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noble peace prize for MALALA ?

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O deary me, what a nonce. Who is licking whose boots? Listen my poorly educated friend, don't be such a paindu, with US phobia while using an american invented and manufactured pc, using US software, taking US medicines, ordering your pizza, yep that worst kind of paindu - a hypocrite.

You are so big to be an arm chair warrior but have no balls to condemn the scum the rapid cult of death the TTP, they are the ones that are making fun of islam but you are just scared of a little girl who so bravely survived a bullet and is now an ambassador urging education for all and has raised money for her cause.

But you, my little hypocritical paindu cower due to a little girl writing a blog, while you cannot even put a proper sentence together. She deserves awards and recognition, While we need to pull up our socks and remove the kaffir TTP you love so much.

well first i didnt said i hate US , before calling me paidu , i think you are from some village or could be a master jee , are you ?
plus i never said i love TTP , and i never say i hate malala as well, if you read the post correctly than probably you would understand , but i think tomorrow you should go to a doc and check your mental problems ...
and for your answer you still didnt provide any achievement malala did so far to be worthy to have noble prize... if you dont have facts than why you are writing such non-sense ?? plus i can see your love with malala but if you really have time than support those who also been shot down by TTP and drones , neither i love TTP nor US .... for this non-sense that i used American stuff , so please dont give me this **** , first do some research and than come here to bark from your stinky mouth ,i will welcome facts , not your non sense..
malala may be a brave girl, but she did not such a work, that she can got nobel prize. if malala get nobel prize, than it wil be a joke to nobel prize.
This is not about what did Malala do or didn't do. Its more about the idea of Malala and what she stands for.
malala may be a brave girl, but she did not such a work, that she can got nobel prize. if malala get nobel prize, than it wil be a joke to nobel prize.

Granting of Nobel Peace Prize for Malala will be any time more helpful in restoring peace than it was for granting the same to Obama, or to anyone else at this time.

You should not think of Malala as some singled out teenager becoming a leader of the masses. Rather, think of Malala as an icon that this world desperately needs to propagate its message that innocence and peace go hand in hand and need to be preserved.

She will surely be a lot better icon than any of the politicians, whom no youth would look upon with respect, forget emulating them. Pure and simple - this world needs someone who is world famous and someone whom the young ones, esp the Muslim youth, from all over the world can look upon as some sort of ideal in true sense, and not a single politician, or even a social worker, possesses those qualities.
If Malala deserves it then what about the thousand of Pakistani kids who get shot by Taliban every year?

I think she definitely deserves the Nobel prize because she not only articulated her struggle but took the bullet for it. How many of the past award winners are that brave?? At 11 years she may have been influenced by her father to speak for girls education but after the struggle she had to go through and come out a winner- she is awe inspiring. She is awesome budding politician in the making with a social cause and a brand ambassador of Pakistan and you should be proud of her.
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If Malala deserves it then what about the thousand of Pakistani kids who get shot by Taliban every year?

Fully agree. In secret service terms it is called planting an influencing agent.
It's so obvious this girl is being used for a greater agenda, but don't tell the liberal idiots!
yaar how can i get a direct noble prize ? i dont want pak national award , at least my father will get a job in UK embassy and also had chances to travel all over the world and collect awards :laughcry:

Easy way......pay some money to some anchor or media person....to create a story on you......that you run away from the main strong hold of Talibans...blah blah.....Then Shoot yourself on the left or right arm to put more spices to it....and you are definitely going to get some rewards.....:omghaha:
It's so obvious this girl is being used for a greater agenda, but don't tell the liberal idiots!

Then you are also calling our dear Prophet an i***t because he was a liberal, he liberated many people including women from the yoke of tyrants and fundamentalists.

What! you believe a nonsense conspiracy theory but you cannot fathom out why this girl is an icon for the world. She wrote what she believed in, wrote! writing and books are sacred in islam, thou shalt not kill is one of the commandments. The such big brave heroes of the TTP that can't take on the might of the USA/ISAF do what men do best when they are found to be insufficient and that is to beat up the weak and innocent. They put a bullet in her head and even then she defied these imposters. It is these terrible human beings that are being made the laughing stock not Islam and not Pakistan.

In fact she had horrible injuries, brain injuries take a long time to heal and also even then no-one will know what she will suffer in the future, these injuries are checked regulalry for many years. There is a possibility that the injuires may have cut her life short.

In light of her injuries, the fact that she was the one who was fairly well known and the fact that she was the target and the one that championed books and pens, she is an ambassador, an ambassador that shows there is hope in Pakistan, that Islam does not stop girls from going to school and the ones that are stopping this are the evil and terrible kanjars of death the sick and preverted TTP.

What has she done for Pakistan, are you kidding me, are your eyes so blinkered by envy?

