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Nobody can stop Musharraf’s return to Pakistan

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Nobody can stop Musharraf’s return to Pakistan

All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) Central Leader Naeem Tahir said that nobody could stop the return of Pervez Musharraf, who was the only leader having ability to steer Pakistan out of the prevailing crisis.

While talking to media here on Monday, he said, the mammoth participation of people in the median political public meeting of APML has proved that the masses are eager to welcome back Musharraf as the country’s leader once again.

He said that veteran politicians also termed Musharraf’s return as a good omen. According to a recent survey, 60 percent people of Pakistan want Musharraf back, he said, adding, “The people are fed up from the current system in which the poverty ratio is scaling up due to sky-high prices of daily use items”. The rulers, in the name of democracy, have brought the country at the verge of collapse, he maintained.

While answering a question, Tahir said that the “emperor and princes of Lahore” must realise that the public is now well informed and it will not be trapped by their (PML-N leaders’) hollow claims of public service.


Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Musharraf is once again restless to play havoc with this country and in bid to replay the same drama he urged the nation to gear up for a change. His video address to his party supporters in Lahore comes on the heels of Altaf Hussain’s address to his party workers from London in the football ground near Gaddafi Stadium. In his address, Musharraf trashed the threats to his life from the Taliban and other extremist groups claiming that he is only afraid of God and linked his return to the organisation of his party. General (retired) Musharraf made his ‘debut’ in electoral politics with the launching of his All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) last year in London. His support base is limited to a few beneficiaries of his rule and his Facebook fans. For a party looking for a sizeable share in the 2013 elections, a few thousand supporters in the rally was a poor show. And it is unlikely his support base will increase any time in the near future considering his unpopularity in large sections of society and the tough competition to be offered by rival parties. It is doubtful that the MQM will allow Musharraf to encroach on its turf in urban Sindh, or the PPP in the rural areas of the province. Similarly, the Sharifs, given their past grievances against Musharraf, will offer fierce resistance to any attempts by Musharraf to find a toehold in Punjab, without which no party can fulfil its national aspirations. He will also have to consider the risk of being arrested on arrival in the Benazir Bhutto assassination case.
I don't believe 60% wants mushy to be back but atleast 40% would be a correct margin. Other then that I see Imran Khan in lead, I hope this time around those who side with Imran and when the voting time comes they don't run away into their holes or and vote other, hope that doesn't take place.
I don't believe 60% wants mushy to be back but atleast 40% would be a correct margin. Other then that I see Imran Khan in lead, I hope this time around those who side with Imran and when the voting time comes they don't run away into their holes or and vote other, hope that doesn't take place.

No at least 60% of people WILL VOTE FOR Imran Khan. But the Polls will be fixed thanks to the US. And those of you are a sceptic. Well i will tell you this.

For years now US has been and known about the poll fixes in the Middle-East and Africa. But they turn a blind-eye or cover it up for their own Financial gains.

It discuessed during the Eygptian revolution. And Wikileaks have confirmed the US's actions.

You watch even if Everyone votes Imran Khan, they wouldn't allow him power because he is Anti-American but Pro-Pakistani.
He was the best thing ever happen to Pakistan and if we want our country to survive and go towards the right path of sucuess again then he must come back facts speak louder then words in the history of Pakistan the country was doing its all time best in all sectors while he was pres time for him to come back and have these courpt bastards kicked out the people of Pakistan had picked with there damn eyes closed hope good things take place for the future of this nation GOD bless Pakistan. :pakistan:
The problem with Mushy coming again or Imran Khan entering the corridors of power the first time is THE ELECTION COMISION OF PAKISTAN. Since there is no independent Electoral College, it is futile to translate popularity of the masses to votes. Even in the last elections, bungling was rampant and even overt!.

Despite a considerable amount of hue and cry by the media Nawaz Sharif got away when one of his party workers was caught red handed with fake election stamps busy filling in the 'boxes of fate' in the polling stations. MQM on the other hand casted 17000 votes in favor of Farooq Sattar in a constituency where there were only 5000 registered voters after he had lost in his constituency of contest. And how can we forget Ghanwa Bhutto slaping Sind Speaker Mr. Khoro across the face for supervising mal-practices in the polling stations in rural Sindh.

The truth is that a government is brokered in, not elected, in the hopes that the conglomerate of the two forces will keep going on for the hoax of 5 years. God knows that history is rife with examples that these MOus don't work for even half the intended period, leave alone 5 years.

The bottom line is that the establishment and agencies will decide who comes in and who stays out. Given that the establishment does pay limited heed to the popularity statistics and tries to broker a deal with the same party (read Imran Khan) but thats about all their is when it comes to these popularity Statistics.

If the mendacious election drama is not accounted for, what is even the use of considering that the good people of Pakistan can expect that their votes indeed have the prowess to bring about a government of their choice. So much for Democracy.... No wonder its a failing paragon of governance.

P.S. who ever (still) believes that BB/PPP was elected fair and square obviously have their permanent domicile in cuckoo land.
He was the best thing ever happen to Pakistan and if we want our country to survive and go towards the right path of sucuess again then he must come back. :pakistan:

Well, he was a far cry from being the BEST!! but among the pitch blind, the one eyed man is king. Still I agree that he did do good and also horribly bad at times.
Nobody can stop him..
IF he returns..
if he does.. he will need more than a few guards to protect him.
terrorist back again! waaah! we already have more.. not like him but least near to him!
True Musharraf wasn't perfect but he was probably the best leader Pakistan has had in a while. I'd take him over Ghaddari, Takla or Mullah Diesel any day.
Musharraf is most coward general. He has no balls.

1.Not able to attack India directly, send some soldiers to occupy kargil during winter.
2.He scared with just one phone call from USA.
Musharraf is most coward general. He has no balls.

1.Not able to attack India directly, send some soldiers to occupy kargil during winter.
2.He scared with just one phone call from USA.
Yeh you take your cry out of here don't make this thread kargil thread, You might wanna ask your generals why they have been crying over this. as of him not having BALLS he smoked your kind of kids while inside india in 2009, along with your journalist along with your ex COAS.... India dared not to enter an inch during his time. You talk about balls and stuff go take a walk kid and grow some balls back home.....
Indeed He will come back, Everyone has their own choice but my and many more like me pick Musharraf on any other option in Pakistan. Next election will be a mixture of APLM PTI and couple others...... Today what Pakistan has some what remaining income and institutes are because of him and many will say it's debate able... Again to us APML has support. What need to be done is by APML and PTI is to work together as Imran has started to work on a plan behind the scene along with MQM APML, We need to deny any ground to PMLN and PPP.... even many katar PTI members that i have friends also admit that Musharraf is far better then PMLN and PPP then the question comes that doesn't this make Musharraf the best ever in Pakistan? having said that some want to put faith in PTI and they are welcome as long as they are not putting it in PMLN and PPP lol
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