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No hurdle in resuming defence ties with India: Says China

When Nehru agreed to so called 'one China' policy and take initiative to have friendly ties with China sheltering Tibetans for humanitarian issues should not taken as war. If they were not sheltered Mao must have killed them all.

What happened in 1962 as you are saying there were already war like situation? here it goes.....

"Border disputes resulted in a short border war between the People's Republic of China and India in 20 October 1962. The PRC pushed the unprepared and inadequately led Indian forces to within forty-eight kilometres of the Assam plains in the northeast and occupied strategic points in Ladakh, until the PRC declared a unilateral cease-fire on 21 November and withdrew twenty kilometers behind its contended line of control."

Its like France suddenly attacking Germany tomorrow and after few days declaring ceasefire!!!! :tdown:

That is true ....you cannot say this was truly a war or even a battle..."more like sneak attack"....but it works. In Vietnam;s case, China actually announced it was going to attack because its minorities were being killed in Vietnam.....giving the Vietnamese ample time, plus they've been fighting wars on and off for close to a century.
I agree with the resources, but that's where our brilliant Asian minds need to come together ....we need to really start the colonization of space....and start mining the Moon or Mars for resources..

Idealism is nice, but in this case, not very realistic.

We are still a poor country, and we need all the brains we have, to develop ourselves.

China and India will remain geostrategic rivals, because there are not enough resources in the world.
Idealism is nice, but in this case, not very realistic.

We are still a poor country, and we need all the brains we have, to develop ourselves.

China and India will remain geostrategic rivals, because there are not enough resources in the world.

Reminds me of something said by Mahatma Gandhi long ago, "The earth has enough for every man's need, but not enough for every man's greed."

Even though we are limited by resources, the costs of trying to achieve more resources through violent means would in any case prove more costlier than the benefits, and it would only benefit the nations who are not stakeholders in the conquest.
Reminds me of something said by Mahatma Gandhi long ago, "The earth has enough for every man's need, but not enough for every man's greed."

Even though we are limited by resources, the costs of trying to achieve more resources through violent means would in any case prove more costlier than the benefits, and it would only benefit the nations who are not stakeholders in the conquest.

Which is why I belief the west is commiting suicide. They won't be able to survive like this forever. Just like how the Roman Empire collapsed after over extending themselves and just like how the Soviets collapsed after bankrupting themselves on arms race.
Reminds me of something said by Mahatma Gandhi long ago, "The earth has enough for every man's need, but not enough for every man's greed."

Exactly. There are not nearly enough resources in the world, for all 6 billion people to have a "developed" standard of living.

But who gets to reach a high standard of living, and who has to stay poor?

Even though we are limited by resources, the costs of trying to achieve more resources through violent means would in any case prove more costlier than the benefits, and it would only benefit the nations who are not stakeholders in the conquest.

Sure. But when push comes to shove, dangerous situations occur.
There should be more such military-to-military contacts between the two nations. Make those exercises every year, on a much larger level. Keep them simple as routine COIN exercises or SWAT exercises or even routine military maneuvers. But maintain those contacts. One learns a lot by just observing. Just my 2 cents.

Very much agree with you! It is an arms race going on, and considering the difference of economic growth between both the countries, India would incur much bigger loss, and China on the other hand might actually benefit from any such scenario given its strong manufacturing base.

Whenever there is a battle/war, you have to bring your enemy to the ground that you have advantage over. India is doing the same with Pakistan and forcing it to buy more and more arms without any conflicts, thus weakening its economy. China too wants India to match its arsenal so as to delay the growth of India's economy, whereas India is fervently trying to build up its diplomatic clout so that it won't have to resort to arming itself so heavily.

The military-to-military contacts between China and India will only make sure that the countries do not get into any military conflicts in near future. The western countries that are becoming India's main arms suppliers may not be happy to see it happening, but this is an inevitability that will come out of the 2 billion + people desiring to live in peace than be in conflict while other countries make hay.
Very much agree with you! It is an arms race going on, and considering the difference of economic growth between both the countries, India would incur much bigger loss, and China on the other hand might actually benefit from any such scenario given its strong manufacturing base.

Whenever there is a battle/war, you have to bring your enemy to the ground that you have advantage over. India is doing the same with Pakistan and forcing it to buy more and more arms without any conflicts, thus weakening its economy. China too wants India to match its arsenal so as to delay the growth of India's economy, whereas India is fervently trying to build up its diplomatic clout so that it won't have to resort to arming itself so heavily.

The military-to-military contacts between China and India will only make sure that the countries do not get into any military conflicts in near future. The western countries that are becoming India's main arms suppliers may not be happy to see it happening, but this is an inevitability that will come out of the 2 billion + people desiring to live in peace than be in conflict while other countries make hay.

i don't think china was ever intend to drag india or any country into an arms race,otherwise PLA could simply reveal the whole iceberg under the J20
Sure. But when push comes to shove, dangerous situations occur.

I thought you were more mature than that.

War is simply the slaughter of population so that the ones who survive are left with the shares of the dead, and it doesn't work that way anymore.

Besides in today's atmosphere a nuclear conflict will be suicide. Just a few city busters are enough to change the world map.
i still say staying hostile to each other is not going to help us lets hi the table sort out all our problems thats the best we can do an seriously am tires of west its time for asis but we will have to solve our problem to make it happen
“The last time the Chinese came, they stayed a thousand years. The French are foreigners. They are weak. Colonialism is dying. The white man is finished in Asia. But if the Chinese stay now, they will never go. As for me, I prefer to sniff French for five years than to eat Chinese for the rest of my life.”—Hồ Chí Minh, 1946

:lol: oh man, you gota love Ho Chi Minh!


Vietnam will fall under a 5th Chinese domination soon and this time hopefully China will keep them for another 1000 years!
The idea of conquering Vietnam is competely unappealing to me. If they are on friendly terms with China, then that is more than enough. Of course, if Vietnam starts courting Americans, then some actions need to be taken before they bring the wolf into China's backyard. As long as they are not a dire challenge to China's national security, leave them be. Borders should be respected.

As far as the AP (South Tibet) issue goes, I really do not see the need to fight over that piece of rock with little strategic/economic value. It has become more of a pride issue between China and India if anything. No one wants to back down in fear of looking weak. I'm fine with keeping the status quo.

While I don't see any high level military dialogue in the future, there is no harm is holding small scale exercises with India. The two previous exercises were quite the success and helps to improve trust between the militaries. If nothing else, it helps to reduce tensions in the borders. Accidental discharge of a weapon could trigger a skirmish if the troops on both sides are jumpy.

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