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No houses for Muslims in India

Why are u making inflammatory & irrelevant remarks ?

Would u like to share the pork I eat ?

Thanks for proving to the world how much love you have for the muslims. Thank you.

People of the world must understand that this is the attitude that exists in india. I am sure you spend your time adding pork to the food of muslims? No wonder the muslims in India are in such a state. Every month a terrorist attack is launched. The Indian mujahideen has already risen up to Indian opression. Its only natural reaction to the general inacceptance and hatred of muslims that exists in India. Poor muslims rite nihat?
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Thank you benefactors - We are grateful for your very "Genuine" concern for Muslim Indians.

Pakistani brothers should also send us poor and deprived Muslims here some money and food packets as it's soooooooo hard to survive.

I shall PM my address to anyone who wishes to help me . Bank transfer of over Rs. 50,000 per concerned Pak brother will be welcomed , cheque payments are also accepted.

Also brothers , do send us dry fruits too as these evil Hindu Indians don't give us food to eat also , used clothes and used toothbrushes are also needed.

Isse zara jaldi karna , brothers.

Hindu fanatics are going to burn me alive here , please take me with you to the land of Religious Theology where I can be safe.

Ya Khuda , rehem kar hum par. Rehne ko Ghar nahin , sone ko Bistar nahin:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Mr Nihat i understand your situation completely and i know what u are suffering daily and I understand that because of a stupid choice made in 1947 you are suffering. Now I understand and have pit for you because having lived in India I know how many times it would have been u have been suspected of being pro pakistani and supportive of pakistani team in cricket matches, how many times a hindus word has been favoured over yours just because u r a muslim, how you have to wear your patriotism on your shoulder to no effect, how many times have you raised your voice for those who have suffered in Gujrat and Mumbai genocides and been called unloyal to India... i understand what it is like to be a muslim in India.

If you want further consolence and advice about what you should do as a muslim in India please ask this person whose youtube profile i will give you. He lived in Hyderabad for more than 17 years of his life and has much to say about the state of muslims in India. His sister was raped and killed by hindu fanatics. His life was ruined by them and now he proudly calls himself a Pakistani and is seen as a leader in our nation:

YouTube - nuzixpaki117's Channel

Dont be confused by "117" thats in his profile name cauz thats not me. We nationalists just honor the 117th batallion and its people who had forsaken their lives for Pakistan and the oppressed muslims in India ;)

Please do contact him. He is from your own India telling the world the truth about it and he can even feed you and clothe you with something... ;)
Thanks for proving to the world how much love you have for the muslims. Thank you.

People of the world must understand that this is the attitude that exists in india. I am sure you spend your time adding pork to the food of muslims? No wonder the muslims in India are in such a state. Every month a terrorist attack is launched. The Indian mujahideen has already risen up to Indian opression. Its only natural reaction to the general inacceptance and hatred of muslims that exists in India. Poor muslims rite nihat?

The love I have is for Indians, it does not matter if they are Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Parsees, jains or any other community.

As regards the others, if they respect Indians, they are loved & respected back, if not.. they deserve to be paid back in the same coin.
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Here are some news of oppression on indian minorities. And for those who are capable of self correction can do some soul searching beyond indian media blackout. For many indians unfortunately denial is preferred way......

Every ten years or so minority population in india face atrocity in genocidal proportion, Sikh then Muslim, again Muslims and off late Christians….with indian media blackout and continued denial it will only get worse for india……
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Hindu extremists' reward to kill Christians, as Britain refuses to bar members

Members of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) party take part in a 'Weapon Worship' ceremony in Bhopal. Britain has refused to bar members of the radical group Rhys Blakely in Bombay Extremist Hindu groups offered money, food and alcohol to mobs to kill Christians and destroy their homes, according to Christian aid workers in the eastern state of Orissa.

The allegations follow the British Government’s refusal to prevent members of two radical groups linked to the worst antiChristian violence in India since Partition entering Britain.

The US-based head of a Christian organisation that runs several orphanages in Orissa – one of India’s poorest regions – claims that Christian leaders are being targeted by Hindu militants and carry a price on their heads. “The going price to kill a pastor is $250 (£170),” Faiz Rahman, the chairman of Good News India, said.

A spokesman for the All-India Christian Council said: “People are being offered rewards to kill, and to destroy churches and Christian properties. They are being offered foreign liquor, chicken, mutton and weapons. They are given petrol and kerosene.”

Ram Madhav, a spokesman for the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the largest hardline Hindu group, denied the claims. “The accusation is absolutely false,” he said.

