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No need to keep huge army, says Asghar Khan

This is not really true. India instigated this "Indo-Pak" rivalry by occupying Kashmir militarily and also by witholding the money that Pakistan was entitled to after partition.

All of these military exercises after 1947 are a direct result of India's occupation of Kashmir. Had India not occupied Kashmir and allowed the Kashmiris to voice their right to self determination (and choose Pakistan or India), then none of these problems would have happened.

You have to look at the "root cause" of the conflict and that is India in this case.

In reality, India and Pakistan were supposed to friends. Gandhi wanted frienship with Pak and Jinnah wanted friendship with India (this is why Jinnah maintained his residence in Mumbai , which is known today as Jinnah House).

The problem is that the two nation theory was not "finalized" because Kashmir was not allowed to join its muslim brethren into Pakistan. If the two nation theory was executed properly, I truly feel that we could have seen peace between Indo-Pak.

Pakistan occupied Azad Kashmir, not India we are the rightful hiers. Read up on the acession treaty.

Pakistan occupied Azad Kashmir, not India we are the rightful hiers. Read up on the acession treaty.

I know all about the alleged accession treaty. First of all, it is disputed as to whether or not any treaty was signed by the non-muslim leader of kashmir at the time. Historians such as Alastair Lamb strongly believe that no treaty was signed.

With regard to a Pakistani invasion, that really is not true. At the time, Pakistan was a fledgling nation and did not have an army or any funds. Reportedly, pathan fighters came in and "occupied" Kashmir. However, that is really conjecture. Many other people believe it was indigenous Kashmiris themselves who started the fight to join Pakistan as most of them wanted join their muslim brethren.

The truth is that no one will ever be to sort these issues out correctly. The problem with history is that oftentimes it depends on perspective. One can say this is the same problem with "news" nowadays as it is always seen from a "biased" standpoint.

However, there are some realities that we do see. We see the two nation theory being valid. One is of a secular (mostly Hindu) republic in India being there side by side with a muslim republic in Pakistan. The muslim areas of British India were supposed to join Pakistan and that is the reason why Kashmir should have joined Pak. Talking about accession treaties is just semantics and "skirting" the reality of the situation. The fact is that true peace could exist if the two nation theory was carried out and that is my sincere hope. A peaceful Pakistan and India with Kashmir solved and not being a flashpoint is the best thing.

I think Indians who claim that Kashmir is part of India have to ask themselves one thing. Why is it that the Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir are fighting so hard for independence and an end to Indian rule and why is there so much violence there (all of it can't be blamed on Pak because Kashmiris are doing the fighting). While, one can look at Pakistani Kashmir and there is relative peace (the earthquake hurt that), but still its peaceful and the people want to be part of Pakistan. I am telling you this as someone who is Kashmiri and whose family lives now in Lahore and Islamabad. India needs its army to basically hold Kashmir hostage.

I would feel the same way if Pakistan held a hindu territory like Gujarat, that would be wrong in the same way.

What is right should be done because in the end peace is the best option. India would be much better served to use its resources on the poor India (Pakistan has lots of poor too) and help them rather than occupy Kashmir and Siachen spending $$$$ and using 700,000 troops. Pakistan could also decrease her own military expenditures then because this climate of a "cold war" between Indo-Pak wouldn't be there. I think most Pakistanis and Indians agree with me.
You conviently forgot,

The princely states or protectorates of british can decide for themseleves where to join. Reason why Hyderbad tried to join Pakistan(Muslim ruler, Majority Hindu), while Kashmir joined India(Hindu Ruler, Majority Muslim). WHile the direct British held territories changed hands as India and Pakistan on % of population to religion. you need to read up

Please dont bother about our poor, Indian aint leaving Kashmir or Siachin. Come and get it, You are not getting an inch of our land without a fight
There are more afghans and Pakistani's in Kashmir for the famed JIHAD, than Kashmiri. They just want to be left alone. Read up and come debate. 700,000 out of 1 million soldiers in J&K. Do you think Indians are idiots to keep them all there in a small valley,Why dont pakistan drop a bomb on their heads, and just walk into India, There is nobody else to protect India anyways. Please show some brains

