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NO Sanctions FOR INDIA US provides India with CAATSA waiver for S-400 missile deal with Russia.

You were first acting as you were very loyal **** and now when shown the true place of Pakistan, you are backing off. At least India is growing upwards in terms of economy, it has independent foreign policy, can you say the same for pakistan?

Have you been living in a cave for the past few months? My opinions regarding Pakistan, its army, economy and politics are known to every member on this forum. Wake the fvck up.
A slave will always be a slave.
Who are you talking about and in what sense ? It certainly isn't india , we don't let others run our country or foreign policy. Whereas China and to some extent US has a huge influence in framing Pak foreign policy. India had made it very clear to the americans that it will go ahead with the S400 deal regardless of american sanctions.
boss whatever its India presenting her *** or America presenting her in this case both are working for their own interest and in this case India is playing her cards perfectly hum yahan russia ko salam nai kar saktay!!!

Accept the facts my brother!

Pakistan is a totally different case. Not even worthy of a comparison. A country run by crooks ready to sell their limbs. Would the Indian army interfere in political process and destroy communal peace? In Pakistan the army has done exactly this and more to appease papa America.

Can't compare a useless country like Pakistan with no Foreign Policy expect selling their mothers for a dollar compared to India -- as much as we bash India on this forum they extract what they need unlike our duffer's. Our idiots can only salivate to a couple of F-16s for 40 years and can't think beyond that.

They will give once Biden is back. US Foreign policy needs India more than India needs US.
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Can't compare a useless country like Pakistan with no Foreign Policy expect selling there mothers for a dollar compared to India -- as much as we bash India on this forum they extract what they need unlike our duffer's.

They will give once Biden is back. US Foreign policy needs India more than India needs US.

If I could replace one institute in Pakistan right now it would be the Pakistani army under the leadership of Bajwa. An absolute soldout American bootlicker. Bajwa is a disgrace and he deserves to be nailed on a cross. An absolute traitor of the first order.
India cancelled alot of defence deals with a lot of countries including the US. That's being done to support the domestic industry , there is nothing with that mister

LOL nice story. The reality is

Indian cancelled deals with Russia to make deals with the US to please the US.

The cancelled deals with the US are due to you unable to afford them as you are banrupt and you did not have money to buy.
LOL nice story. The reality is

Indian cancelled deals with Russia to make deals with the US to please the US.

The cancelled deals with the US are due to you unable to afford them as you are banrupt and you did not have money to buy.
The day india goes bankrupt is the day pakistan becomes the richest and most powerful nation on earth. Both scenarios exist only in delusions
Have you been living in a cave for the past few months? My opinions regarding Pakistan, its army, economy and politics are known to every member on this forum. Wake the fvck up.

so before blaming other countries in blind hatred, first see yourself howz ur country faring and than start comparing to satisfy ur tiny ego.
BS, Indians always redirect all the assistance they get from US/West, in the name of combatting China, towards Pakistan. Pervaiz Musharraf actually shut down an arrogant Indian journalist/ ex-Army man very well,by giving him the bean count of Indian deployments against Pakistan as compared to against China.He called his bluff and roasted him good.
When did this interview happen?.
I dont think we will order S 400, too risky to buy Russian defense system now, Indonesia is interested in Turkey and South Korea SAM system.

I agree.Turkish and Chinese equipment are a better choice. Russian equipment are a piece of junk as seen from their performance in the Ukranian war.
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