Orissa has suffered a series of murders and arson attacks in recent months, with at least 67 Christians killed, according to the Roman Catholic Church. Several thousand homes have been razed and hundreds of places of worship destroyed, and crops are now wasting in the fields.

In recent weeks the violence has subsided but at least 11,000 Christian refugees remain in camps in Kandhamal, the district worst affected. “They are too scared to go home. They know that if they return to their villages they will be forced to convert to Hinduism,” Father Manoj, who is based at the Archbishop’s office in Bhubaneshwar, the state capital, said.

The violence was triggered in August by the murder of Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati, a senior figure in the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), a hardline Hindu group, who had campaigned against the alleged forced conversions of poor Hindus by foreign-backed Christian missionaries.

Maoist militants claimed responsibility for the killing, but the VHP blamed Christians and called for revenge. This week extremists said that if Mr Lakshmanananda’s killers were not caught by December 15 they would begin a day of violence on December 25.

A group of Catholic bishops from Orissa believe that the attacks have a sinister objective.

In a letter to the state’s chief minister they wrote: “This conflict is a calculated and preplanned masterplan to wipe out Christianity from Kandhamal in order to realise the hidden agenda . . . of establishing a Hindu nation.”

This month Lord Malloch-Brown, Minister of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, turned down a plea for members of the RSS and the Bajrang Dal, the youth wing of the VHP, to be barred from entering Britain.

“Neither organisation is proscribed in the United Kingdom or in India, nor do the Indian Government classify either as a terrorist organisation,” Lord Malloch-Brown said, in reply to a question from Lord Patten of Barnes. There have been calls from members of India’s ruling government coalition for the RSS and Bajrang Dal to be banned but analysts say the Government is unlikely to act for fear of alienating Hindu voters in the run-up to general elections in the spring.

The RSS has been outlawed temporarily three times; the first in 1948, after a former member assassinated Mahatma Gandhi.
Christmas Riots Continue in Orissa By Dibin Samuel
Christian Post Correspondent , Dec. 27 Thu2007 11:26 AM EST

E-mail Print RSS More on Topic Violence against Christians in the Indian state of Orissa continued for a third day Thursday even as hundreds of armed police patrolled parts of eastern India.

On Monday, a mob allegedly led by activists affiliated with the Viśva Hindū Pariṣad (World Hindu Council) had reportedly killed at least two and damaged 12 churches in the Kandhamal district, where at least 100,000 of 650,000-person population are reportedly Christian. All Catholic institutions in the area, including a convent and seminary, were attacked. Rioters also targeted two church-run hostels and high schools as well as a few shops managed by Christians in the small town of Bamunigam.

”A series of well-planned attacks on innocent Christians and their leaders have completely shocked us,” reported Fr. Babu Joseph, spokesperson for the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, “and we are deeply pained at a time when we are celebrating peace and harmony of Christmas.”

“These attacks on Christians on the day of Christmas seem to suggest a planned effort to disturb communal peace by some misguided and anti-social elements,” he added.

”What is more worrying and disheartening to note is the manner in which the unruly mob went on rampaging in villages where Christians were preparing to celebrate Christmas with a near total impunity.”

Police had said they had deployed hundreds of armed officers to the area, restoring calm after hard-line Hindus initially marred Christmas celebrations in Orissa state.

However, Radhakant Nayak, a member of the Indian parliament's upper house and a Christian leader in the area, said there was no evidence that forces were on the ground.

"The state government has been saying they have sent forces, but on the ground we are hearing there is no force. The situation is still tense," he told the CNN-IBN news channel.

Orissa state has been notorious for its anti-Christian activities, noted K.P. Yohannan, president and founder of the missions group Gospel for Asia, .

"This is one of the most anti-Christian states in the sense of persecution, and over 12 churches were demolished by the anti-Christian communities,” he said. “They beat up quite a few missionaries, and they continue to create more difficulties for the church at large."

Yohannan reported that one GFA church had been burned down amid the latest violence and that it happened in the presence of police.

“[T]he police could not do anything because there were too many that were attacking the church building,” he stated. “Then one of our missionaries was caught; they shaved his head and marched him to the temple, and they forced him to kneel down before the [Hindu] deities. And of course they beat him up."

In response to the clashes, Christian leaders on Thursday called for the prime minister’s intervention in Orissa when they met him in the morning.

“We have asked the prime minister to intervene in the matter and bring the criminals to justice,” said Madhu Chandra, secretary of the All India Christian Council, adding that memorandums would also be submitted to National Human Rights Commission and National Minority Commission.

Political parties have also condemned the violence unleashed against Christians in Orissa, demanding immediate security measures to control the situation.

