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North Korea ready to use nukes against the United States: Kim Jong Un

And Saddam boasted to have the world's 4th largest army and see what happened.

9 million army out of a 25 million population,what quality do you think that army will be? Peasant army and militias.

They've said a lot of bull,do you actually believe their boasting of 1 million special forces? Come on. We're talking about a regime that told its people it won the World Cup in football. Propaganda is the daily routine.
Saddam did actually have the world's 4th largest ground forces. His people betrayed him and didn't want to fight for him. That's a different issue. Iraq had over 6,000 tanks.

There must be some truth to their propaganda. Otherwise, South Korea would've launched a war against them before they went nuclear.
Saddam did actually have the world's 4th largest ground forces. His people betrayed him and didn't want to fight for him. That's a different issue. Iraq had over 6,000 tanks.

There must be some truth to their propaganda. Otherwise, South Korea would've launched a war against them before they went nuclear.
Wait a minute champ. Are you saying that Saddam lost both wars because "his people betrayed him"?

Not because the allies smashed the Iraqi forces?
And Saddam boasted to have the world's 4th largest army and see what happened.

9 million army out of a 25 million population,what quality do you think that army will be? Peasant army and militias.

They've said a lot of bull,do you actually believe their boasting of 1 million special forces? Come on. We're talking about a regime that told its people it won the World Cup in football. Propaganda is the daily routine.
:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
Without nukes? No way.

back in 2003, Time magazine reported that North Korean Artillery could flatten Seoul in the first half hour of any confrontation. A South Korean security analyst suggested that North Korean artillery pieces of calibers 170 millimeter and 240 millimeter “could fire 10,000 rounds per minute to Seoul and its environs.”

North Korean Conventional Artillery​

North Korea maintains nearly 6,000 artillery systems within range of major South Korean population centers, which it could use to kill many thousands in just an hour, even without resorting to chemical or nuclear weapons. Researchers assessed the magnitude of this threat across five attack scenarios, using estimates of the number of North Korean artillery systems, the population densities of potential target areas, and assumptions about the locations of people at the time of the attacks (outdoors, indoors, and below ground). The strike scenarios assessed were (1) five minutes against a major industrial target, (2) one minute along the DMZ, (3) one minute against downtown Seoul, (4) one hour along the DMZ, and (5) one hour against downtown Seoul. Estimated total casualties from the attacks ranged from about 4,500 to more than 200,000. The authors conclude that because so much harm could be done so quickly, the United States and South Korea should try to avoid military provocation cycles that could lead to these attacks. This document presents a series of visualizations that helps bring into sharp relief the danger posed by this threat, providing a useful tool for defense leaders, policymakers, and the public in understanding this important aspect of the complex situation on the Korean peninsula.

little fatty kim's looking for attention again

North Korea calls Pelosi 'destroyer of international peace'​

North Korea has called U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “the worst destroyer of international peace and stability,” accusing her of inciting anti-North Korea sentiment and enraging China during her Asian tour earlier this week
ByHYUNG-JIN KIM Associated Press
August 06, 2022, 11:07 AM

SEOUL, South Korea -- North Korea on Saturday called U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “the worst destroyer of international peace and stability,” accusing her of inciting anti-North Korea sentiment and enraging China during her Asian tour earlier this week.

Pelosi traveled to South Korea after visiting Taiwan, which had prompted China to launch military exercises including missile strike training in waters near the self-governed island. China views Taiwan as part of its own territory to be annexed by force if necessary.

While in South Korea, Pelosi visited a border area with North Korea and discussed the North’s nuclear program with South Korean National Assembly Speaker Kim Jin Pyo. According to Kim, the two agreed to support their governments’ push for denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula based on strong, extended deterrence against the North and diplomacy.

On Saturday, Jo Yong Sam, director general at the North Korean Foreign Ministry's press and information affairs department, slammed Pelosi over her visit to the border and discussion of anti-North Korean deterrence.

“Pelosi, who had come under a volley of due criticism from China for destroying regional peace and stability by visiting Taiwan, stirred up the atmosphere of confrontation” with North Korea during her stay in South Korea, Jo said in a statement carried by state media.

Calling Pelosi “the worst destroyer of international peace and stability,” Jo argued Pelosi’s behavior in South Korea clearly showed the Biden administration’s hostile policy toward North Korea.

“It would be a fatal mistake for her to think that she can go scot-free in the Korean Peninsula,” Jo warned. “The U.S. will have to pay dearly for all the sources of trouble spawned by her wherever she went.”

