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NO Sanctions FOR INDIA US provides India with CAATSA waiver for S-400 missile deal with Russia.

BS, Indians always redirect all the assistance they get from US/West, in the name of combatting China, towards Pakistan. Pervaiz Musharraf actually shut down an arrogant Indian journalist/ ex-Army man very well,by giving him the bean count of Indian deployments against Pakistan as compared to against China.He called his bluff and roasted him good.
Times have changed. China is seen as a bigger strategic security threat for India than it was in the past.

India can choose the deploy these weapons (bought from Russia) anywhere it feels the need to. US has not 'assisted' India with this decision as India had made the decision to prioritize this weapon system purchase regardless of consequences. In this instance, US has merely made a domestic decision to not let the weapon purchase hinder America's larger strategic priorities.
Lol I am no indian, but u like it or not, its pakistan who is begging right now for IMF loan, Its was your leaders who said that if imran is not removed you won't be forgiven, pakistan is on vent. Whereas India is not only enjoying cheap Russian oil but also preferential treatment whereas pakistan is literally selling itself but no one is buying!

LOL like as if I care niggah. Go and preach the wall. I have already made my point clear. To me both India and Pakistan are pathetic losers. Two nasty nations that won't ever find peace. They will live as adversaries and outsiders will dictate the outcome. Pakistan being the biggest loser and India being at number 2. Makes no difference. Two pathetic nations.
Bajwa isn't going anywhere. This is a fire he started and he will be alive to watch with his own eyes how the entire house is burnt down. Papa America won't be there to save the day, but rather watching from the sidelines.

Do you suggest Najeeb situation to happen to neutrals?

You can hate Afghans but one thing I can give them is how they took out a guy they hated. Pakistanis are willing to accept slavery it seems.
Do you suggest Najeeb situation to happen to neutrals?

You can hate Afghans but one thing I can give them is how they took out a guy they hated. Pakistanis are willing to accept slavery it seems.

No doubt. The Afghans are a proper nation. Much more loyal to their cause. They had some bad luck. Otherwise the Afghans are better than us.
No doubt. The Afghans are a proper nation. Much more loyal to their cause. They had some bad luck. Otherwise the Afghans are better than us.

Bad luck with stupid monarchs and leaders.

If they didn’t push for Pashtunistan while slighting their own citizens who knows maybe Afghanistan would be in a better position than Paksitan today.

Powerful countries do whatever has to be done. Weaker countries are exploited.

And smart countries like India and Turkey use the situation to their advantage!
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Quite a win for Modi and Doval doctrine. In Karachi ethnic riots( that the were sharing fake news abo it 2 years ago), corrupt cabal with Indian connections on top. Strained relations with China. Balochistan on fire. Kashmir quiet with youths without guns being killed. Pains me as Pak patriot and inshallah this is temporary. It is darkest before the dawn.
You know what tickles me the most.
Indians acting like this gives their existence some higher meaning by getting some validation of a far-off country as if they were their monarch.
Indians always managed to extract some benefits in a multi polar world. Previously it was US - Soviet rivalry. Now it is us chinese. They need to thank china for their image in west. if not for china us wouldnt care a fig leaf for india. Not only us even japanese racism against china because useful to indians who extracted huge interest fee loans from them. At the same time india is having enough relationship with china.
Indians always managed to extract some benefits in a multi polar world. Previously it was US - Soviet rivalry. Now it is us chinese. They need to thank china for their image in west. if not for china us wouldnt care a fig leaf for india. Not only us even japanese racism against china because useful to indians who extracted huge interest fee loans from them. At the same time india is having enough relationship with china.

Indians were able to get benefits because they are smart and have leaders that actually do their job!
LOL like as if I care niggah. Go and preach the wall. I have already made my point clear. To me both India and Pakistan are pathetic losers. Two nasty nations that won't ever find peace. They will live as adversaries and outsiders will dictate the outcome. Pakistan being the biggest loser and India being at number 2. Makes no difference. Two pathetic nations.

You were first acting as you were very loyal **** and now when shown the true place of Pakistan, you are backing off. At least India is growing upwards in terms of economy, it has independent foreign policy, can you say the same for pakistan?
come back when you are allowed to make another deal.

they'd waive this one, and ensure another doesn't happen.

We've been through this, and suffered... and suffering..

Wait and watch,
India isn't dependent on US nor does it intend to be dependent on the US in the same way as pakistan is. So although your concern is genuine It really won't play out the way you want it to. Pakistan has suffered from US occupation of Afganistan and the billions it had spent to root out jihadists from waziristan to serve american interstes which ended up killing 70,000 of your countrymen however india does not find itself in the same situation. You really can't compare india and Pakistan , we are living under very different circumstances and have a very different status than pakistan on the world stage
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