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North Korea: China is a ‘Turncoat and our Enemy’


Apr 8, 2007
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North Korea has reassumed openly criticizing Beijing, according to new reports.

By Zachary Keck

March 25, 2014

North Korea has hung signs denouncing China in one of its premier military academies, according to a report in a South Korean newspaper.

Chosun Ilbo, a conservative South Korean newspaper,reports that a sign in North Korea’s Kang Kon Military Academy states that China is a “turncoat and our enemy.” The newspaper bases the reports on “sources” without any further identification information. It quotes another source as saying: “”The position of the North Korean regime is to use China, but not trust it.”

The fact that the newspaper has not provided any further identification information about its sources have led some to criticize Chosun Ilbo and doubt the accuracy of the report. However, calling China a “turncoat and our enemy” would hardly be unprecedented for North Korea. Indeed, the phrase is a quote from Kim Il-Sung, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s (DPRK) eternal president, who uttered it shortly after China established diplomatic relations with South Korea in 1992. After that, banners bearing the phrase were hung on the walls of the Kang Kon Military Academy for three years until 1995. The same banners were temporarily re-hung on the walls of the Kang Kon Military Academy after North Korea’s second nuclear test in 2009.

According to the Chosun Ilbo report, “North Korean leader Kim Jong-un ordered the signs displayed again at the academy after China joined UN Security Council sanctions last year over the North’s long-range missiles and third nuclear test.”

However, Ahn Chan-il, president of the World Institute for North Korea Studies, told NK News, a subscription service reporting on North Korea, that if the new reports are true, “a meeting of two presidents from South Korea and China has likely affected North Korea’s decision to hang the sign again.”

Ahn continued: “China has successfully adopted a market economy while maintaining its communist idea. But Pyongyang knows it will be impossible for North Korea to do same thing…. That’s why North Korea is afraid of China’s influence, and hanging the sign is one of its efforts to resist any kind of influence from China.”

This history does demonstrate that the often-depicted close relationship between North Korea and China is overly simplistic. During the Cold War, Pyongyang repeatedly played the Soviet Union off of China to preserve its foreign policy autonomy. Since the end of the Cold War, North Korea has become increasingly dependent on Beijing for its survival.

Nonetheless, it has often remained defiant against China, including by purging North Korean officials who advocate closer ties with China, such as Kim Jong-Un’s uncle Jang Song-Thaek.

North Korea: China is a ‘Turncoat and our Enemy’ | The Diplomat
North Korea serves China as a "buffer state", nothing else. I'm certain that Chinese don't love North Korean leaders that much either.
Stupid South Koreans, even North Korea and China don't like each other, but China will never allow you to annex North Korea.

Why? Isn't it better for the people? Anything would be better than the current hell they are in.
Stupid South Koreans, even North Korea and China don't like each other, but China will never allow you to annex North Korea.
China will have no say on WHEN North Korea collapse. You have no idea on how your government will feel about the entire Korea situation at that time. Think Soviet Union.

China have two unpalatable choices: Either let the Korean people unite or take over North Korea. Ruling the northern half of Korea will cost China in the long run the same way the Soviet sent aid to NKR year after year after year. And if China is in an economic recession at that time, as all capitalist economies do, China may not have the financial stomach to invade NKR.

The abomination that is North Korea should cease to exist and it will cease to exist.
From just an observer's point of view, it seems that the Chinese wants to maintain a balanced relationship between the two Korean states. They surely do not want the West to meddle into Pyongyang's internal affairs by strongly rejecting the UN humanity report.At the same time it does not want another Nuclear armed state so close to it and incessantly trying to give this program a halt for ever. At the same time the Chinese do realize the importance of South Korea when it's relation with Japan is souring on historic low. The tragic memory of the WW II has brought both the countries united against the Japanese on International arena which has deeper implications for China at present.
Why? Isn't it better for the people? Anything would be better than the current hell they are in.

Its not "better" for the Chinese. Moreover, annexation of North Korea in its current state would drain South Korea's economy. After all, decades of brainwashing, malnourishment, etc... etc.. has turned North Korea into a liability for the South Korea, not an asset.

He is Chinese. How could he care about us 'inferior' Asians ?

I always thought you're an American, a white dude to be more exact! I was wrong then?
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