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No Relief to Pakistan on Dispute Over Indian Power Plant on Cross-Border River

Well silver line here is that our enemy lose much more while trying to harm us....I am okay with that assertion!! It's proven even historically!!!
Oh we don't loose anything, volunteer freedom fighters and a few hundred dollars worth of bullets and shells take out indian soldiers that india spent millions on training and supporting. you should get your money back from your math tutor. :laugh:
Oh we don't loose anything, volunteer freedom fighters and a few hundred dollars worth of bullets and shells take out indian soldiers that india spent millions on training and supporting. you should get your money back from your math tutor. :laugh:
naah naah....Its much more than that... when you try to develop a society like that, you end up creating chaos in your own society and that has exactly what happened with Pakistan. Also Its consequences are even painful, you ose tourism, with the bad image and chaotic society, you get negative ratings feom banks and thus get loans at much higher interest, you get dismally low FDI and such. All these are part of parcel of your doings....and It hurts a country.

You wonder why you have to beg for loan payment bailouts? Just think and come back.
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naah naah....Its much more than that... when you are branded as a terrorist harbouring nation, you get loans at higher interest, you get dismally low FDI and such. All these are part of parcel of your doings....and It hurts a country.

You wonder why you have to beg for loan payment bailouts? Just think and come back.
Ohb I'm afraid that terror crying bid has long gone out the window when your kulbhsan got caught and america got accused of supporting isis... it's a free for all now buddy boy, where have you been??? No one is listening to you, big players have a huge interest in keeping Pakistan happy.. :lol:

Oh and we don't have to ask let alone beg anyone, we get loans just like your india does, only we get for a very low interest rate unlike you who has to pay an arm and a leg. In spite of your non-existent booming economy, you are still the biggest borrower, don't forget that. 8-)

Then kis baat ka r. rona laga rakha hai ?
I didn't open this thread...one of your own did...I'm merely reminding you of your auqaat! :lol:
Ohb I'm afraid that terror crying bid has long gone out the window when your kulbhsan got caught and america got accused of supporting isis... it's a free for all now buddy boy, where have you been??? No one is listening to you, big players have a huge interest in keeping Pakistan happy.. :lol:

Oh and we don't have to ask let alone beg anyone, we get loans just like your india does, only we get for a very low interest rate unlike you who has to pay an arm and a leg. In spite of your non-existent booming economy, you are still the biggest borrower, don't forget that. 8-)

I didn't open this thread...one of your own did...I'm merely reminding you of your auqaat! :lol:
Well I have been here ever since you were begging infront of ''big players' and no one was entertaining you for laon bailouts....well for Kulbhushan, as long as world ignores your crying, It means little to us....seems no one wants to believe you...not even your close friends.

PS: well thing is that what we borrow, we have the capacity to pay. We never had to beg infront of whole world for bailouts.
Well I have been here ever since you were begging infront of ''big players' and no one was entertaining you for laon bailouts....well for Kulbhushan, as long as world ignores your crying, It means little to us....seems no one wants to believe you...not even your close friends.

PS: well thing is that what we borrow, we have the capacity to pay. We never had to beg infront of whole world for bailouts.
6% growth with a projected greater than 7% dictates that we are in no need for any bailouts. Sure, we take loans for long drawn out infrastructure projects because we too are capable of servicing them that will eventually pay for themselves when they are completed. Our revenue generation is increasing while yours is decreasing thanks to your new husbands who incidentally in one big player has his groins stuck underneath out boots while the other big players need us as much as we need them if not more so they are more than happy to oblige.

And if kulbhasan means nothing to you then why the randi rona in your lok shaba where you called him your son and running begging to the icj as if we are gonna listen to them...:laugh:
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5 pages of IQ lowering comments. Can't anyone here have a logical debate with facts instead of acting like 16 year old nationalistic morons? The fact of the matter is this...Pakistan fleeced India when it came to the Indus Water Treaty, and many Indians are aware of this...the current Indian government is playing games for its domestic consumption. They essentially got into power by threatening to nuke Pakistan...by doing that, they handcuffed themselves...anything less than threats would be seen as weakness from India's point of view. Furthermore, the Indus Water Treaty has always been a thorn in the side of Delhi. At the end of the day when all is said and done and after India's typical "there's a wolf there's a wolf" yapping ends, the dam will meet the treaty requirements. India has a history wanting to huff and puff, and they do this to there moronic domestic media consumption, especially North Indians, who are a vile breed of stupid. South Indians on the otherhand seem a little more civilized and grounded.

And then you have this clown

They're not running dry because of you...the low water levels are due to abnormally low rainfall you twit.

