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North Korean Rocket Said to Fail Moments After Liftoff

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^^^^with your high IQ, why is your space agency a trash.......
Why would you care to make a comment when I "disappear?" I don't have the time to follow comments of 12 years old Indians. I stopped burning your nationality on IQ because it simply is too racist. There's nothing you can say to combat what you're born with. But if you do insist on me bringing up IQ again...

IQ by Country | EUTimes.net

Tier 1

Japan 105
China 105

Tier 2

Italy 102
Iceland 101

Tier 3
Canada 99
US 98

Tier 4

Portugal 95
Romania 94

Tier 5

Malaysia 92
Turkey 90

Tier 6

Indonesia 87
Brazil 87

Tier 7

India 82
Bhutan 80

Tier 8 (near mental deficiency)
Uganda 73
South Africa 72

IQ research is done by Western institutions and published in press and other sources such as Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations by Richard Lynn. It's one of the rare occurrences where it has nothing to do with China. They simply score objectively high on it.

The intelligence of Indians is 1 tier above Africans, the lowest of humanity.

u know only low life low self esteem people need constant reminder or SUPPORT that their IQ is high... Chinese IQ is definately below the Indians and its proof is the way they live under constant restrictions of the ccp without raising their voice even once...

a high IQ society will never accept such slavery and will protest to demand their freedom... not only that China copies the brands even from India.. search for Gulsar?? so what happened to the chinese iq so that they needed to copy bike from Indian brands...:lol: chinese have one of the lowest IQs in the world...

they neeed to copy everything from others, from India, Russia, US, Uk everyone.. and their whole life is regulated by ccp.. so that proves their IQ levels..
page #5 is epic when it comes to whitewash of low IQ chinese...pathetic chinese propaganda has been nicely washed away by Indian members...it also proves how chinese resort to low IQ,GDP etc etc when they can not win an arguments...shame shame shame on CCP mouthpieces
Why would you care to make a comment when I "disappear?" I don't have the time to follow comments of 12 years old Indians. I stopped burning your nationality on IQ because it simply is too racist. There's nothing you can say to combat what you're born with. But if you do insist on me bringing up IQ again...

IQ by Country | EUTimes.net

Tier 1

Japan 105
China 105

Tier 2

Italy 102
Iceland 101

Tier 3
Canada 99
US 98

Tier 4

Portugal 95
Romania 94

Tier 5

Malaysia 92
Turkey 90

Tier 6

Indonesia 87
Brazil 87

Tier 7

India 82
Bhutan 80

Tier 8 (near mental deficiency)
Uganda 73
South Africa 72

IQ research is done by Western institutions and published in press and other sources such as Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations by Richard Lynn. It's one of the rare occurrences where it has nothing to do with China. They simply score objectively high on it.

The intelligence of Indians is 1 tier above Africans, the lowest of humanity.


North Korea beat China on IQ ... consistently. (as per your own link).

No wonder Chinese and North Koreans rockets make their "IQ" very evident... cpc propaganda gets exposed.

poor chinese ....
I love chinese screaming and crying ... example above ^^^^.

They themselves prove that their IQ is inversely proportional to the Font Size they use.

If only they could change their IQ as simply as they could change the font size. LOL.

Chinese -> fit only for slave labour. Keep there.
What just because they have Christian names they can't be Indian? :what:

George Koshy- Alumnus of IIT Bombay, been with ISRO since 1972.

Mr Leo Jackson John- Alumnus IIT Madras

And in case if you are wondering about the other christian name in the list, Dr T.K.Alex- Alumnus IIT Madras, very much an Indian.


Get out of the well and broaden your horizon.

I was posting that as a question to another low iq indian OffBeat and he messed it up terribly with crazy answers about payloads!
where is the link to foreign payload?....

This is truly epic.....:rofl:

you are asking a question, whose answer is given in the link YOU provided yourself....

Here is the link which YOU yourself provided.....
Chandrayaan-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Go through the article carefully....specially the parts about the payloads.....

OH!!!!.....I forgot about your IQ.....you won't be able to find it....

