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North Korea unveils new submarine-launched ICBM


Oct 2, 2015
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North Korea unveils new submarine-launched missile

equipment is seen during a military parade to commemorate the 8th Congress of the Workers' Party in Pyongyang, North Korea January 14, 2021 in this photo supplied by North Korea"s Central News Agency (KCNA).

The missile was debuted at a military parade which came at the end of an important and rare political meeting
North Korea has unveiled a new type of submarine-launched ballistic missile, described by state media as "the world's most powerful weapon".

Several of the missiles were displayed at a parade overseen by leader Kim Jong-un, reported state media.

The show of military strength comes days before the inauguration of Joe Biden as US president.

It also follows a rare political meeting where Mr Kim decried the US as his country's "biggest enemy".

Images released by North Korean state media showed at least four large black-and-white missiles being driven past flag-waving crowds.

North Korea throws the gauntlet down for Biden
Kim vows to expand North Korea's nuclear arsenal
North Korea's missile and nuclear programme
Profile: Kim Jong-un
Analysts noted it was a previously unseen weapon. "New year, new Pukguksong," tweeted North Korea expert Ankit Panda, using the North Korean name for their submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs).

Clad in a leather coat and fur hat, Mr Kim is pictured smiling and waving as he watched the display in Pyongyang's Kim Il Sung Square, which also included infantry troops, artillery and tanks.

Image copyrightKCNAKim Jong-un seen at the military parade
Image captionNorth Korean leader Kim Jong-un oversaw the display of military might

"The world's most powerful weapon, submarine-launch ballistic missile, entered the square one after another, powerfully demonstrating the might of the revolutionary armed forces," the official Korean Central News Agency said.

The event on Thursday did not showcase North Korea's largest intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), which was unveiled at a much larger military parade in October . That colossal weapon is believed to be able to deliver a nuclear warhead to anywhere in the US, and its size had surprised even seasoned analysts when it was put on show last year.

What we know about North Korea's huge new missile
The country's latest display of its arsenal comes at the end of a five-yearly congress of the ruling Workers' Party.

In his address to members last week, Mr Kim had pledged to expand North Korea's nuclear weapons and military potential, outlining a list of desired weapons including long-range ballistic missiles capable of being launched from land or sea and "super-large warheads".

He also said that the US was Pyongyang's "biggest obstacle for our revolution and our biggest enemy... no matter who is in power, the true nature of its policy against North Korea will never change".

Under Mr Kim's leadership North Korea has made rapid progress in its weapons programme, which it says is necessary to defend itself against a possible US invasion.

The unveiling of the new missiles appears designed to send the incoming Biden administration a message of the North's growing military prowess, say experts.

"They'd like us to notice that they're getting more proficient with larger solid rocket boosters," Mr Panda tweeted, noting what appeared to be new solid-fuel short-range ballistic missiles on display too. These missiles can be launched more quickly than liquid-fuelled varieties.

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un: From enemies to frenemies
Video captionDonald Trump and Kim Jong-un: From enemies to frenemies
Over the last four years, Pyongyang has had an erratic relationship with the US under President Donald Trump's administration. Mr Kim and Mr Trump engaged in mutual insults and threats of war before an unprecedented summit in Singapore in 2018 and declarations of love by the outgoing US leader .

Despite the apparent warming of relations, little concrete progress was made on negotiations over North Korea's nuclear programme and a second summit in Hanoi in 2019 broke down after the US refused Pyongyang's demands for sanctions relief .

Presentational grey line
Flexing North Korea's military muscle
Analysis box by Laura Bicker, Seoul correspondent
Kim Jong-un has had a busy week. In this rare party congress at the start of a new year he's earned a new title, pledged to build new nuclear weapons and now he's shown the world some new missiles.

The General Secretary, the title posthumously awarded to his father by which he is now known, had been pretty quiet in 2020 and appeared very few times in state media.

But 2021 is looking rather different. The party congress has offered him a grand daily domestic platform - even if it is not getting the international attention it may have done due to events in the United States and a global pandemic.

The parading vehicles include a new submarine-launched ballistic missile and new short-range ballistic missiles. This is a show of strength - flexing the military muscle once more to show the people of North Korea that despite the current bleak economic outlook, this impoverished country is capable of designing and building new strategic weapons.

