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North Korea Attacks South Korea - Latest Update

Poverty and starvation are not the guilty of the country but the crimes left by foreign imperialism and invaders.
Utter BS. Once a government assume control of a country's economic policy, the past is no longer relevant. Foreign invaders cannot take away North Korea's soil or erase its agricultural knowledge. However, the government can either misuse these two resources or through sheer incompetence that the people ended up growing not what they need and/or not enough of what they need that the people ended up starving to death. We see this every time communists dabbled in the economies they took over...:lol:


North Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
North Korea's isolation policy means that international trade is highly restricted. North Korea passed a law in 1984 allowing for foreign investment through joint ventures,[96] but failed to attract any significant investment. In 1991, it established the Rason Economic Special Zone,[97] in an attempt to attract foreign investment from China and Russia. Chinese and Russian companies have purchased rights to use the ports at Rason. Chinese investors are renovating a road from Rason to China,[98] and Russian railway workers are renovating the railway from Rason to Russia, from where it continues onto the Trans-Siberian Railway.
North Korea's own trade policy is the foundation of the country's economic backwardness and poverty.

Even many countries adopting Western democracy are poor, backward and starving.
Then the blame is upon their governments. The fact that there are successful and prosperous democracies support this rule.

In addition, only a fanatic extremist like you would equal richness with joy.
Would you be happier in North Korea or South Korea? :lol:

Behold, NK has literacy rate 100%, higher than that of USA!
Good...But like I said before, my competitor is Samsung, until THE WORLD sees something equivalent from North Korea, this statistic is behold -- meaningless. :lol:

If bvffoons in US and SK of your type are stupid enough to launch 2nd Korea war, with “Home by Christmas” offensive (see Appleman, Roy (1989), Disaster in Korea: The Chinese Confront MacArthur, 11, College Station, TX: Texas A and M University Military History Series, ISBN 9781603441285), maybe they'll realize it once again as they did before, but with deadbodys only.

Perhaps true that China will go backward 20 years or even more. It is also true that USA will also go back 20 years, provided that nuclear conflict does not happen. US companies in China all bankrupt and Wall Street alligators' investments in China evaporate. Without made in China, US inflation will be 100000%.

Should nuclear war happen, 95% of China will be traded with 85% of USA. Russians will gleefully cross the Baring Straits and claim Alaska theirs once again, Only the sub-human who nurtures the deepest hatred against human being will therefore be chuckling in the darkness when this happens.

At that time, DF-21 or laser blinder are both secondary important, pop-up of submarine may only serve to scare the sh!t out of warlords' pants. But the Chinese immigrant workers and peasants numbering in 800,000,000 or more, during the nuclear winter, will thus form a vast volunteer army to unify the Korea peninsula once for all, and cross the Strait/Ocean to Canada/USA, penetrate the whole Europe. Perhaps that is the true way that the Chinese conquer the world in a meaningful sense.

While bourgeois (e.g. Wall Streeters, Warlords, SK etc) has everything to lose, the proletariat (e.g. NK and Chinese migrants/peasants) has nothing to lose except its shackles. This crystal ball is well understood by rulers of all countries, but lunatic fundamentalists like you and Darth Vader the Dick Cheny and his followers. :tdown:
People said Iran or so-and-so is not Iraq. The US military today is not the US military of the 1950 Korean War and Iraq was defeated in very short order. Nuclear or not. And would China be bold enough to take on US in a fight to win? We know the answer to that question -- Nope. No one fight to lose. China will either back down and let NKR go or yank the leash on this mangy cur like China should have done a long time ago.
gambit you like talking about: leash collar dog .is it becouse you are the dog of isreal. mangy mongrel look at your self a reproduction of rape ,not knowing your dad ,one night stand could carry on ......
gambit you like talking about: leash collar dog .is it becouse you are the dog of isreal. mangy mongrel look at your self a reproduction of rape ,not knowing your dad ,one night stand could carry on ......

You're talking about an animal without conscience who thinks himself smarter for he can turn day into night and night into day with his lies and deceits. This animal has been trained most probably in one of those kennels in Langley, Virginia. He preaches that past is irrelevent for his country's past is a dirty one.
Utter BS. Once a government assume control of a country's economic policy, the past is no longer relevant. Foreign invaders cannot take away North Korea's soil or erase its agricultural knowledge. However, the government can either misuse these two resources or through sheer incompetence that the people ended up growing not what they need and/or not enough of what they need that the people ended up starving to death. We see this every time communists dabbled in the economies they took over...:lol:


North Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

North Korea's own trade policy is the foundation of the country's economic backwardness and poverty.

Then the blame is upon their governments. The fact that there are successful and prosperous democracies support this rule.

Would you be happier in North Korea or South Korea? :lol:

Good...But like I said before, my competitor is Samsung, until THE WORLD sees something equivalent from North Korea, this statistic is behold -- meaningless. :lol:

People said Iran or so-and-so is not Iraq. The US military today is not the US military of the 1950 Korean War and Iraq was defeated in very short order. Nuclear or not. And would China be bold enough to take on US in a fight to win? We know the answer to that question -- Nope. No one fight to lose. China will either back down and let NKR go or yank the leash on this mangy cur like China should have done a long time ago.