So I have done the work for you.....just read it....

"Payload from other countries
C1XS or X-ray fluorescence spectrometer covering 1- 10 keV, mapped the abundance of Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, and Fe at the surface with a ground resolution of 25 km, and monitored solar flux.[31] This payload results from collaboration between Rutherford Appleton laboratory, U.K, ESA and ISRO. It was activated on 23 November 2008.[32]
SARA, The Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyser from the ESA mapped mineral composition using low energy neutral atoms emitted from the surface.[33][34]
M3, the Moon Mineralogy Mapper from Brown University and JPL (funded by NASA) is an imaging spectrometer designed to map the surface mineral composition. It was activated on 17 December 2008.[35]
SIR-2, A near infrared spectrometer from ESA, built at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Polish Academy of Science and University of Bergen, also maped the mineral composition using an infrared grating spectrometer. The instrument is similar to that of the Smart-1 SIR.[36][37] It was activated on 19 November 2008 and scientific observations were successfully started on 20 November 2008.[32]
Mini-SAR, designed, built and tested for NASA by a large team that includes the Naval Air Warfare Center, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. Mini-SAR is the active Synthetic Aperture Radar system to search for lunar polar ice. The instrument transmitted right polarised radiation with a frequency of 2.5 GHz and monitored scattered left and right polarised radiation. The Fresnel reflectivity and the circular polarisation ratio (CPR) are the key parameters deduced from these measurements. Ice shows the Coherent Backscatter Opposition Effect which results in an enhancement of reflections and CPR, so that water content of the Moon's polar regions can be estimated.[38][39][40]
RADOM-7, Radiation Dose Monitor Experiment from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences maps the radiation environment around the Moon.[41] It was successfully tested on 16 November 2008.[28][29]"

I was posting that as a question to another low iq indian OffBeat and he messed it up terribly with crazy answers about payloads!

hey.. you are back to small font :laugh:

try try ... increasing the font size may increase your IQ a bit. :laugh:
I love chinese screaming and crying ... example above ^^^^.

They themselves prove that their IQ is inversely proportional to the Font Size they use.

If only they could change their IQ as simply as they could change the font size. LOL.

Chinese -> fit only for slave labour. Keep there.

these are used for exciting low iq indian's dormant nerve fibers which appear to be sleeping as if they are permanently staying in hibernation!
. .
Why would you care to make a comment when I "disappear?" I don't have the time to follow comments of 12 years old Indians. I stopped burning your nationality on IQ because it simply is too racist. There's nothing you can say to combat what you're born with. But if you do insist on me bringing up IQ again...

IQ by Country | EUTimes.net

Tier 1

Japan 105
China 105

Tier 2

Italy 102
Iceland 101

Tier 3
Canada 99
US 98

Tier 4

Portugal 95
Romania 94

Tier 5

Malaysia 92
Turkey 90

Tier 6

Indonesia 87
Brazil 87

Tier 7

India 82
Bhutan 80

Tier 8 (near mental deficiency)
Uganda 73
South Africa 72

IQ research is done by Western institutions and published in press and other sources such as Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations by Richard Lynn. It's one of the rare occurrences where it has nothing to do with China. They simply score objectively high on it.

The intelligence of Indians is 1 tier above Africans, the lowest of humanity.

we are the same Indians with 0 IQ who's ancestors explained the term 0 to the world. when rest of the world was busy roaming and hunting animals wearing leaves, our ancestors were writing Mahabharatha and Ramayana on leaves. chal dafa ho ja ab.

North Korea beat China on IQ ... consistently. (as per your own link).

No wonder Chinese and North Koreans rockets make their "IQ" very evident... cpc propaganda gets exposed.

poor chinese ....

Not really, if your IQ is high enough to notice that there is a star beside the North Korean data. Starred data are extrapolations of IQs from similar genetic groups. North Korean data in this case is a replication of South Korea. And you are mixing IQ with achievement. South Korea and North Korea have identical genetic make up, but one is more successful than the other because of political and economical systems.

