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North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il, 69, Has Died

Now begins the collapse of this abomination of a 'country'. Let this mangy cur called 'North Korea' die. Let the Koreans have their country back.
South Korean military declares emergency alert after Kim Jong-il's death

South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) on Monday placed all military units on emergency alert following the news of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il's death.

The JCS said it called an emergency meeting of officials handling crisis management and operations just after noon Monday, after the North Korean media reported Kim's death.

The JCS said it has increased its monitoring activities along the border along with the South Korea-U.S. Combined Forces Command. No unusual activity had been observed from the North, officials said.

Officials said they may raise the "Defcon," a five-stage combat alert level, from its current level of four to three.

S. Korean military declares emergency alert after Kim Jong-il's death | YONHAP NEWS
The North Korean Military certainly has a stake in maintaining STATUSQUO in the political system, so it is not clear if the departure of the DEAR LEADER really has any impact in the short run.
Do you foresee any change in the foreign policy of North Korea ?

Not immediately, in the sense of the next two years. But the baby general, Kim Jung Un, is incompetent to maintain a repressive dictatorship. The internal fighting for the spoils of the corrupt NK system will take, perhaps, five years to resolve into a new government. In the meantime, I expect China to steer NK toward an opening to the world and to improve the lot of NK citizens by integration into the world economy, as has been done by China. Twenty years from now there will be re-unification with South Korea. So sayeth all-knowing, and all-understanding, Truthseeker!!!
Not immediately, in the sense of the next two years. But the baby general, Kim Jung Un, is incompetent to maintain a repressive dictatorship. The internal fighting for the spoils of the corrupt NK system will take, perhaps, five years to resolve into a new government. In the meantime, I expect China to steer NK toward an opening to the world and to improve the lot of NK citizens by integration into the world economy, as has been done by China. Twenty years from now there will be re-unification with South Korea. So sayeth all-knowing, and all-understanding, Truthseeker!!!

This will definitely affect relationship with South Korea. Maybe things will open up in a positive way. Ofcourse a lot would depend on what beijing's reactio will be to this development. North Korea is extremely important to china as it is a key strategic partner of China.
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