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North East India citizens near Myanmar says "Hello China, Bye bye India" over immigrant citizenship

India tried this. BD government didn't give a shit. And the Chakmas are terrified to go back. There land has been taken over by Bengalis in BD. So you are back to square one.

Did you seriously think that India didn't think of repatriation? Remember we can't use force.

This is already the case. Chakmas, Rohingyas, Tibetans are housed in camps inside special zones set aside for them.

Did you seriously think that India simply let them loose among the general population?

Move them where? If we move them to some other province the local people in that province will start whining just like the Mizos are doing now.

Absorbing a small number of people from an ethnic group is easy when you have the same group living on this side of the border and they make up 90% of the population. This is what China did. India isn't homogeneous like China. To make matters worse, Chakmas are a small group, spread over a large area where they are intermingled with other tribes. There is no specific Chakma 'homeland' on the Indian side. If there were, we would have moved them there like we did for Punjabi and Bengali refugees in the 1950s.

Your ignorance on the subject matter is astounding. Not just that, you lack even basic common sense when talking about a sensitive issue like ethnic conflict and refugees.

There are regions which are more or less sensitive to refugees than others, the one where protests were held is clearly a very sensitive one when it comes to this subject. It all comes down to India's failed state and government, corruption and incompetence.
There are regions which are more or less sensitive to refugees than others, the one where protests were held is clearly a very sensitive one when it comes to this subject. It all comes down to India's failed state and government, corruption and incompetence.

Yes and apparently Germany and France are also failed states because they are also overrun by migrants and refugees these days. Only you, in your boundless wisdom, know everything about how to handle a refugee situation.

So please tell us, oh wise one, where shall we relocate the Chakmas without creating further problems. We are all ears. Hope it's not Andaman.
Yes and apparently Germany and France are also failed states because they are also overrun by migrants and refugees these days. Only you, in your boundless wisdom, know everything about how to handle a refugee situation.

So please tell us, oh wise one, where shall we relocate the Chakmas without creating further problems. We are all ears. Hope it's not Andaman.

Germany took refugees because their demographics are bad and France barely takes any, India is a large country, there certainly is another place to settle them other than that particularly sensitive area. India is a comically incompetent country and that's the cause of these protests.
Germany took refugees because their demographics are bad and France barely takes any

This is getting comically retarded. EU got bent over a barrel with the Syrian refugee crisis. Far right groups are on a massive chimp out all over Europe. Britain has left the ship. Have you been living under a rock all this time? There is still time. Get your head out of your a**.

India is a large country, there certainly is another place to settle them other than that particularly sensitive area. India is a comically incompetent country and that's the cause of these protests.

India is large country with an even larger population you dumb f***, to the extent that India's population density is higher than either Germany or France. Mizos and a bunch of these various other NE tribes are already treated as special snowflakes. We are not going to uproot another community for the second time in one generation for Mizos' feelings. They need to get on with the program.

You are one stupid f***.
This is getting comically retarded. EU got bent over a barrel with the Syrian refugee crisis. Far right groups are on a massive chimp out all over Europe. Britain has left the ship. Have you been living under a rock all this time? There is still time. Get your head out of your a**.

India is large country with an even larger population you dumb f***, to the extent that India's population density is higher than either Germany or France. Mizos and a bunch of these various other NE tribes are already treated as special snowflakes. We are not going to uproot another community for the second time in one generation for Mizos' feelings. They need to get on with the program.

You are one stupid f***.

Lmao calm down buddy.
Germany choose to take a massive amount of refugees, that's i'm saying, they didn't just let them enter and then scrambled to settle them in an ethnic autonomous region which then created ethnic tensions, it was a conscious choice they made to help their economy and their demographics.
As for Mizos being treated as snowflakes, you have to look at how much refugees they take relative to their population, they have a small population so even a small amount of people coming in would be equivalent to dozens of millions of even hundreds of millions settling in Hindu areas. I'm sure you can understand. 100,000 refugees for Mizos is like 100,000,000 for the Hindu majority.
Relax. I come here to sass the peanut gallery here. PDF is the collection of the stupidest, most ignorant, most racist, drooling numbnuts in the whole planet. 90% of them. Indian, Chinese, Pakistani doesn't matter.

Occasionally, I find someone who is so spectacularly ignorant that it can blind you. Your jaw drops. And I find pleasure by viciously shitting on them. Yes, I am talking about you (unless you are trolling).

Germany choose to take a massive amount of refugees, that's i'm saying, they didn't just let them enter and then scrambled to settle them in an ethnic autonomous region which then created ethnic tensions, it was a conscious choice they made to help their economy and their demographics.

Is this some kind of alternate reality?

Germany didn't 'choose' to let anyone in. The whole continent got flooded. A million+ Syrians/Iraqi/Afghans practically walked into these countries with their luggage in tow. 'Just letting them enter' is exactly what happened. Right now they are scrambling to settle them in different parts of the country and it's making local Grandmas angry.


There are these things called 'newspapers'. Look it up.
Relax. I come here to sass the peanut gallery here. PDF is the collection of the stupidest, most ignorant, most racist, drooling numbnuts in the whole planet. 90% of them. Indian, Chinese, Pakistani doesn't matter.

Occasionally, I find someone who is so spectacularly ignorant that it can blind you. Your jaw drops. And I find pleasure by viciously shitting on them. Yes, I am talking about you (unless you are trolling).

Is this some kind of alternate reality?

Germany didn't 'choose' to let anyone in. The whole continent got flooded. A million+ Syrians/Iraqi/Afghans practically walked into these countries with their luggage in tow. 'Just letting them enter' is exactly what happened. Right now they are scrambling to settle them in different parts of the country and it's making local Grandmas angry.


There are these things called 'newspapers'. Look it up.

You need better news sources then, the migrant crisis is mainly due to Germany accepting a huge number of refugees early on to prop up their economy.
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