Only a high school drop-out like you will be reckless enough to assert that modern society can be built upon a country looted bare by imperialists and colonists without any material support. :lol:

According to you funny logic, before communism comes into play in these countries, they a all rich and wealthy. This is utterly lunatic! Communism is born out of poverty and disorder. You ignorant even don't know this fundamental fact, as a typical high school drop-out would behave!

Further, if you assume only US military is progressing and PLA stays still in 1950s level, only one word can be used to describe you with the most precision: idiot!

BTW, thank you for entertaining us with your pathetic knowledge and logic. :rofl:
Only a high school drop-out like you will be reckless enough to assert that modern society can be built upon a country looted bare by imperialists and colonists without any material support. :lol:

According to you funny logic, before communism comes into play in these countries, they a all rich and wealthy. This is utterly lunatic! Communism is born out of poverty and disorder. You ignorant even don't know this fundamental fact, as a typical high school drop-out would behave!
Utter BS. That is YOUR so called 'logic'...Not mine. :lol:

But if anything is proved by the contrast between the two Koreas, it is that under communism, North Korea cannot make the same progress as its southern cousins.

Further, if you assume only US military is progressing and PLA stays still in 1950s level, only one word can be used to describe you with the most precision: idiot!
And only a moron, one who is inexperience and willfully ignorant despite participation in a military affairs oriented forum, can make a valid comparison between the Chinese and the American militaries.

BTW, thank you for entertaining us with your pathetic knowledge and logic. :rofl:
Heck, no...We should thank you -- profusely -- for entertaining the readers with your fantasies about China and communism.
Only a high school drop-out like you will be reckless enough to assert that modern society can be built upon a country looted bare by imperialists and colonists without any material support. :lol:

According to you funny logic, before communism comes into play in these countries, they a all rich and wealthy. This is utterly lunatic! Communism is born out of poverty and disorder. You ignorant even don't know this fundamental fact, as a typical high school drop-out would behave!

Further, if you assume only US military is progressing and PLA stays still in 1950s level, only one word can be used to describe you with the most precision: idiot!

BTW, thank you for entertaining us with your pathetic knowledge and logic. :rofl:

no need for sane people to waste their time with the low IQ janitors. you'll just be dragged down to their level. fighting with a pig is useless, you both end up in the mud but the pig likes it.
Only a high school drop-out like you will be reckless enough to assert that modern society can be built upon a country looted bare by imperialists and colonists without any material support. :lol:

According to you funny logic, before communism comes into play in these countries, they a all rich and wealthy. This is utterly lunatic! Communism is born out of poverty and disorder. You ignorant even don't know this fundamental fact, as a typical high school drop-out would behave!

Further, if you assume only US military is progressing and PLA stays still in 1950s level, only one word can be used to describe you with the most precision: idiot!

BTW, thank you for entertaining us with your pathetic knowledge and logic. :rofl:

Communism preys on and exploits the poor in order to form the backing they need to assume power. once in power they will throw the masses a bone like some health care, schooling, a few food staples. all in order to appear as saviors to the people.

behind the scenes corruption and lust for power is still there. party cadre and the military elite that back them enjoy perks like large houses, large bank accounts, access to items the poor only dream about.

and God forbid that any of the poor take notice and speak out. they will quickly find themselves in a re-education camp, or maybe even die in police custody. And if the press speaks out they will find themselves shut down and arrested on trumped up charges.
Communism preys on and exploits the poor in order to form the backing they need to assume power. once in power they will throw the masses a bone like some health care, schooling, a few food staples. all in order to appear as saviors to the people.

behind the scenes corruption and lust for power is still there. party cadre and the military elite that back them enjoy perks like large houses, large bank accounts, access to items the poor only dream about.

and God forbid that any of the poor take notice and speak out. they will quickly find themselves in a re-education camp, or maybe even die in police custody. And if the press speaks out they will find themselves shut down and arrested on trumped up charges.

Very true .....though not envisioned that way by the founders of communism.

As for chinese military buildup, no one is more acutely aware of it than us. Billions of development dollars are now getting funnelled to oil the Indian military machine with the purpose of staying a step ahead of china.

I am really envious of the china-Pakistan-North Korea nexus though. What an alliance! Pakistan supplies NK with nuke tech through shady smuggling which china cant do directly. That nuke tech is in turn partly gifted by China. NK in turn supplies Pakistan with missiles which China supplies them. Pakistan buying off the shelf(which is evident from no failed tests of their missiles).......WOW..am breathless already!!!

