strongly demand that Mongolia, for the purpose of maintaining the general picture of a sound and steady development of bilateral ties, earnestly stick to its commitment on Tibet-related issues, do not allow the visit by the Dalai Lama and do not provide any form of support and convenience to the group of the Dalai Lama."

Dalai Lama was due to start a four-day visit to Mongolia on Friday evening local time.


Not sure Mongolia cancelled the trip or not. If not, I am afraid hundreds of students from Mongolia on China scholarship will be negatively effected.
China, Japan hold security dialogue
2016-11-29 09:41 | Xinhua | Editor: Mo Hong'e

Chinese and Japanese officials from foreign affairs and defense ministries held a security dialogue in Beijing on Monday.

Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou and Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Takeo Akiba co-chaired the dialogue.

The Chinese side aired concerns about Japan's developments in military and security areas in recent years, urging Japan to adhere to peaceful development and maintain regional stability, development and prosperity through peaceful means, according to a press release.

The Japanese side said it will follow its "exclusively defense-oriented policy" and that Japan is willing to build mutual trust with China through dialogue.

Both sides agreed to maintain communication and cooperation in defense and security, and manage differences to improve bilateral relations.


This is a welcome development among two neighbors.
China, Japan to hold talks on maritime affairs
(Xinhua) 19:10, December 07, 2016

BEIJING, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) -- China and Japan will hold the sixth round of high-level consultations on maritime affairs this week in Haikou, capital of China's southern Hainan Province.

Officials from both countries' foreign ministries, defense ministries and other government organs, including marine law enforcement and management departments, will attend the talks, lasting from Wednesday to Friday, according to foreign ministry spokesperson Lu Kang.

China stands ready to exchange opinions on maritime-related issues with the Japanese side and strengthen understanding and mutual trust, Lu said at a daily press briefing.

The China-Japan high-level consultations on maritime affairs were set up in January 2012, with the first round of talks held in May of the same year in Hangzhou, capital of eastern China's Zhejiang Province.

The fifth round of consultations was held this September in Japan's Hiroshima, with the two sides agreeing to speed up negotiations on air and maritime contact. Enditem
They have gone past talking, they have agreed to launch the contact system. Good for NE Asia.

China, Japan agree on early launch of air, maritime contact system
2016-12-11 09:04 | Xinhua | Editor: Feng Shuang

China and Japan have agreed to work for the creation of an air and maritime contact system between their defense ministries as early as possible.

The agreement was reached during the sixth round of high-level consultations on maritime affairs between the two countries's various departments, held from Wednesday to Friday in China's southern city of Haikou.

They also agreed to hold the first meeting of expert discussions on marine pollution before March 2017, and expand information exchanges to jointly crack down on transnational crimes such as smuggling and drug trafficking.

The two sides pledged to beef up cooperation on fisheries management and sign a marine search and rescue agreement as early as possible.

China and Japan also exchanged views on the East China Sea issue and agreed to hold the seventh round of high-level consultations on maritime affairs in Japan in the first half of next year.
Sony bets on China for profits
2016-12-13 09:06 | Shanghai Daily | Editor: Huang Mingrui

Sony Corp expects China to contribute substantially to its global profit, which is expected to double to 500 billion yen ($4.32 billion) in 2017.

Sony profits have soared in China with sales of mirror-less camera, premium TV, professional systems and solutions and game business, said Hiroshi Takahashi, Sony China's president.

In the fiscal year ending September 30, Sony posted a net profit of 270 billion yen, which was less than expected because of an earthquake in Japan earlier this year.

"Even the rebound was ambitious after the earthquake. China plays an important part and contributes great portion" of the growth, said Takahashi, who was appointed as Sony China president in April.

China, Japan and the United States are the top three regional markets for Sony.


No doubt, China is important to Sony, Apple, etc....
MHPS Successfully Completes Turbine Generator Initial Turbine Roll Testing for Two Nuclear Power Plants in China
December 7, 2016 by ACN Newswire in Press Releases


Turbine generator for the Haiyang Unit 1 nuclear power plant​

YOKOHAMA, Japan, Dec 7, 2016 – (JCN Newswire) – Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. (MHPS) has successfully completed the initial turbine roll testing for the Sanmen Unit 1 and Haiyang Unit 1 nuclear power plants, which is one of the important test items in the secondary system (turbine system) for pressurized water reactors (PWR). Both power plants will now go on to carry out fuel loading and various load testing, with operations scheduled to begin in the second half of 2017.