She has advocated education for all.
She made a speach in front of the UN and made Pakistan proud - how many 16 year olds get to make speaches and a good one too, where she told the world leaders to defeat terrorism through education, books and knowledge, many leadera acknowledged this.
An education fund has been started and a donations if 10 million $ was placed and more money is being added, this will be used to set up schools and educated kids.
She opened one of the World's biggest libraries, her name and her fight is enshrined in that building and gave light to Pakistan that there are educated, articulate and decent people in PK and not all are of the murdering ilk.

Yes there are many people dying in PK but that is to our shame we have not got the brain or will power to tackle the evil within us. That has nothing to do with Malala but us, our own hyprocrisy, easy to pick on a small girl when you are found wanting. We need to man up and fight this war.
I am 101% sure that this year award will be given to malala , but just like other pakistani peoples my question is why ? when she was shot by taliban i had sympathies with her , as so this is act of cowards but as the fame of malala grows up in western media i start to have a question that what is the impact on malala standing speeches or taking awards for her achievements , what are those achievements ? i dont see any improvement in the field of women education after malala incident ? why so ?

after a little bit of thinking and researching over the internet i realize that this little girl is now been used by western countries to give negative image of Pakistan and specially Islam . i had a conversation with an American and when i ask him about malala that is how he answer me " i know this little girl who was shot by taliban for asking educational freedom , and she fought was ISLAMIST TERRORIST WHO HAVE BEEN INSPIRED BY THEIR RELIGION WHICH PREVENTS WOMEN TO TAKE EDUCATION "

now my question is did islam forbids women to take education ? malala is today become a symbol when ever a person see her picture first thing comes in their mind is a little girl who was tried to be assassinated by Islamist taliban by portraying a negative image of Islam and Pakistan . just like a Pakistani director who made a documentary over acid attack victims in Pakistan , when i watch this documentary i come to realize what kind of country i am living in ?

after been research over rape and murdered case in western countries which i don't think are hidden from anyone but i never see a huge report on CNN or BBC ...countries try to cover such things but here we highlight them and than we feel proud that in our country we make 2-3% progress , i was thinking that when malala was giving her speech on UN why didnt she told them that USA drones kills and destroy many schools in tribal areas ? and what about the two other girls who were injured ? no one even try to interview them why so ?

may be malala is very intelligent in fields of physics, chemistry or maths ? or may be she have made 100`s of new schools in swat and tribal areas ?

abdul satar Edhi work for humanity from many many years , i never see any one from Europe or western country give him a medal for his achievements ? what about those who are still fighting for the rights of education in N&S wazirstan ? strange facts no ?

its not malala or peoples like us , its the USA and western media who makes the character of malala doubtful for many pakistani`s today , and what is the sense by giving her the award of " Pride of England " ?

i always thought noble prizes are for those who have achieved something great while spending many years of their lives . i didnt know that its so simple to get famous in world by just giving a hate speech against Islam , writing a book by criticizing quran , making Cartoons of our Prophets , or show a negative image of a real Islamic society , sounds pretty easy no ? ?

pity on this nation who feel proud on such acts full of anti-islamic agenda and our media was been so happy to broadcast of her getting noble prize .. they dont even think when ever a person malala in any time in future history she would be called as a victim of extremist Islamist terrorism and extremist view of Islam , and peoples who never even try to use their brains and mind and relay on media news will make their minds which you can guess .

May Allah give us light to differentiate between right and wrong .

Apparently, Malala used to write a column in some English daily regularly before she was shot. The ironic thing is, she had no education in English but the letters used to be in English and were always against Talibaan and usually against Islam too. In reality, the columns were being written by someone else, using Malala's name.

And I have said repeatedly on the forum, I have serious doubts that she was ever shot. Not because there is any weakness in the stories or that Molana Fazlur-rehman has the same doubts but because my cousin was a victim of such a shot to the head, it happened almost 16 years ago, and it took her years of intense therapy and intensive care to be able to walk with a walker and speak with a blur. 16 years on, she is still partially paralyzed on the left side (she was shot on the right side of her head).

oh so just because western media praises her there must be a massive international anti Islamic conspiracy?

wah meray pakistaniyaon wah, kiya logic hai:hitwall:

One has to connect the dots mate. Malala was not the only girl shot, allegedly there were 2 other girls in the same van who got shot......where are they?? This is just 1 link of this conspiracy chain. The way Malala is being awarded day and night, all over the anti Islamic world is another key link and so on.
No one deserves the Nobel Peace Prize more than this 16 year old who has been putting her life on the line since she was 12 years old and advocated for female education in Pakistan. I hope this tireless activist for Peace and Education gets her Prize as she is the most deserving candidate.

She is deserving all right, and she is getting it too. I mean, this girl with a family that could hardly make ends meet is living a life of luxury and fame in England, her father has landed a handsome job at the UN and the list goes on and on.......she is getting what her family planned and sold Islam and Pakistan for, alright.
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