Last I checked, your current PM won the election and came to power by essentially threatening to nuke Pakistan off the map. Instead, he came to Lahore and gave us mangoes instead and then hired a couple of Bollywood directors to come up with some "soogeekal straik". Not a single Pakistani politician has ever threatened to attack India publicly, mainly because politics in our country does not revolve around wanting to nuke India...unlike in India, where your elections are always about threatening Pakistan. It's kind of amazing to be honest.

We're not, so relax. You have your hands full in Indian occupied Kashmir as we speak. We practically don't have to do anything except light a match when the time is right...and then poof.

This "surgical strike" where India has yet to provide a single shred of photographic and video evidence? Please, stop embarrassing yourselves.


Four civilians killed, three BSF jawans among 35 injured as Pakistan violates ceasefire again

We're at war? Since when?

Why should mount an attack on Kashmir? Indian occupied Kashmir is a powder keg waiting to explode. :lol: What are you on crack?

Trust me...if Pakistan turns to dust, India will be a new body of water on the world map. That I can guarantee you. Better keep this "vee r poowarfal" rhetoric at Bharat Rickhaw forums.

Ah... The Uber smart Alec... Can't make out between trolling and a serious post.

You should be teaching your countrymen about IWT, not me. They believe that India "stole" their water and they need to go to war. I very well know that your dams are running dry due to lower rainfall, but then Pakistanis believe that it's India who stole their water, so what, I'd say let this lie sustain in Pakistan. It's just too much fun watching you burn over a lie.
Though I'm not a Modi fan but when did Modi threaten to Nuke Pakistan? Not even in election speeches. Figment of your imagination. Anyways, India's politics doesn't run on Pakistan, out of hundreds of rallies he had there was hardly a mention of Pakistan anywhere except a couple of speeches. Now since you got to know of only those speeches where Pakistan was mentioned you thought that all he did was talk about you. As any Indian PM, who wants to mend fences with enemies, he too tried it. But then Nawaz Shareef only proved to be a rubber stamp PM of Pakistan, hardly any control over Pakistan. And really your politicians don't threaten nuclear war? Really ... This was over a fake news...

And the rest of your post is too moroNic to answer. Come back to talk anything when you know the reality of LoC. Your Army wouldn't be hiding casualties if they weren't too high and too embarrassing to admit.
Ah... The Uber smart Alec... Can't make out between trolling and a serious post.

You're all dumb.

You should be teaching your countrymen about IWT, not me. They believe that India "stole" their water and they need to go to war. I very well know that your dams are running dry due to lower rainfall, but then Pakistanis believe that it's India who stole their water, so what, I'd say let this lie sustain in Pakistan. It's just too much fun watching you burn over a lie.

This is the internet...not real life. Grow up.

Though I'm not a Modi fan but when did Modi threaten to Nuke Pakistan? Not even in election speeches. Figment of your imagination. Anyways, India's politics doesn't run on Pakistan, out of hundreds of rallies he had there was hardly a mention of Pakistan anywhere except a couple of speeches.


Now since you got to know of only those speeches where Pakistan was mentioned you thought that all he did was talk about you. As any Indian PM, who wants to mend fences with enemies, he too tried it. But then Nawaz Shareef only proved to be a rubber stamp PM of Pakistan, hardly any control over Pakistan.

Peace can only be achieved when Kashmir is discussed. Secondly, BJP can't...since they handcuffed themselves by constantly making baseless threats before and after the election.

And really your politicians don't threaten nuclear war? Really ... This was over a fake news...

Did you read the article even?

And the rest of your post is too moroNic to answer. Come back to talk anything when you know the reality of LoC. Your Army wouldn't be hiding casualties if they weren't too high and too embarrassing to admit.

Nobody hides anything. That's just India's way of making itself feel better when 2 dozen soldiers get shot...then get rocks pelted on them.

The rest I suppose you can't answer.
Even if that were true, why is that such a concern for you?

america yeh haal kar raha hay inka...:lol:

khisiyaani billi khamba nochay...woh bhi wto ka khamba, and China is gonna be there laughing at india and it's new strategic partnership!!! :omghaha:
I'm just saying, India signed that nuke deal with the US...so they essentially have to follow what Washington tells them when it comes to foreign policy. Is it any coincidence that Russia-India ties have gradually weakened over the years? Is it any coincidence the IPI pipeline is now only the IP pipeline?

Indians like calling Pakistan a slave of China, when India is right up there acting like a slave of America. So inner reflection is needed from our Bharati brethren before making silly remarks.

Eh shotory hai.

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