Why dont Pakistan just leave the whole kashmir issue, since we ready to accept LoC as the border, not to proceed with our claim of Azad Kashmir. Then Pakistan can spend on educating, poverty etc etc. You are not a rich country my friend, and we arent one either
while we can afford at 2.4% of GDP.
Why have such a big army to to protect us from indian?, what we need is a protection from our own army who dismatles democracy and forcefully rules the nation. Asa proud pakistani i say its better to be an indian slave then a free pakistani, atleast it wont be that painful knowing that our rights abused by others then our own kind.
You conviently forgot,

The princely states or protectorates of british can decide for themseleves where to join. Reason why Hyderbad tried to join Pakistan(Muslim ruler, Majority Hindu), while Kashmir joined India(Hindu Ruler, Majority Muslim). WHile the direct British held territories changed hands as India and Pakistan on % of population to religion. you need to read up

Please dont bother about our poor, Indian aint leaving Kashmir or Siachin. Come and get it, You are not getting an inch of our land without a fight
There are more afghans and Pakistani's in Kashmir for the famed JIHAD, than Kashmiri. They just want to be left alone. Read up and come debate. 700,000 out of 1 million soldiers in J&K. Do you think Indians are idiots to keep them all there in a small valley,Why dont pakistan drop a bomb on their heads, and just walk into India, There is nobody else to protect India anyways. Please show some brains

Why dont Pakistan just leave the whole kashmir issue, since we ready to accept LoC as the border, not to proceed with our claim of Azad Kashmir. Then Pakistan can spend on educating, poverty etc etc. You are not a rich country my friend, and we arent one either
while we can afford at 2.4% of GDP.

Its a flawed concept to have the "princely" states choose their fate. The fact is that under the two nation theory the muslim majority provinces should have made up Pakistan and the non muslim states should have belonged to India.

Under your logic, Junagedh whose muslim leader acceded to Pakistan should be a rightful part of Pakistan, but India illegally occupied it. I am looking at things from a logical viewpoint. I am not saying Junagedh should join Pak even they rightfully acceded to Pakistan. I am saying that the logical thing of having muslim areas join the muslim nation created by the two nation theory. It makes sense.

I understand that Indians view Kashmir with hubris. They have a lot of arrogance that Kashmir belongs to them and its a part of Indian national pride. That is fine. Indians can believe that. But, this kind of thinking is self destructive to all people. The average poor person in India who cannot get adequate food or the average poor widow in India couldn't care less about occupying Kashmir. They want food on their table. Spending $$$$ on getting Su30MKI's looks good to people who can afford it (rich Indians), but the average Indian is not like that. The fact is that India ranked in the high 90's out of 118 nations in an annual survey of hunger. I will post the link later on when I can (right now, I don't have five posts yet so I can't post links).

I love Pakistan greatly, but I am a humanitarian first. I want to help the poor and destitute of all nation's. I have nothing against Indians and wished they saw logic and solved Kashmir or at least adopted the Chenab formula, which I give Musharraf credit for espousing.

I know that many Indians will not give an inch and would rather lose it the territory in a war than give it up on humanitarian and human rights grounds. That is fine, too. Pakistan is right now not capable of fighting India for Kashmir, but in the future, who knows? Pakistan very well might gain the conventional military advantage over India and Kashmir could be freed god-willing. This time , though, India should be wary that China may want to settle scores over Arunachal Pradesh and the other seven sister states may want Independence (Assam, Nagaland). So Indian hubris over Kashmir could ultimately relate to them losing more territory.

In my opinion, the breakup of current day India is inevitable. India is only facilitating this by their stance in Kashmir and their aggressive stance with their neighbors.

Ask yourself this. How come India has border disputes with EVERY nation that it surrounds. Pakistan on the other hand only has a dispute with India. China only has a dispute with India. Pakistan and China had an undemarcated border back in 1963, and they signed an agreement to solve the dispute.

