i am against any counrty's nuclear development, i will protest even Canada were toget nuke.
People cheering for North Korean simply because they (NK) are against the US and its camp, not because they genuine glad or concern (For better or worse) that NK Process nuclear weapon.
They would generally agrue if US have nuke, why can't North Korean.
What they don't care is how North Korean Suffer just their government can get a face on the international stage.
Do bear in mind, even offical Chinese stance were against NK having nuke, but that does not do anything to our Chinese member here, as long as NK Shove it in the west face, they wil lcheer about it. It's simple as that.
Nuke are the enemy of the world, it does not matter who has it, be it the US, UK, Israel, India, Pakistan, China and North Korean. People cheering for nuclear proliferation, regardless of which country, should have their head checked.