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North korea launches ICBM, test appears success. Second stage drops near Ph

Why we need 6000+ km, do you want us to hit North Pole. :cheesy: Our missiles can hit Harbin city, beyond Harbin its Russia, so no need of longer missile for us. :enjoy:

Being Indian, you just don't get it. Anything technological you can accomplish with 1.3 billion hungry masses, North Koreans can do with only 20 million hungry masses. Expect to see a North Korean LCA, a NK Arjunk and a North Korean nukes that exceed Indian yields soon. Hahahahaha.
Being Indian, you just don't get it. Anything technological you can accomplish with 1.3 billion hungry masses, North Koreans can do with only 20 million hungry masses. Expect to see a North Korean LCA, a NK Arjunk and a North Korean nukes that exceed Indian yields soon. Hahahahaha.
Dude its about economy. And in 1.2 billion, 450 million are poor. That doesn't mean they are hungry. A large portion of them may be under-weight and mal-nourished according to western standard.

BTW Indian poverty is banned topic.
Being Indian, you just don't get it. Anything technological you can accomplish with 1.3 billion hungry masses, North Koreans can do with only 20 million hungry masses. Expect to see a North Korean LCA, a NK Arjunk and a North Korean nukes that exceed Indian yields soon. Hahahahaha.
Chinese beggers begging behind bar!! no freedom for beggars as well..

This is the most unique beggar - client system China has introduced and is widely praised. In this system the beggars don't come into contacts with the clients hence reduce harassment and more gives which make everyone happy. For those beggars who are full or get what they want they are free to go elsewhere so that others take their places.

Now kindly stop trolling and be on topic.
Chinese beggers begging behind bar!! no freedom for beggars as well..

I, for one, am looking forward to the North Korean Android Tablet Dong 1 and Dong 2 that's really 100% made in China and the North Korean Tata Nano that will get twice the fuel economy and twice the horsepower of the Indian version that nobody wants to buy. The North Korean Nano will be $450 with air conditioning. And North Korean mangos. Yum!
The biggest losers of this launch is North Korean people and China.

North Korean people will have to starve more because of strengthening sanctions.
China too loses because not only it shares the sole burden of sustaining the NK regime, but it gives the US a perfect excuse to complete the Missile Defense around China.

In the meanwhile, rightwingers are boosted the year-end elections in Korea and Japan, who come with hardline policies against both NK and China.
LOL at the Korean going bonkers with inferiority! :woot:

Big talk about missile defenses turned out to be empty boasting. You tried to intercept the ICBM but failed! :lol:

Now it's time for North Korea to reunify... prepare to worship your great leader Kim Jong-Un!
Significant leap for Pyongyang missile tech


North Korea's successful launch of a long-range rocket, in the face of international opposition, indicates Pyongyang has taken a major step in its effort to develop a missile capable of reaching the U.S. West Coast, which would give the hermit nation a significant bargaining chip to use against Washington.

Experts said Wednesday's launch shows North Korea has made important advances after a similar attempt in April failed.

The Korean Central News Agency also announced that a satellite carried by the rocket entered orbit and proclaimed the launch a success. The U.S. military also confirmed that an object entered orbit.

"It only took eight months to make adjustments. It's possible even their April rocket was close to perfection," said Narushige Michishita, an associate professor in the Security and International Studies Program at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo. "If the satellite really entered orbit, it also means they could have the capability to attack at a much longer distance."

Experts also agree that North Korea is increasing the precision of its rocket technology. Debris from the rocket fell in planned areas in the Yellow Sea, the Pacific Ocean off the Philippines and the East China Sea.

"Given that North Korea launched the missile when the weather is severe in the middle of winter, they must have been really confident about its success," said Tetsuo Kotani, a fellow at the Japan Institute of International Affairs.

The reasons for North Korea's reported partial dismantling of the missile Tuesday and the extension of the launch window are still unknown. But Pyongyang must have been desperate not to fail this time, as it needs to show its citizens and the international community that young and untested leader Kim Jong Un has gained full control one year after the death of his father, Kim Jong Il. Experts were in agreement that the successful launch will strengthen its hardline stance.

"They might embark on nuclear tests after this, just like they did after a previous successful launch," Kotani said.

Even though the Japanese government's handling of Wednesday's incident went much smoother than the April attempt — when it took 30 minutes for Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura to announce the liftoff — critics say Japan needs to cooperate more with South Korea.

"If Japan and South Korea have a much better information-sharing system, or Japan can deploy its Aegis ships near the Korean Peninsula, we can have a much better information-gathering system," Kotani said.

Japan and South Korea failed to sign a military information agreement in June.

