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North korea launches ICBM, test appears success. Second stage drops near Ph


Kind of ironic, eh?

RQ-170 missing her sisters ...
I think Iran may have helped NK in Rocket technology......

There's no doubt about it. Soon Iran is going to do the same because when NK has the tech it's as good as saying Iran has the tech too. It'll be interesting watching the zionazis shitting in their pants.
Japanese estimate NK ICBM has a 6,000 km range.

Indians only have 5,000km range. Hahahahahahahahaha. NK now way ahead of India.

Unha 3 (rocket and potential ICBM version of it expected)

weight-85,000 KG

payload-100 kilograms to LEO (possibly to a 250 km orbit with 90° inclination)

Apogee (same as rocket)-250 KM

Agni 5

Weight-50,000 kg

Payload-1500 KG (15 times greater than that of Unha 3)

Apogee-600 KM


Japanese estimate NK ICBM has a 6,000 km range.

Indians only have 5,000km range. Hahahahahahahahaha. NK now way ahead of India.
18 years old Indian PSLV is waaaaaaaay ahead NK Unha.
Iran plans to launch satellite to GEO: IRGC chief

The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says Iran will soon launch a satellite into the Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO), a circular orbit more than 35,000 kilometers above the planet’s equator.


Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said on Sunday that the satellite would be carried on a missile which had been developed by the senior IRGC commander, Hassan Tehrani Moqaddam, before his martyrdom a year ago.

The Iranian general added that numerous young scientists have joined the IRGC Self-Sufficiency Organization since Tehrani Moqaddam’s martyrdom to push ahead with his projects.

Jafari stated that Iran is one of the few states capable of launching satellites into GEO, adding: “With this missile and on this level, I don’t think that except for two or three countries and Iran, any other country would be capable of sending satellites into GEO.”

He emphasized that scientific progress in Iran will continue in all sectors.

“Western governments and the United States are likely to feel threatened by Iran’s scientific progress. That’s natural, but we will do our job.” :tup: :tup: :tup:

Iran launched its first indigenous satellite, Omid (Hope), in 2009. The country also sent its first biocapsule of living creatures into space in February 2010, using the indigenous Kavoshgar-3 (Explorer-3) carrier.

Moreover, in June 2011, Iran put the 15.3-kilogram Rasad (Observation) orbiter in space. Rasad's mission was to take images of the Earth and transmit them along with telemetry information to the ground stations.

Iran also launched Navid-e Elm-o Sanat (Harbinger of Science and Industry), another indigenous satellite, into orbit on February 3, 2012.

The country is one of the 24 founding members of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, which was set up in 1959.

Tehran also plans to launch the country's first manned mission to space by 2019. :coffee:

PressTV - Iran plans to launch satellite to GEO: IRGC chief
Once before the Industrial Revolution, Persia (Iran) was the centre of science. West and Arab countries have stolen our scientists names and their work. Well done Iran, whereas the devil empire is falling, you are shining daily. The zionist :sick: dominated enemies of Iran are against our human rights, even our scientific progress. They kill our scientists to stop our progress. :undecided: They talk jokes about their human rights and democracy. Iranian channels are banned in EU against freedom of speech. :disagree: Thanks to Zionists in EU. Let them bark! Who cares? We progress and they stagnate. Our economy is doing much better than them despite their sanctions :meeting: ... Long Live Iranian Leadership and their people. We stand united, all Iranians! :)
And this report says Hasan Tehrani Moghadam had tested one of the most powerful missiles of the world six month before his martyrdom.

نوشته شهید«تهرانی*مقدم»بعد از تست یک موشک*
پدر موشکی ایران بعد از تست یکی از قوی*ترین موشک*ها، که قدرت*بازدارندگی کشورمان را در دنیا ارتقا داد، در کنار محل آزمایش سجده شکر به جا آورد و بر صفحه سپید کاغذ نوشت: امروز یکبار دیگر فضل و جود الهی در این سرزمین تابید.

به گزارش فارس سرلشکر پاسدار شهید «حسن طهرانی مقدم» که او را «پدر موشکی» کشورمان نامیدند، در 21 آبان 90 پس از سال*ها مجاهدت عاشقانه در راه اعتلای «کلمةالله» و عزت بخشیدن به نام و نشان اسلام عزیز در سرتاسر گیتی، به قافله شهدا پیوست.