It also offers a direct challenge to the incoming US administration.

North Korea appears willing to continue with its self-imposed isolation and being subject to strict economic sanctions, and the state has vowed to continue to build nuclear weapons in defiance of the international community.

During the transfer of power, President Obama told Donald Trump that North Korea should be his top national security concern.

In the last four years a combination of US and UN sanctions, so-called "maximum pressure" policies and three summits between Mr Trump and Mr Kim have done nothing to alleviate those concerns.

Kim Jong-un has shown the new US president this week that he faces the daunting prospect of coming up with new solutions for this decades-old problem.
The source is BBC so Take its words with a Pinch of salt. The article mention NK's nuclear weapons as a threat to the whole World forgetting the United states of America with thousands of nuclear warheads poses a Bigger threat to world stability. America a country that cannot ensure its internal security is criticizing NK for mere self defense.

Neverthless, NK says that its most powerful missile in the World so i conclude that this new solid fueled SLBM has Thermonuclear warhead capable of hitting any where in the US mainland. Great achievement
Seems like the diameter of this solid fuel missile is more than 2,5 meters,---- and this is an amazing progress in development of solid fuel rocket engines.
And pak is still using chines 70s era rocket motors
North-Korea just turned itself into a realistic threat to the US and NATO.
This does *NOT* serve the interest of preventing sanctions or possible invasions. It does the opposite.
The source is BBC so Take its words with a Pinch of salt. The article mention NK's nuclear weapons as a threat to the whole World forgetting the United states of America with thousands of nuclear warheads poses a Bigger threat to world stability. America a country that cannot ensure its internal security is criticizing NK for mere self defense.

Neverthless, NK says that its most powerful missile in the World so i conclude that this new solid fueled SLBM has Thermonuclear warhead capable of hitting any where in the US mainland. Great achievement
Say that again after you've forced us into a pre-emptive strike, mr.
North-Korea just turned itself into a realistic threat to the US and NATO.
This does *NOT* serve the interest of preventing sanctions or possible invasions. It does the opposite.

Say that again after you've forced us into a pre-emptive strike, mr.
NK can wipe UK and yours Off the map in a blink of an eye. Don't forget that messing with NK would drag Chinese dragon into the conflict, something that could keep a dautch boy like you sleepless at nights.


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NK can wipe UK and yours Off the map in a blink of an eye. Don't forget that messing with NK would drag Chinese dragon into the conflict, something that could keep a dautch boy like you sleepless at nights.
you bring ICBMs into range of us, you threaten our existence. we won't tolerate it.
and the Chinese "dragon" has to factor in WW3-style total nuclear annihilation too, before supporting it's pawns NK and Iran in such a manner.
we won't tolerate it.
Ohhh, the phrase. We won't tolerate it. Please don't tolerate it then and do something instead of crawling behind your ISIS mercenaries. If you had the guts to fight a direct war, then you wouldn't have to use 9/11 or other tricks for advancing towards East. The fact that all of Europe is well within range of our ballistic missiles is so rattling that you Western homosexuals never dared to do anything wrong. Add the nuclear aspect to it, and please Stop tolerating whatever the shit that you have been tolerating so far.
Ohhh, the phrase. We won't tolerate it. Please don't tolerate it then and do something instead of crawling behind your ISIS mercenaries. If you had the guts to fight a direct war, then you wouldn't have to use 9/11 or other tricks for advancing towards East. The fact that all of Europe is well within range of our ballistic missiles is so rattling that you Western homosexuals never dared to do anything wrong. Add the nuclear aspect to it, and please Stop tolerating whatever the shit that you have been tolerating so far.
the war will be fought in a manner and at a time of OUR choosing, not yours.
goodbye. please sink into your anti-western hatred now, and don't forget to drown yourself please.

and if you want to continue the discussion about "isis mercenaries", then PROVE that they are our mercenaries, instead of deranged muslim extremists.
It’s called the Pukkuksong-5 and it will form the basis for their Solid fueled ICBM program.

The current super big liquid fueled North Korean ICBM with 3-4 warheads will take 12-14 GBI interceptors out of Alaska to take down, at a cost of $1 billion. If the ICBM derivative of this solid fueled SLBM gets fully developed and the NorKs put on gliding body re-entry vehicles with decoys then it will truly be a game changer.
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