The Sanmen plants are being built by Sanmen Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. in Sanmen, Zhejiang Province, located about 300 kilometer south of Shanghai, while the Haiyang plants are being built by Shandong Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. in Haiyang, Shandong Province, about 130 kilometer east of Qingdao. Both power plants have an output of 1250 megawatt for each power generation facilities and the primary (nuclear reactor) systems of Sanmen 1 and Haiyang 1 will adopt the world's first and second commercialized 3rd Generation 1000 megawatt class PWRs (AP1000 of Toshiba-Westinghouse) respectively.

MHPS won successive orders for secondary system facilities at units 1 and 2 of both power plants in 2007 and 2008, in cooperation with Mitsubishi Electric and the major local company Harbin Electric Corporation. MHPS is responsible for providing four turbine generator units at the two power plants, comprising twelve low-pressure turbines and four high-pressure turbines. Harbin Electric is responsible for providing turbine casing, auxiliary equipment and so on, and Mitsubishi Electric and Harbin Electric will both supply are responsible for providing two generators each.

Initial Turbine Roll Tests are performed in order to confirm that no problems are encountered at any stage in the operation. The test at Sanmen 1 in particular, which attracted attention as an important benchmark for the nuclear power industry globally, since it was the first time that a 3rd generation PWR unit had been introduced. As the tests ran smoothly, both power companies gave favorable evaluations for MHPS's engineering capabilities, product quality and detailed technical support.

Going forward MHPS will continue to contribute to alleviating energy and environmental problems through the provision of safe and reliable nuclear power generation equipment and facilities including nuclear turbine power generation facilities for the global market.

Ant Financial makes inroads in South Korea
China Daily, December 16, 2016


The logo of Ant Financial. [Xinhua]

China's internet finance heavyweight Ant Financial Service Group gained another foothold in overseas expansion, after a local lender it helped launch obtained the first operating license for internet-only banks from South Korean regulators.

The move accords with a company strategy to advance the idea of inclusive finance, as the nation's top wireless payment provider has a goal to serve 2 billion customers over the next decade around the globe.

With regulatory clearance, K-Bank is allowed to provide all banking services, including deposits, loans, credit cards, financing and foreign exchange in South Korea, the company said on Thursday.

It would mark the first time in 24 years for a brand-new bank to be started in South Korea, according to the Financial Services Commission. The envisioned bank will be capitalized at 250 billion won ($213 million) with around 150 employees and headquartered in downtown Seoul, Yonhap News reported.

Ant Financial is the sole Chinese shareholder among a group of 20 institutional investors, including telecom carrier KT Corp.

Ant Financial said the K-Bank represents a "unique globalization model" that differs from overseas mergers and acquisitions-a common path taken by Chinese firms as they expand globally.

"We export our leading technologies and expand our global influence. We expect it to become a new 'Chinese name card' and consolidate our position in the industry," the company said in an emailed statement to China Daily.

K-Bank marks yet another cause for celebration for Ant Financial after its parent Alibaba Group Holding Ltd upped its stake in Paytm, an Alipay-like payment system in India.

"Going global is clearly one of the priorities for Alibaba. Partnerships in cross-border internet finance will be instrumental in promoting its e-commerce business abroad," said analyst Li Chao from iResearch Consultancy Group.

Alipay was created in 2004 as a tool to facilitate transactions on Alibaba's Taobao platform. But it has enjoyed exponential growth since by launching a string of financial products and services ranging from insurance, small business loans to wealth management.

Ant Financial, which owns the blockbuster tool, holds powerful stakes as it rolls out business abroad. It banks on the 450 million users to embrace the cashless mobile payments in China, according to iResearch figures. By offering an escrow service, Alipay handles around half of the estimated $738 billion Chinese people spent online last year.
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