او در 14 اردیبهشت ماه 1390 یعنی 6 ماه پیش از شهادتش، پس از آزمایش موفقیت*آمیز یکی از قوی*ترین موشک*های جهان که قدرت بازدارندگی کشورمان را در دنیا ارتقا داد، در کنار محل آزمایش، سجده شکر به جای آورد که ساعت*ها طول کشید و در سجده با خدای خود راز و نیاز کرد. او سپس در دست نوشته*ایی کوتاه احساس درونی خویش را از این موهبت الهی این چنین روایت کرد:

بسمه تعالی

امروز یکبار دیگر فضل و جود الهی در این سرزمین تابید و بندگان سپاه خود را به نور الهی و هدایت روشن ساخت و نعمت خود را بر ما تمام گردانید و برای همیشه ما بندگان خود را شرمسار از حجت*های بی دریغ خود ساخته که ما لیاقت آن را نداشته و نداریم. و این نوشتار به عبارت ساده سپاس و حمد بی انتهای ما به آستان ربوبّیت بی*انتها در جود و سخا و مهربانی بی*پایان اوست. پیش بسوی گسترش دین الهی در تمامی کره زمین و ایجاد زمینه اطاعت مطلق او در سر تا سر زمین و ایجاد زمینه ظهور آخرین منجی و بسط و گسترش فرهنگ تشیع علوی در سرتاسر جهان.


all we know, is this is a solid fuelled missile which can put sat into GEO orbit.
of course you don't have to be a genius to realize this is the ICBM Iranian moghadam was working on.
someone calculated this missile, will have a range of 11,000Km :devil: with 700kg warhead.
but we need to wait and see.
why oh why people keep trolling along with all these topic??

IT's about North Korea, not China, Russia, India, US, South Korea, nor Japan.

If they want to develope ICBM, and let their own citizen frozen and die of hunger, that's rightfully their business aren't it?

No point talking about who win and who lose. They may have nuke but will they use it is another problem, remember, once those nuke start flying, we all gonna take some, it will not be a who win, who lose situation, but we all gonna died, does not matter if you are in China, in the US or Russia.

I don't know why people need to troll about this.

AS a person of the world, i condemn the North Korean road to nuclear program, as there will now be 1 more risk factor that this world is going to end. But condemnation ain't do much as it cannot uninvent stuff that you already have.
To the NKR's cheerleaders here, there is a point: That North Korea is a loser and have been all these decades since the establishment of the partition.

Notice not one of them will come out and say that he would rather live in North Korea over the South. But while they think it is safer not to answer regarding which, North or South Korea, East or West Berlin, their silence is equally revealing about their intellectual dishonesty. Support and cheer for North Korea is shallow and convenient, the equivalent of a one-night stand over a long relationship. North Korea is an abomination and they know it.

Cowards, the lot of them.
Iran plans to launch satellite to GEO: IRGC chief

The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says Iran will soon launch a satellite into the Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO), a circular orbit more than 35,000 kilometers above the planet’s equator.


Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said on Sunday that the satellite would be carried on a missile which had been developed by the senior IRGC commander, Hassan Tehrani Moqaddam, before his martyrdom a year ago.

The Iranian general added that numerous young scientists have joined the IRGC Self-Sufficiency Organization since Tehrani Moqaddam’s martyrdom to push ahead with his projects.

Jafari stated that Iran is one of the few states capable of launching satellites into GEO, adding: “With this missile and on this level, I don’t think that except for two or three countries and Iran, any other country would be capable of sending satellites into GEO.”

He emphasized that scientific progress in Iran will continue in all sectors.

“Western governments and the United States are likely to feel threatened by Iran’s scientific progress. That’s natural, but we will do our job.” :tup: :tup: :tup:

Iran launched its first indigenous satellite, Omid (Hope), in 2009. The country also sent its first biocapsule of living creatures into space in February 2010, using the indigenous Kavoshgar-3 (Explorer-3) carrier.

Moreover, in June 2011, Iran put the 15.3-kilogram Rasad (Observation) orbiter in space. Rasad's mission was to take images of the Earth and transmit them along with telemetry information to the ground stations.

Iran also launched Navid-e Elm-o Sanat (Harbinger of Science and Industry), another indigenous satellite, into orbit on February 3, 2012.

The country is one of the 24 founding members of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, which was set up in 1959.

Tehran also plans to launch the country's first manned mission to space by 2019. :coffee:

PressTV - Iran plans to launch satellite to GEO: IRGC chief

Holly **** !!! unbelievable ...
People In Pyongyang Dance To Celebrate NK’s Successful Rocket Launch


North Korean youths dance before the Pyongyang Grand Theatre in Pyongyang, North Korea, to celebrate a rocket launch on Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2012. North Korea appeared to successfully fire a long-range rocket Wednesday, defying international warnings as the regime of Kim Jong Un pushes forward with its quest to develop the technology needed to deliver a nuclear warhead.


Female members of a North Korean military band perform in celebration of the country’s rocket launch in Pyongyang, North Korea Wednesday,

Somber moods


South Korean President Lee Myung-bak (C) convenes a National Security Council meeting in Seoul, South Korea, Dec. 12, 2012. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Wednesday successfully launched and orbited a satellite,


Japan’s Defense Minister Satoshi Morimoto, center, talks during a meeting with the ministry’s top officials at the defense ministry in Tokyo

People In Pyongyang Dance To Celebrate NK’s Successful Rocket Launch | THEAsiaN
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