And as for moderation of this site goes............only Pakistanis and chinese or their cronies have the right to trolling/personal insults/insults. Check out page 31. I was banned a few weeks ago for reasons unknown.Was dumbstruck. Then I realized that the message was......."Hey Indian,:welcome: to :pdf:.So that you dont forget who controls this much visited site, herez a little ban for some weeks for you.Thank you"
Communism preys on and exploits the poor in order to form the backing they need to assume power. once in power they will throw the masses a bone like some health care, schooling, a few food staples. all in order to appear as saviors to the people.

behind the scenes corruption and lust for power is still there. party cadre and the military elite that back them enjoy perks like large houses, large bank accounts, access to items the poor only dream about.

and God forbid that any of the poor take notice and speak out. they will quickly find themselves in a re-education camp, or maybe even die in police custody. And if the press speaks out they will find themselves shut down and arrested on trumped up charges.

"too big to fail"
"mission accomplished"
"home by christmas"
Utter BS. That is YOUR so called 'logic'...Not mine. :lol:

But if anything is proved by the contrast between the two Koreas, it is that under communism, North Korea cannot make the same progress as its southern cousins.

And only a moron, one who is inexperience and willfully ignorant despite participation in a military affairs oriented forum, can make a valid comparison between the Chinese and the American militaries.

Heck, no...We should thank you -- profusely -- for entertaining the readers with your fantasies about China and communism.


Your limited intelligence/education prevents you profoundly from seeing the true facts.

It is not communism that hampers the economic progress. The US is very much a country having hefty implementations of communism: (referring to Manifesto
of the Communist Party THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO)

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. (I’d have no complaints should my heavy tax dollars were used for road reparation or other social improvements. I do hate to see them flow into high school drop-out’s or otherwise janitor’s pocket.)
3. Partial abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.

No need to equal PLA with US militarily. In the Korea War, they weren’t equitable, either. Yet those who went home by Christmas were only the deadbodies of innocent American sons and daughters. In addition, NK alone is definitely better equipped than Taliban. Now finish Taliban first before you boast any usefulness of superiority in equipment.

The fact is, no matter how superior the military equipments are, once they are in fool's hand, forget it!

Shut the hell up and stop boasting anything before you fools finish the Taliban!

We, the people of tax payers, know how you squander 54% of our national expenditures! While the whole country is in a deep debt.


Total Outlays (Federal Funds): $2,650 billion
MILITARY: 54% and $1,449 billion
NON-MILITARY: 46% and $1,210 billion
The Federal Pie Chart
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Communism preys on and exploits the poor in order to form the backing they need to assume power. once in power they will throw the masses a bone like some health care, schooling, a few food staples. all in order to appear as saviors to the people.

behind the scenes corruption and lust for power is still there. party cadre and the military elite that back them enjoy perks like large houses, large bank accounts, access to items the poor only dream about.

and God forbid that any of the poor take notice and speak out. they will quickly find themselves in a re-education camp, or maybe even die in police custody. And if the press speaks out they will find themselves shut down and arrested on trumped up charges.

Thank you for rendering a precise description of the picture in this country, where “Communism/party cadre” is replaced with “Wall Street alligators and cooperate CEOs”.

Do expect QE3, QE4…QEn to follow, buddy, to wash thin your wealth. :tdown:

Your limited intelligence/education prevents you profoundly from seeing the true facts.

It is not communism that hampers the economic progress. The US is very much a country having hefty implementations of communism: (referring to Manifesto
of the Communist Party THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO)

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. (I’d have no complaints should my heavy tax dollars were used for road reparation or other social improvements. I do hate to see them flow into high school drop-out’s or otherwise janitor’s pocket.)
3. Partial abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.

No need to equal PLA with US militarily. In the Korea War, they weren’t equitable, either. Yet those who went home by Christmas were only the deadbodies of innocent American sons and daughters. In addition, NK alone is definitely better equipped than Taliban. Now finish Taliban first before you boast any usefulness of superiority in equipment.

The fact is, no matter how superior the military equipments are, once they are in fool's hand, forget it!

Shut the hell up and stop boasting anything before you fools finish the Taliban!

We, the people of tax payers, know how you squander 54% of our national expenditures! While the whole country is in a deep debt.


Total Outlays (Federal Funds): $2,650 billion
MILITARY: 54% and $1,449 billion
NON-MILITARY: 46% and $1,210 billion
The Federal Pie Chart

gambit and thomas are just wall street's mouthpieces on the net. don't go too hard on them, their salaries depend on this.

Your limited intelligence/education prevents you profoundly from seeing the true facts.

It is not communism that hampers the economic progress. The US is very much a country having hefty implementations of communism: (referring to Manifesto
of the Communist Party THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO)

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. (I’d have no complaints should my heavy tax dollars were used for road reparation or other social improvements. I do hate to see them flow into high school drop-out’s or otherwise janitor’s pocket.)
3. Partial abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.
gambit and thomas are just wall street's mouthpieces on the net. don't go too hard on them, their salaries depend on this.
I got a question that is going to be hard on you boys...Between North Korea and South Korea, where would you rather live? Your credibilities depends on it...:lol:
USS George Washington or any other US Navy ships in the area doesn't expect a attack from North. But what If North were to sink their Aircraft Carrier...? Difficult and unthinkable but certainly not impossible as we can see North Koreans have been surprising us a lot this year.
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