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Nobody ‘stealing’ your jobs, you spend too much on wars - Alibaba founder to US

I was reading an Yahoo article on his speech the other day, surprised to find Americans overwhelmingly agreeing with Jack's opinion, that's unusual in nation viewing China as sworn enemy. MIC greed, budget deficit, are exactly how US public got drag into a MIC-created debt spiral, I seldom see such comments here on PDF. Go check the comment section on http://finance.yahoo.com/news/alibaba-founder-jack-ma-brutal-135400213.html. Here are some

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Let's see

Americans overwhelmingly agreeing with Jack's opinion

First of all, no way you could have know all these people you "quoted" were American, in the context of law, what you say is "hearsay" and it amount to absolutely NOTHING as again, there are no way you could have know all that is American, Anyone can post there, you cannot assume just because it comes out of yahoo finance, all these people are American.

Second of all,

US public got drag into a MIC-created debt spiral

Seems like you think you know what MIC really means?

Greed is the common term for every capitalist idea, it drive you to get more, be it money, power or anything else. Military Industrial Complex is going to be the same.

MIC would have to have greed driven power to have it's plan capitialize. The problem with this is instead of hostile take over as in business world, you basically start a war. The question is, how does it different than a purely finanical driven economy?

The problem for you to grasp is that even without MIC, would war be continous and would US be involved in any War? You are thinking, nope, but in reality, war is ALWAYS GOING TO BE CONTINUE. US interest is not actually set by MIC, a part of it yes, but not the whole, US interested is set by US domestic and foreign policy, and US does more than starting war in the world you know? So by claiming MIC is in charge of US policy and dragging US Public into debt, you are literally saying MIC is that big enough to alter US policy to begin with, and then marching the country toward the MIC goal?

Strange, because the US congress and US Senate incharge of Foreign and Domestic Policy, how many of the congressman and senator are within takes from the MIC? If you are claiming every sort of business are closely related to MIC and hence the congress and senate are controlled by it, then what you need to do is to take a step back, as we are talking a open capitalist environment, everything have some degree of connection to everything, if you can say Private venture is closely related to MIC, then the reverse would ALSO HAVE TO BE TRUE, as MIC would still be a business and it would have to be related to general private venture. Your argument would only make sense if ALL PRIVATE VENTURE are a part of MIC. I mean all private venture, come down to the corner deli. Or the bodega I frequent in New York.

The reason why foreigner (not just Chinese) stealing American job is one thing, talking about MIC greed is another, in this, Jack Ma does not make any sense. So if US spend less money on war, then the company will not outsource their job? I don't think so, jobs will always be going to be outsoure, as this is one of the good way to save money and trim budget. US government stop spending on war "MAY HAVE" been able to give rise to better education or better infrastructure, but most definitely will not make foriegn labour more expensive in respect to American Labour or make American Labour cheaper so the jobs stays in the US

In fact, prior to MIC, US has actually involve in more war than it have a MICC set out in 1930s. It's completely opposite to what you are claiming.

Hence what Jack Ma's said is completely irrevent
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If someone can do the same thing you can, but at half the cost, doesn't that make them better for the company?

To say a job was "stolen" implies that you had some special right to the job. Which is obviously not true, otherwise you wouldn't have lost it.

Are you really asking it or you really don't know "stealing a job" does not mean stealing a single job? But rather stealing an opportunity?

If you start a company, would you think Chinese government want you to hire a Chinese worker? Or a vietnamese worker for half the salary? Becuase if you hire a Vietnamese worker, that mean that Chinese worker you "should" hire will miss out an opportunity, and that would mean they have to be feed or relocated somewhere else by the government.

Also, being paid less does not mean they are better for the company. It just mean you can do the same job, (mabe better or worse) with half or lower the price, it mean nothing, because an American company are not going to go out of business if you are hiring an American rather than a Chinese. So what does it mean? It mean nothing. Neither better nor worse.

I feel sorry for your condition.
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