Every time I debunk an Indian accusation, another one rises. First it's "India space agency is better." I disapprove it with launch success rates. Next it's IQ is Chinese propaganda. I link you to one of the most influential Western IQ publications of the modern era.

I don't know how I can convince Indians that they are born genetically deficient compared to the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans.

Oh by the way, India has one of the highest modern slavery rates in the world, on par with Africa. The Chinese are liberal Americans compared to bonded labor slaves in rural India. I don't want to mention that Indians were slaves growing cotton and sugar for the Brits for 200 years.


I don't know why Indians would bring IQ and slavery into these debates. India has first hand experience with slaves during British Raj and presently in the form of bonded labor.

I'm tired of speaking for the Chinese. But they simply don't troll back against Indians hard enough. Forgive me if I'm too harsh sometimes.
Not really, if your IQ is high enough to notice that there is a star beside the North Korean data. Starred data are extrapolations of IQs of similar genetic groups. North Korean data in this case is a replication of South Korea. And you are mixing IQ with achievement. South Korea and North Korea have identical genetic make up, but one is more successful than the other because of political and economical systems.

Every time I debunk an Indian accusation, another one rises. First it's "India space agency is better." I disapprove it with launch success rates. Next it's IQ is Chinese propaganda. I link you to one of the most influential Western IQ publications of the modern era.

I don't know how I can convince Indians that they are born genetically deficient compared to the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans.

Oh by the way, India has one of the highest modern slavery rates in the world, on par with Africa. The Chinese are liberal Americans compared to bonded labor slaves in rural India. I don't want to mention that Indians were slaves growing cotton and sugar for the Brits for 200 years.

BBC - Ethics - Slavery: Modern slavery

I don't know why Indians would bring IQ and slavery into these debates. India has first hand experience with slaves during British Raj and presently in the form of bonded labor.

I'm tired of speaking for the Chinese. But they simply don't troll back against Indians hard enough. Forgive me if I'm too harsh sometimes.

We are wholesomely on another level. don't compare us with the indians.
when they wrote on leaves, we wrote on paper. when they drank mud water, we had hi quality tea. when they clad nothing or leaves. we made clothes in silk. we used paper for our personal hygiene. when they ate (are still eating) with bare hands, we had invented chopsticks and porcelain utensils. Our porcelains conquered the world when they were serving their european Master with our tea in our porcelain cups and teapots

Regarding the North Korean Rocket that failed, the party at DPRK goes on despite the setback!


ps: Pakistanis who are detached themselves from india are much better!
Not really, if your IQ is high enough to notice that there is a star beside the North Korean data. Starred data are extrapolations of IQs of similar genetic groups. North Korean data in this case is a replication of South Korea. And you are mixing IQ with achievement. South Korea and North Korea have identical genetic make up, but one is more successful than the other because of political and economical systems.

Every time I debunk an Indian accusation, another one rises. First it's "India space agency is better." I disapprove it with launch success rates. Next it's IQ is Chinese propaganda. I link you to one of the most influential Western IQ publications of the modern era.

I don't know how I can convince Indians that they are born genetically deficient compared to the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans.

Oh by the way, India has one of the highest modern slavery rates in the world, on par with Africa. The Chinese are liberal Americans compared to bonded labor slaves in rural India. I don't want to mention that Indians were slaves growing cotton and sugar for the Brits for 200 years.

BBC - Ethics - Slavery: Modern slavery

I don't know why Indians would bring IQ and slavery into these debates. India has first hand experience with slaves during British Raj and presently in the form of bonded labor.

I'm tired of speaking for the Chinese. But they simply don't troll back against Indians hard enough. Forgive me if I'm too harsh sometimes.


You demonstrate your own IQ by your post . :victory: :victory:

Are you the next one exchanging your kidney in exchange for an iPad ? :laugh:

poor chinese ... only good for slave labour.

chinese "achievements":

1. Collected all slaves together who put up a mud and brick "Great Wall".... and still mongolians romped them right upto the southern most point of china.

