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North Korea Attacks South Korea - Latest Update

Yup...South Korea is guilty of asserting the right to self defense. I guess that in Asia, only China has that right, no?

Yes, we're the only ones in the whole world who have a right to self-defence. :rolleyes:
Yes, we're the only ones in the whole world who have a right to self-defence. :rolleyes:
By alluding that South Korea is 'asking for it' you are effectively saying that. So either man-up and say Asia belong under Chinese domination or pull the leash on this mangy cur called 'North Korea' and show China is fully capable and willing of acting like a responsible and rising global power.
By alluding that South Korea is 'asking for it' you are effectively saying that. So either man-up and say Asia belong under Chinese domination or pull the leash on this mangy cur called 'North Korea' and show China is fully capable and willing of acting like a responsible and rising global power.

Except I never actually said that.

Chinese people aren't a "racial collective" you know, just because another Chinese person said that, doesn't mean I share the same opinion.
The two Koreas shoudlnt fight , they are brothers.

The Americans are the trouble makers.
Anyone who ever owns a dog will know that no matter how trained, the dog will be happier with a fenced yard than under a leash. The dog has much more freedom of movement in a fenced yard. Unfortunately, we cannot always installed fences to outline national borders, least of all at seas. My next door neighbor is a retired couple. Our front yards have no fences. If I wanted to, I can beat them up without breaking a sweat. I can throw trash into their front yard and there is nothing they can do about it other than call the police. But the reason we do not abuse each other is because we have genuine respect and affection for each other. The police or 'enforcer' of any law is not needed between us.

You are confused between a long leash and genuine respect between sovereign neighbors that require neither saber rattlings nor fences to keep neighbors at bay.

A more accurate analogy would be that this is a FAMILY feud. US a an outsider trouble maker from across the town.
And China is a next door neighbor that is trying to have good relationship with both sides.
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Chinese people aren't a "racial collective" you know, just because another Chinese person said that, doesn't mean I share the same opinion.

Well you all collectively have to agree to whatever one of your party heads say......... like hu jintao......you have no choice but to agree....:lol:
By alluding that South Korea is 'asking for it' you are effectively saying that. So either man-up and say Asia belong under Chinese domination or pull the leash on this mangy cur called 'North Korea' and show China is fully capable and willing of acting like a responsible and rising global power.

Man up u say? Well dats what china lags. Will say all the good stuff on a bilateral summit but stab you right in your back when time comes. like these chinese did all they could at the NSG to stop the Indo-US nuclear deal. But you see they werent man enough to stand up when President Bush himself confronted them.

On a separate note china is ripping off US and other emerging nations by keeping the yuan artificially low.Then they accumulate huge forex reserves with which they threaten any nation that call their bluff.

So there you have your reliable partner - china.

I dont like many policies of USA but its the country where Michael Moore can release farenheit 9/11 or Greenday can sing American Idiot or wikileaks can release those documents without fear of persecution.

As the South Korean army laid to rest the two servicemen killed by North Korea’s shelling of Yeonpyeong island near a disputed sea border, thousands of marines are calling for a “thousandfold” revenge.

The two South Korean marines killed in the exchange of fire, the most serious since the 1953 armistice, were buried Saturday amid vast anti-North Korean protests, which were attended by thousands of marines calling for the presidential palace in Pyongyang to be bombed.

At the highest levels of the country’s military, emotions ran strong as well.

“All Marines, including Marines on service and reserve Marines, will avenge the two at any cost,” said Lieutenant General Yoo Nak Joon, commander of the South Korean Marine Corps.

In a move intended to be a strong statement of resolve, the United States and South Korea have announced that joint naval exercises will be carried out near the disputed sea border, with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington en-route.

North Korea has condemned the move as irresponsible and accused the US and South Korea of taking the region to the brink of all out war. China has criticised the US and South Korea as well, though less stridently, calling for an end to any further military provocation.

“The top priority now is to keep the situation under control and to ensure such events do not happen again,” said a statement from the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

South Korean UDT (Underwater Demolition Team) veterans scuffle with police in front of National Defence Ministry during a protest aimed at regaining what they call impaired reputation and criticizing the military's handling of North Korea's 23 November artillery shelling of an island, Seoul, South Korea, 27 November, 2010. The National Defense Ministry has been reluctant to accept demands from the UDT members, among others reasoning that offering bigger pensions only to naval veterans is against the principle of equity, especially considering marine and other special forces veterans


Sailors salute during the funeral ceremony of deceased sailors killed by North Korea's artillery shelling on 23 November during their funeral ceremony at the military hospital in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, Korea, 27 November 2010. The deceased sailor Seo was aged 22 and Moon 20
The two Koreas shoudlnt fight...The Americans are the trouble makers.
Ipse dixit.

As the South Korean army laid to rest the two servicemen killed by North Korea’s shelling of Yeonpyeong island near a disputed sea border, thousands of marines are calling for a “thousandfold” revenge.
They are "brothers" as in "brother Koreans", but Koreans are strongly family- and group-centered. When Koreans do fight each other, it can get very violent, very quickly.
As the South Korean army laid to rest the two servicemen killed by North Korea’s shelling of Yeonpyeong island near a disputed sea border, thousands of marines are calling for a “thousandfold” revenge.

That really confuses me. I thought the conflict was mostly an ideological/political one and ordinary Koreans had affection and empathy both ways across the border. Kind of like East/West Germany.

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