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No possibility of a limited war with Pakistan: Indian Army chief

Shame on Bipin Rawat!!

He is a soldier and he calls THIS action by his men as “Innovation”!!

That is a new low even for Indian army in Kashmir, endorsing such atrocities at the very highest level.

Such statements suits the scum politicians sir, you are a man of uniform, have some respect for that.
Be a man!
Oh yeah he is a man and he knows what he is doing. He is in uniform to save his country and will do so by all means even if he has to adopt the Pakistani model of using tanks and Artillery against its own citizens.
first thing first you people use force against your own people not pakistan thats is why india have 67 separatist movement not pakistan.
first thing first you people use force against your own people not pakistan thats is why india have 67 separatist movement not pakistan.

Your entire Pakistan is at state of war with its own people for a decade. India is not !! India has managed to neutralize its internal threats with its Paramilitary forces rather declaring war on them.
Pakistan and India both have tested the 'limited' war doctrine in Kargil.
No long term goals can be achieved by such low intensity limited war as proven by Kargil.

Both the countries should realize that the business of war these days will only invite the looming vultures to the region which neither can afford.
Oh yeah he is a man and he knows what he is doing. He is in uniform to save his country and will do so by all means even if he has to adopt the Pakistani model of using tanks and Artillery against its own citizens.
Might be Hitler feel embarrassed if he alive to see this:coffee:
On topic
the things they can't THEY can't
Might be Hitler feel embarrassed if he alive to see this:coffee:
On topic
the things they can't THEY can't

Hitler wouldn't have survived the current world affairs anyways, more so looking at Pakistan.
No possibility of a limited war with Pakistan: Indian Army chief
May 29, 2017, 3:12 pm


NEW DELHI: Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat has said that there is no possibility of a limited war with Pakistan.

While talking about using a Kashmiri man as a human shield, he termed the move as ‘defensive’ by the Indian army.

“This is a proxy war and proxy war is a dirty war. It is played in a dirty way. The rules of engagements are there when the adversary comes face-to-face and fights with you. It is a dirty war. That is where innovation comes in. You fight a dirty war with innovations,” Rawat told Press Trust of India (PTI).

“People are throwing stones at us, people are throwing petrol bombs at us. If my men ask me what do we do, should I say, just wait and die? I will come with a nice coffin with a national flag and I will send your bodies home with honour. Is it what I am supposed to tell them as chief? I have to maintain the morale of my troops who are operating there,” he said.

“It would have been easier for them if the protesters use weapons instead of stones. In fact, I wish these people, instead of throwing stones at us, were firing weapons at us. Then I would have been happy. Then I could do what I want to do,” Rawat told PTI.

Meanwhile, without naming Pakistan, Indian Defence Minister Arun Jaitley has said that their neighbouring country is a future threat for them, and has been a threat for the past 70 years; however India’s defence preparations are always up to the mark.


Of course there isn't. Despite what the retarded delusional bollywood fantasists spew on the net, the indian military high command is aware of Pakistan's REAL military capabilities. The above is tacit admission of this raging fact. IF india could defeat Pakistan militarily they would have attacked us after mumbai 2008 or Uri 2016. They would have had the backing of the americans. The fact they couldn't speaks volumes. Especially in light of the fact that Pakistan is 7x smaller than india and doesn't have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems like it does. Ground realities ALWAYS trump retarded slum dog fantasies.

However, with the successful rise and rise of CPEC and the terminally dying BLA outfit wasting away, the indians will try a proxy war against us. Probably using their worthless Afghan minions. This can be stopped by Pakistan kicking out all the Afghans and permanently sealing our border with them. Problem solved. Despite all of this, these desperate attempts will fail just as india failed to prevent Pakistan becoming a nuclear weapons state.
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BTW the extent to whch india is Itching for a war with Pakistan just because they are going bonkers on Kashmir situation getting out of hands.

Bohat Jutian parney wali hain inko Jokes aside.
Over assessment of ones own force and underassessment of your enemy are the most dire msitakes for a nation whch india is doing both at the same time.
Chitrol ho gi khudi nani yaad aa jaey gi ke pyar se rehtey badmaashi nai kartey :omghaha:
:D :D

I knew it. I don't understand why they always create a buzz in media.

General Raheel said:- Pakistan is invincible.
We are not talking about Exs and COASs here. It was about how credible are the words of a commander in chief who is defending and even rewarding a war crime, inhumane and barbaric act of one of his officers.

War crime ?? LOL, but where is war mate. Regarding the inhumane/barbaric act remark, when you are part of a violent mob pelting stones, caught in the act, tell me one place in the world where you will be greeted with a bunch of flowers ?? :p:
And so the 4th Gen war will raze on.
War crime ?? LOL, but where is war mate. Regarding the inhumane/barbaric act remark, when you are part of a violent mob pelting stones, caught in the act, tell me one place in the world where you will be greeted with a bunch of flowers ?? :p:

Nobody is asking for flowers but there is one thing called professionalism and professional integrity to deal with the things.

This is protest by Jaats in Haryana your Country. You can see the bricks/stones thrown at forces. Would your views have been same if one Hindu from these protestors was tied to the jeep as shield ??
So stop reiterating the same media fed word " Stone Pelter".
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