A U.S. expert also said Japan might need to expedite development and procurement of enhanced SM-3 Block IIA surface-to-air missiles capable of shooting down intermediate-range ballistic missiles if North Korea continues to enhance its capability.

"North Korea has a long way to go . . . but it's a first step," said Kevin Maher, now senior advisor at Washington-based NMV Consulting who served as the consul general at the U.S. Consulate in Naha, Okinawa, from 2006 to 2009. "But Japan has to demonstrate enhanced deterrent capability."

The international community is poised to impose additional sanctions against North Korea for violating U.N. Security Council Resolution 1874, which demanded that Pyongyang not conduct any more launch attempts using ballistic missile technology.

Whether sanctions can be effective depends on if China, under the new leadership of President Xi Jinping, will cooperate with the rest of the international community.

Maher said it will be difficult for China to endorse further sanctions as Beijing is fine with the status quo.

"We need to pressure China for any additional sanctions," he said.

"The only way to strangle North Korea is to encircle it. We cannot do it without China."

Significant leap for Pyongyang missile tech | The Japan Times Online
LOL at the Korean going bonkers with inferiority! :woot:

Big talk about missile defenses turned out to be empty boasting. You tried to intercept the ICBM but failed! :lol:

Now it's time for North Korea to reunify... prepare to worship your great leader Kim Jong-Un!

Something tells me they don't really like Kim Jong-Un :P
You have to forgive Korean his in a bad mood. His kin up north has just gone one up on the south today. North Korea has just become the 10th nation to launch a satellite into space. While the South Korean space program (with Russian help) is meyered in difficulties. Today North Korea is the better Korea :tup: :yahoo:
Really? :lol:

Between the two, where would YOU prefer to live? You think you can find the same amenities, rights, freedoms, luxuries, conveniences, and wealth in North Korea the same as in Belgium?

Am in the semicon industry. So let us take a brief look...

Semiconductor industry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The global semiconductor industry is dominated by USA, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and European Union.
So what benefits did the North Korean rocket launch give to the world? Or should we ask to China and Belgium? Answer: Not a damn thing. :lol:

Whereas, the FLASH card in your digital camera probably came from South Korea, in development, improvements of the Japanese invention, and manufacturing. South Korea further improved mass manufacturing processes of the technology and exported it to China as well. Did your China learned anything similar from the North Koreans?

How about cars? Between North Korean and South Korean cars, which would you chose?

Ooops, no North Korean cars. :lol:

How about household appliances?

Ooops, none from North Korea worth mentioning as well.

Yeah...North Korea is soooooo much better.

Money is not everything.
Is that the best you can do in trying (feebly) to support North Korea?
Being Indian, you just don't get it. Anything technological you can accomplish with 1.3 billion hungry masses, North Koreans can do with only 20 million hungry masses. Expect to see a North Korean LCA, a NK Arjunk and a North Korean nukes that exceed Indian yields soon. Hahahahaha.

Oh funny Chinese, your country saw great leap forward, not mine.
Sorry, only communist leaders have track record of mass starvation of their own people be it Mao, Stalin, Kim jong family or Pol Pot, not in democratic countries.

You sure that there was no famine in India?
Sorry, only communist leaders have track record of mass starvation of their own people be it Mao, Stalin, Kim jong family or Pol Pot, not in democratic countries.

Their per capita was over 1000$ in 1980s,better than some big and important countries today.it is the collapse of the Soviet Union and the drastic changes in Eastern Europethat destroys north korea economy.Though facing with such difficulties,they can win south korea(one of the richest country in east asia) in rocket technology,inconceivable!
starvation is a shame.China has half arable lands of India,while more people.moreover, warm and humid weather is more suitable for plant growth,that is the superiority what india has.
it is normal phenomenon if both China and India in starvation.
it is normal phenomenon if China in starvation and India not.
it is extreme phenomenon if India in starvation and China not.
the current fact is ,closer to the extreme phenomenon!
what a reversed world !is the end of the world coming?
why oh why people keep trolling along with all these topic??

IT's about North Korea, not China, Russia, India, US, South Korea, nor Japan.

If they want to develope ICBM, and let their own citizen frozen and die of hunger, that's rightfully their business aren't it?

No point talking about who win and who lose. They may have nuke but will they use it is another problem, remember, once those nuke start flying, we all gonna take some, it will not be a who win, who lose situation, but we all gonna died, does not matter if you are in China, in the US or Russia.

I don't know why people need to troll about this.

AS a person of the world, i condemn the North Korean road to nuclear program, as there will now be 1 more risk factor that this world is going to end. But condemnation ain't do much as it cannot uninvent stuff that you already have.
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