That is a sign of two rational countries which understand diplomacy. On the other hand, India has refused to do that. They insist on the military option, and military intervention in the long run doesn't work.

The fact is that you can't suppress the wishes of the Kashmiris forever and 700,000 troops can't stay in Srinagar forever.

May you and other Indians see the light of peace and come in good faith to solve kashmir. Its the humanistic thing to do .
These are the links that I was telling you about earlier. I am not posting these to defame India or engage in a propaganda campaign against India. I told you that I am a humanitarian first, and I look for the betterment of people whether they are muslim, hindu, christian, etc.... While I am muslim, I see that we are all human beings and need to be treated with respect and dignity. I do not see war as a first option (esp. between India and Pak), but would rather have a logical end to certain issues (Kashmir especially joining Pakistan) and create a climate of peace. I would have loved to have seen a peaceful Pakistan and India side by side and maybe there will be a time when one can visit Lahore and safely cross the Wagah crossing into India without arousing suspicion and mistrust.

As I have always said, its much better to spend our collective $$$$ on the poor or the needy or even the average person who may not be so poor than to spend it on 700,000 troops occupying Kashmir or spend it on brand new SU30 MKI's which serve only to further national hubris rather than help people.

The first two links relate to India and hunger. The links are from independent sources and tell that India has more of a hunger problem than nations in Sub-Saharan Africa (who people think are among the poorest in the world).



The second group of links I have talk about the plight of widows in India and how they are very poor and exploited. Again, I am not posting this to defame India (every nation has problems), but rather, I am showing that the 21 billion+ dollars spent on defence measures could be better used. In comparision, Pakistan only spends 4-5 billion in defence.




May we all live in peace and prosperity and do what is RIGHT and righteous, rather than give in to nationalistic arrogance like the Indian gov't is doing.

Humans first.
Its a flawed concept to have the "princely" states choose their fate. The fact is that under the two nation theory the muslim majority provinces should have made up Pakistan and the non muslim states should have belonged to India.

Under your logic, Junagedh whose muslim leader acceded to Pakistan should be a rightful part of Pakistan, but India illegally occupied it. I am looking at things from a logical viewpoint. I am not saying Junagedh should join Pak even they rightfully acceded to Pakistan. I am saying that the logical thing of having muslim areas join the muslim nation created by the two nation theory. It makes sense.
Whether or not it makes sense is irrelevant. At the end of the day, In Hyderabad, the Nizam wanted to join Pakistan, and the public wanted to remain with India while in Kashmir, the people wanted to join Pakistan and the King wanted to join India. India invaded Hyderabad and took it, while Pakistan tried the same thing, sending their own troops dressed as locals to revolt, while the king hastily signed the IOA with India. That meant that Pakistan was officially invading India and IA started its offensive. Then a ceasefire was brokered and the occupied parts by both sides remain what they are today, Indian Kashmir and Azad Kashmir, with the Indian side being 2/3rds of Kashmir.

That was history 101 for you. Might is right, i guess you may have gotten the essence of the lecture, whether or not it makes sense, is irrelevant.

I understand that Indians view Kashmir with hubris. They have a lot of arrogance that Kashmir belongs to them and its a part of Indian national pride. That is fine. Indians can believe that. But, this kind of thinking is self destructive to all people. The average poor person in India who cannot get adequate food or the average poor widow in India couldn't care less about occupying Kashmir. They want food on their table. Spending $$$$ on getting Su30MKI's looks good to people who can afford it (rich Indians), but the average Indian is not like that.
Ahem, rich Indians dont get Su-30MKI's no matter how rich they are !
And yes, there is what you may call arrogance associated with Kashmir, for it is for this peice of land that Pakistan has instigated wars constantly with India, and has never managed to capture one cm of that. Whether self destructive or not, the land remains with India, unless won in a war otherwise.

