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North Korean Elections a success


Mar 16, 2011
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Polling stations are crowded with well-dressed voters eagerly waiting for their turns with many dancing to music of drums and gongs," reported the official Korean Central News Agency. It added that all participants would cast a "yes" vote in support of the ruling Workers' Party, headed by Kim Jong-il.

The "Dear Leader" himself was photographed casting his vote, together with his son Kim Jong-un, in the North Korean capital, Pyongyang.

Outside another polling station, a board listed the various candidates to become local and provincial bureaucrats, all uncontested, together with a large poster of a smiling man in a western-style suit saying: "Let's all vote for approval!"

The ballots left North Koreans little choice but to rubber-stamp candidates who had already been selected by the Workers' Party. In a 2007 local election, all candidates proposed were duly chosen

"I will live up to the expectations of the people who voted for me and become a true servant of the people," said Kim Song Un, an engineer running for the Pyongyang city assembly, pledging to build "an economically powerful nation."

During their four-year term, North Korea's local assemblies convene once or twice a year to approve budgets and endorse new leaders.

Analysts said yesterday's vote was aimed at revamping the country's bureaucracy before next year's 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-Sung, the founder of the country.

North Korea has also set a deadline of 2012 to attain the status of a "strong and prosperous nation" and the elder Kim is believed to be in the process of handing over power to his son.

All hail the Great Leader.

Long live the Dear Leader.

"North Korean Elections" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Pigs can fly.

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