Pelosi’s visit to the Joint Security Area at the Korean border on Thursday made her the highest-profile American to go there since then-President Donald Trump visited in 2019 for a meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Located inside the world’s most heavily fortified border, the area is jointly controlled by the American-led United Nations Command and North Korea. U.S. presidents and other top officials have previously traveled to the area to reaffirm their security commitment to South Korea in times of animosities with North Korea.

During her JSA visit, Pelosi didn’t make any strong public statements against North Korea. She uploaded several photos from the JSA on Twitter and wrote: “We conveyed the gratitude of the Congress and the Country for the patriotic service of our servicemembers, who stand as sentinels of Democracy on the Korean Peninsula.”

This is a lot of words for saying nothing, for almost all civil wars, without foreign powers involvement, communists always win, This fact is pretty self explanatory,Do you know how the republic of China ended up in Taiwan?
Without foreign powers involvement? Really? Does that also mean without Soviet and China involvement? Last we checked, Soviet and China were involved in Viet Nam even before the US.
The puppet master is speaking through its beloved puppet

North Korea can be smashed by South Korea alone,in a conventional war. Nuclear weapons aside,their tanks,vehicles and equipment are laughable. Who knows how many will desert to the South if a war starts. Their Air Force and Navy are bad and the it's only their nuclear missiles and China that keeps the U.S. and South Korea from attacking them.
The real puppet master is the source of every nasty things and situations in this planet.
You can feel how dangerous it is if power is concentrated with only a hand full of people .
Unfortunately it's always the case that the people with power are arrogant and maniacal and more and more power hungry.
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Without foreign powers involvement? Really? Does that also mean without Soviet and China involvement? Last we checked, Soviet and China were involved in Viet Nam even before the US.
Military support is one thing, sending troops to fight is another, China and Russia didn't send troops to Korea in Korean civil unification war in the first place.
Military support is one thing, sending troops to fight is another, China and Russia didn't send troops to Korea in Korean civil unification war in the first place.
Foreign powers involvement is broad. Your words debunked you.
Foreign powers involvement is broad. Your words debunked you.
Countries get foreign weapons to fight civil wars, it's common sense, everyone should know what I mean is direct foreign military interventions.
Countries get foreign weapons to fight civil wars, it's common sense, everyone should know what I mean is direct foreign military interventions.
Without France's involvement via the Ho-Sainteny Agreement, the Viet Minh would not became the dominant power in Viet Nam. So as far as any local communist party is concerned, alone, they would be defeated in their own country. That is why the Soviet Union and China materially support communist insurgents wherever they can. And do not forget the memory of Lee Kuan Yew...

Chapter 37

Deng Xiaoping's China

The Malaysians must be suspicious of Deng. There were underlying suspicions and animosity between Malay Muslims and Chinese in Malaysia, and between Indonesians and their ethnic Chinese. Because China was exporting revolution to Southeast Asia, my Asean neighbors wanted Singapore to rally with them, not against the Soviet Union, but against China.

Asean governments regarded radio broadcasts from China appealing directly to their ethnic Chinese as dangerous subversion. Deng listened silently. He had never seen it this light: China, a big foreign power, going over the governments of the region to subvert their citizens. I said it was most unlikely that Asean countries would respond positively to his proposal for a united front against the Soviet Union and Vietnam and suggested that we discuss on how to resolve this problem. Then I paused.

Deng's expression and body language registered consternation. He knew that I had spoken the truth. Abruptly, he asked, "What do you want me to do?" I was astonished. I had never met a communist leader who was prepared to depart from his brief when confronted with reality, much less ask what I wanted him to do. I had expected him to brush my points aside as Premier Hua Guofeng had done in Beijing in 1976 when I pressed him over the inconsistency of China's supporting the Malayan Communist Party to foment revolution in Singapore, not Malaya. Hua had answered with bluster, "I do not know the details, but whenever communists fight, they will win." Not Deng. He realized that he had to face up to this problem if Vietnam was to be isolated. I hesitated to tell this seasoned, weather-beaten revolutionary what he should do, but since he had asked me, I said, "Stop such radio broadcasts; stop such appeals. It will be better for the ethnic Chinese in Asean if China does not underline their kinship and call upon their ethnic sympathy. The suspicion of the indigenous peoples will always be there, whether or not China emphasizes these blood ties. But if China appeals to these blood ties so blatantly, it must increase their suspicions, China must stop radio broadcasts from south China by the Malayan and Indonesian Communist Parties.​
China resorted to racial ties and encourage racial animosity in other countries to support communist revolutions in Asia. That is direct involvement.
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