Oh and mind you, when you are talking about the Su-30's and whatnot, and the poor people in India not bothering about them, the same goes for people in Pakistan, when Pakistan buys its own weapons, which i might add are used more on their own people than the enemy. So please cut the whole "poor people dont want" thing there.

The fact is that India ranked in the high 90's out of 118 nations in an annual survey of hunger. I will post the link later on when I can (right now, I don't have five posts yet so I can't post links).
India also has one of the highest investment rates, one of the fastest growing economies, etc, etc, etc. Honestly, take a look at the economic section of this forum, you might get surprised.

I love Pakistan greatly, but I am a humanitarian first. I want to help the poor and destitute of all nation's. I have nothing against Indians and wished they saw logic and solved Kashmir or at least adopted the Chenab formula, which I give Musharraf credit for espousing.
Good for you.

I know that many Indians will not give an inch and would rather lose it the territory in a war than give it up on humanitarian and human rights grounds. That is fine, too.
It makes no sense to give up Kashmir on humanitarian grounds when Pakistan has launched invasions and wars on India to gain that land. Now that they have failed, you expect India to 'give up' Kasmir? Talk sense man!

Pakistan is right now not capable of fighting India for Kashmir, but in the future, who knows? Pakistan very well might gain the conventional military advantage over India and Kashmir could be freed god-willing.
Now thats a ludicrous statement. The "Inshallah" we will beat India thing going on again!!
Common man, can you not see, India has always and will always have more military resources at her disposal. There can never be a day when Pakistan might gain a conventional military advantage over India.

Now you said you were a humanitarian, think for a second, if one day Pakistan does gain a conventional military advantage over India, it would come at a price. Pakistan would have had to buy a LOT of military equipment ruthlessly for a long time to match India, spend a LOT of money. Dont you think that it would increase the % to GDP ratio of Pakistan by a huge amount(not that its small right now!), while for India, it would still be very less. SO at the end, its the people in Pakistan who would get lesser money in education, or subsidies or whatever. It will be the people of Pakistan who will suffer more.

It seems you want to be a humanitarian only when the case study is India and not Pakistan.

This time , though, India should be wary that China may want to settle scores over Arunachal Pradesh and the other seven sister states may want Independence (Assam, Nagaland). So Indian hubris over Kashmir could ultimately relate to them losing more territory.
Please, not the China thing ! We have had enough debates over here regarding that.

QUOTE]In my opinion, the breakup of current day India is inevitable. India is only facilitating this by their stance in Kashmir and their aggressive stance with their neighbors.

Ask yourself this. How come India has border disputes with EVERY nation that it surrounds. Pakistan on the other hand only has a dispute with India. China only has a dispute with India. [/QUOTE]
I am sorry, India does not have a border dispute with Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka.
WHILE, Pakistan also has a border dispute with Afghanistan, and Iran(?).

China OTOH, HAD a border dispute with Russia, while they have signed a treaty with them relatively recently, it goes to show that border disputes are common and can be resolved.
And FYI, there are still some disputed territories between Russia and China. There still is a dispute on some areas.

Incidentally, i hope you know that China has already recognized Sikkim as being an Indian state now. They have dropped their claim.

Pakistan and China had an undemarcated border back in 1963, and they signed an agreement to solve the dispute.
ROFL, that was a sell out to China from Pakistan. After all the $hit about Kashmiri freedom, etc, etc, Pakistan just gave up land to China. I am sorry my friend, you will not find us so desperate nor weak.

That is a sign of two rational countries which understand diplomacy. On the other hand, India has refused to do that. They insist on the military option, and military intervention in the long run doesn't work.

The fact is that you can't suppress the wishes of the Kashmiris forever and 700,000 troops can't stay in Srinagar forever.

May you and other Indians see the light of peace and come in good faith to solve kashmir. Its the humanistic thing to do .
Heh, humanistic thing to do. I wonder why Pakistan does not set Baluchistan free, its also a more humanistic thing to do, since they are also up in arms against Pakistani "oppression". Oh and whats the guarentee that Pakistan wont again sell off the land of Kashmir to China !
India's poor, India's dalits, etc etc. God how many times do i have to point out that before preaching, Pakistanis should practice. Only then will anyone take them seriously.