2. Conducted a "Long March" when Japanese were busy raping, bombing mother china.

3. Achieved a "Cultural Revolution" under a "paramount" leader Mao Mao :laugh:

4. Now slave labour toils in the worlds "Largest Sweat Shops". LOL

Boy .... you are good only for $hit work. Read the words again:

"Great Wall" : Not an "engineering marvel", but a monument dedicated to slavery.

"Long March": Not a sign of "courage", but a dedication to chinese cowardice and escapism.

"Cultural Revolution": Not a sign of your "IQ", but ... utter nonsense.

"Sweat Shops": Not techonological marvel, but same slave mentatity carried over from a history of "Great Wall", "Long March" and "cultural revolution".

sir ... your sweat shop awaits you. you are fit only for that place. :tup:

And leave comparisons to India .... you will only bring more misery to yourself. Even your "western people" laud Indian contributions. Read about US congress acknowledging the contibutions of IITians. Read about Ramanujan. Read about Jagdish Chandra Bose (read about radio waves). Read about Satyendra Nath Bose (fundamental particles "Bosons" are named in his honour). Read about the fundamental counting system which is prevalent the world over (Hindu Numeral System). Read about the Zero. Read about the invention of the game of chess.

poor chinese ... keep stuck with your primitive pictographic language and sweat shops.

admittedly, the world does need you guys ... your slavery permits, the rest of the people to focus on smart work.

go.. we do need you to toil ... and you're good for just that. keep up the tradition of "Great Wall", "Long March" and "Cultural Revolutions".

things which need brainwork are not for you ... and you very well know that.

pretending IQ ... doesn't give you an IQ.

if you close the sweat shops ... .you are doomed. china survives only by toiling.

stop the toiling and china is dead. choice is yours.

You demonstrate your own IQ by your post . :victory: :victory:

Are you the next one exchanging your kidney in exchange for an iPad ? :laugh:

poor chinese ... only good for slave labour.

chinese "achievements":

1. Collected all slaves together who put up a mud and brick "Great Wall".... and still mongolians romped them right upto the southern most point of china.

2. Conducted a "Long March" when Japanese were busy raping, bombing mother china.

3. Achieved a "Cultural Revolution" under a "paramount" leader Mao Mao :laugh:

4. Now slave labour toils in the worlds "Largest Sweat Shops". LOL

Boy .... you are good only for $hit work. Read the words again:

"Great Wall" : Not an "engineering marvel", but a monument dedicated to slavery.

"Long March": Not a sign of "courage", but a dedication to chinese cowardice and escapism.

"Cultural Revolution": Not a sign of your "IQ", but ... utter nonsense.

"Sweat Shops": Not techonological marvel, but same slave mentatity carried over from a history of "Great Wall", "Long March" and "cultural revolution".

sir ... your sweat shop awaits you. you are fit only for that place. :tup:

And leave comparisons to India .... you will only bring more misery to yourself. Even your "western people" laud Indian contributions. Read about US congress acknowledging the contibutions of IITians. Read about Ramanujan. Read about Jagdish Chandra Bose (read about radio waves). Read about Satyendra Nath Bose (fundamental particles "Bosons" are named in his honour). Read about the fundamental counting system which is prevalent the world over (Hindu Numeral System). Read about the Zero. Read about the invention of the game of chess.

poor chinese ... keep stuck with your primitive pictographic language and sweat shops.

admittedly, the world does need you guys ... your slavery permits, the rest of the people to focus on smart work.

go.. we do need you to toil ... and you're good for just that. keep up the tradition of "Great Wall", "Long March" and "Cultural Revolutions".

things which need brainwork are not for you ... and you very well know that.

pretending IQ ... doesn't give you an IQ.

if you close the sweat shops ... .you are doomed. china survives only by toiling.

stop the toiling and china is dead. choice is yours.

Bonded labor, is the most recognized form of slavery in modern times. I do not understand why you never mention it.

No one in China is claiming they have higher IQ. It is simply objective psychoanalytical data researched by multiple Western institutions. If you don't believe in science and insist on "IQ is Communist propaganda." Indians are born dumb and poor, I cannot convince you further.
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