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‘No talks if Pakistan insists Kashmir is a territorial dispute’

During Nehru India did not have such a large army. Now Indian army will have no place to go to if we let go of Kashmir hello :rofl:

You can send them to Afghanistan, no? :P
Or you can send them to serve under UNDP. Or even you can make them work as UN Peacekeeping force. This option would be at least much better I believe rather than to kill Kashmiris there, just because they want to be honored with the promise long made by Nehru on behalf of India, anyway.

Alternatively think about it. If Kashmir passes by then India's defence budget will be reduced. Who is going to pay the Indian politicians all those bribes for arms tenders etc :rofl:

Nice. That's how it's. Even in United States of America too. Don't follow their footsteps :P
Many Politicians are greedy and receive money from the "military/industrial complex," i.e., corporations who profit from war. How can a leader serve the people when his pockets are stuffed with cash from makers of war machines? So, we have some dirty, greedy people running the countries. Not all are like this, but I think too many are.

Now on a more serious note, ideally the issue should be resolved by both Pakistan and India withdrawing their troops and nationals from Kashmir and letting the people of Kashmir decide on their fate. Problem is some 60 years later, how do you decide who the "people of Kashmir" are. Obviously there has been mass resettlements from both India and Pakistan of their nationalities. An issue which could have been resolved some 60 years ago still haunts the 2 nations. An obsession to Pakistan and a matter of stubborn rhetoric to India. If only that king of Kashmir elected to remain independent :undecided:

I agree to that.
Yeah, there has been maas resettlement in all these years.
Still, in our Matriculation exams, the major question that's questioned in exams every year is: Kashmir Issue is a major hurdle between India and Pakistan, discuss :lol:

Asian region could be so much prosperous if Pakistan and India resolve the issues. That could lead both countries to join SCO too and it'd really strengthen Pakistan and India. It's high time to dispatch the major issues for greater peace and prosperity.
Indian Army is not in Kashmir because it wants to be there. The police and BSF could not handle the Pak trained insurgents and heavily armed militants. Police in India are notoriously understaffed and ill-equipped (as is the case in most developing countries). The army is not interested in counter-insurgency ops. It's not what armies are meant to do.
Talking abut excesses committed. Yes there have been cases. Recently as militancy levels have dropped - no new abuse cases are coming to the fore. many cases have been dealt with by dismissing officers and soldiers involved.
I've been to Kashmir recently. People are enjoying the fruits of democracy and propersity. Every house has cable tele thanks to Tata Sky, Dish TV and the likes. Army is providing excellent roads and facilities to border villages.
Logic dictates that either there would be a solution on Kashmir that would entail giving the Kashmiris a right for self-determination... Or we will fight.

End of talks. This, that, bla blu, is just nonsense. If you want to fight, then you'll say no to talks. If you want it resolved, you'd say yes and allow the Kashmiris to choose.

End of story.

I agree ..... and India has already given Pakistan its answer in that case.

So what are you waiting for?

South Waziristan to be done?

Then the North?



Let us know when you are ready.

Meanwhile we grow richer and stronger.

What about you?

I agree with All-Green's analysis (I can't recall exactly .... but I think it was a really good post by him) ..... India already has and holds all the Kashmir it really NEEDS (as against WANTS).

We have no interest in further talk, as we want nothing from Pakistan.

Talks can and will happen if Pakistan comes to the table as a friendly neighbour.

Nothing less will be acceptable by any popularly elected Indian government ..... be it any party.

Coz that is the WILL of the INDIAN PEOPLE.

The other option of course is to fight for what you want ..... once again.

Hope this puts into plain perspective this highly stimulating intellectual exercise we have so enthusiastically indulged in over so many pages.

Cheers, Doc
let the people belonging to that territory decide that.
Go to sri nagar, where the masses are largely pro Pakistan. Always they are waving Pakistan flags and supporting August 14 as their independence day. Soon they will have real youm e azadi. Inshallah. Our position is clear. We support the will of the Kashmiris
The only possibility being if the people of Kashmir vote and claim Azad Kashmir as a part of India. But we all know they are not going to vote for you guys :D

This option does not exist.

Which ppl of J&K ? Those who live in parts ceded by Pk to China ? What abt those who live in Aksai Chin - Occupied by China ? ... and those who live in Pak held J&K ?

Why is it that only " Kashmir' is talked of ? Not the hindu dominated Jammu or Buddhist dominated Laddakh ?

Pk is merely clutching at straws. Water is the main issue here, not love for ppl of J&K neither the fabled Ummah.
what a stupid and uneducated thing to say. 170 million Pakistanis show solidarity with Kashmiri peoples, forget the water for now that can be discussed elsewhere. Our support and solidarity with Kashmir shall remain undisturbed and untethered. May they see the light and seek their existential right to self determination Inshallah. The struggle continues. It will prevail.
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