If you think Indians should concentrate on their poor rather than occupying Kashmir, then so should Pakistanis. Its not like there is any dearth of poor in Pakistan. The day pakistan lifts its millions of poor out of poverty also, instead of wasting precious resources on nukes and armies and jihad and coup's, come and tell Indians to vacate Kashmir, we might actually take you seriously.

Kapish ?
That's what I am saying.

India should stop occupying Kashmir and let Kashmir rightfully join Pakistan as was the intent in the two nation theory.

After that happens, both India and Pakistan could focus on giving $$$$ to the poor in each nation.

Pakistan does have its poor, and yet, India has many more poor people.

Both sides are best served by creating an enduring peace between the nations.

Thank you for proving my point.

May humanity prevail.
the money Pakistan spends on its army is FAR LESS than what India spends (4 billion for Pak versus 21 billion for India).

Also, pakistan only spends to have an ability to "deter" India from attacking. This theory of deterrence worked very well in 2001-02 when India belligerently mobilized on the border with Pakistan and threatened nuclear war. Pakistan needs to have a strong army to preserve her integrity from attack (just like any nation).

The other issues like military coups, etc... in Pakistan are not issues that Indians should talk about. These are internal affairs of Pakistan and not an international issue. Kashmir is an international dispute as agreed by the UN.

By talking about other matters, you are deluding yourself from the reality that is India. India is a belligerent country and peace will only come when India changes its line of thinking. Let's pray to god, Ram, or Allah that this happens soon.
the money Pakistan spends on its army is FAR LESS than what India spends (4 billion for Pak versus 21 billion for India).
Dont talk like a layman. Talk in terms of percentage of GDP. It hurts Pakistan FAR more to match India even halfway. Pakistan spends much much more compared to its GDP, to what India does. Didnt you get my previous post AT ALL?

Also, pakistan only spends to have an ability to "deter" India from attacking. This theory of deterrence worked very well in 2001-02 when India belligerently mobilized on the border with Pakistan and threatened nuclear war. Pakistan needs to have a strong army to preserve her integrity from attack (just like any nation).
The 'theory of deterrence' didnt work out quite well during Kargil did it.

The other issues like military coups, etc... in Pakistan are not issues that Indians should talk about. These are internal affairs of Pakistan and not an international issue. Kashmir is an international dispute as agreed by the UN.
Oh right right! We arent supposed to talk about the coup's and military rule in Pakistan at all, we should only talk about Kashmir !

By talking about other matters, you are deluding yourself from the reality that is India. India is a belligerent country and peace will only come when India changes its line of thinking. Let's pray to god, Ram, or Allah that this happens soon.
Beligerant country? In what sense?

Common man, talk reality.
Lhori, it seems you have our heart in the right place. I will not get into semantics and moral grandstanding, but state a simple ground reality.

Wether right or wrong, Kashmir, has become an integral part of India, both physically and psychologically. So get over the obsession, its only going to lead your nation down the path of ruin. India is happy to maintain the status quo, because its a win win situation for us. We are developing in leaps and bounds, despite holding onto our side of Kashmir. While Pakistan is spiralling into chaos, because of its obsession with liberating Kashmir.

If i was an adviser to the Indian prime minister, i would say "sir, its good that Pakistan is obsessed with Kashmir, they will destroy themselves for it".
In the hope of liberating Kashmir and creating nationalism against India, after decades of nurturing, Pakistan has created a Hydra of Islamic fundamentalism amidst itself. But make no mistakes about it, this monster owes no loyalties to anybody, and recognizes no political boundaries, not even Pakistan.
Why have such a big army to to protect us from indian?, what we need is a protection from our own army who dismatles democracy and forcefully rules the nation. Asa proud pakistani i say its better to be an indian slave then a free pakistani, atleast it wont be that painful knowing that our rights abused by others then our own kind.

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