Chief Minister of Orissa Naveen Patnaik reviewed the situation at a top-level meeting and again appealed to people to maintain communal harmony.

India is overwhelmingly Hindu but officially secular. Religious minorities, such as Christians, who account for 2.3 percent of the country's 1.1. billion people, and Muslims, who make up 13.4 percent, often coexist peacefully. Some have risen to the highest levels of government and business.

But throughout India's history, both communities have faced repeated attacks from hard-line Hindus, with violence against Christians often directed at foreign missionaries and converts from Hinduism.

Hindu right-wing groups have often accused Christian missionaries of luring poor and uneducated tribal people to convert to Christianity with money and promises of jobs, education and healthcare.

Orissa is the only Indian state that has a law requiring people to obtain police permission before they change their religion. The law was intended to counter missionary work.
India clashes denounced by Pope

Orissa has seen rising tension between Christians and Hindus

The Pope has condemned deadly violence between Hindus and Christians in India's eastern Orissa state, which has claimed at least 11 lives.

During his weekly Vatican address, Pope Benedict XVI said he was "profoundly saddened" and called for communities to try to restore "peaceful coexistence".

The killing of a Hindu leader on Saturday sparked the violence.

Christians have suffered retaliatory attacks, despite police saying Maoist rebels were to blame for the killing.

"I firmly condemn any attack on human life," Pope Benedict told a crowd of pilgrims on Wednesday.

"I express spiritual closeness and solidarity to the brothers and sisters in faith who are being so harshly tested."

He labelled the death of Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati as "deplorable".

He was shot along with four others in an attack in the Kandhamal district of Orissa.

The Pope used strong language in condemning the violence

Police said Maoist rebels were responsible, but the attack has led to days of rioting between Hindu and Christian communities.

Hindu mobs have burnt down monasteries, churches and an orphanage run by Christians.

Among those killed was a Hindu woman who was working at the orphanage, in the village of Barakhama.

Arson and burning of Christian religious places has continued in Kandhamal, despite a curfew in all major towns.

Three bodies were discovered early on Wednesday in the district, bringing the death toll to 11 since Saturday.

Police have now been ordered to shoot rioters on sight.

Dear Pakistani Forum Members, Please do not forget why Bangladesh was born. Bangladesh would have been a part of Pakistan if you had shown the same consideration that you are NOW showing towards international muslims especially Indian muslims. Bangladesh is a testimony about your attitude towards fellow muslims.

This is a classic example of the fable The Fox and the Goat, after failing to keep your house in order you want the Indian muslims to follow you, No Way. They are smart enough to understand the intentions. They are very safe in India and can buy house anywhere in India and enjoy the benefits of a democratic India. Please do not cry foul over localised incidents.
Dear Pakistani Forum Members, Please do not forget why Bangladesh was born. Bangladesh would have been a part of Pakistan if you had shown the same consideration that you are NOW showing towards international muslims especially Indian muslims. Bangladesh is a testimony about your attitude towards fellow muslims.

Atleast, Pakistanis realized their mistake which they've done in Bangladesh, and keeping the interest of the nation intact, but what about India ? Still indians has same attitude which they had at the time of Bangal Fall, willingness to cross borders, blame game, aggressive attitude, and intruding in our Baluchistan province via embassies in Afghanistan, still working on an agenda to break Pakistan.
This is a classic example of the fable The Fox and the Goat, after failing to keep your house in order you want the Indian muslims to follow you, No Way. They are smart enough to understand the intentions. They are very safe in India and can buy house anywhere in India and enjoy the benefits of a democratic India. Please do not cry foul over localised incidents.

This world is not fool enough to be disguised again n again, everyone knows how much minorities are suffering in India, how much they are terrorised there, infact, your own media expose such events quite often with their reportings and offcourse Bollywood itself portraite the situation well often, may be by mistake and unintentionally, minorities are victamized by Hindu radicals regulary, yes i accept that not all Indians have extreme behavior, they have some educated sane people as well, but it's all about the supremacy, and today the fact is minorities are victamized by these Hindu radicals.
Dear Pakistani Forum Members, Please do not forget why Bangladesh was born. Bangladesh would have been a part of Pakistan if you had shown the same consideration that you are NOW showing towards international muslims especially Indian muslims. Bangladesh is a testimony about your attitude towards fellow muslims.

This is a classic example of the fable The Fox and the Goat, after failing to keep your house in order you want the Indian muslims to follow you, No Way. They are smart enough to understand the intentions. They are very safe in India and can buy house anywhere in India and enjoy the benefits of a democratic India. Please do not cry foul over localised incidents.

Your country played a key role to violate international borders illegally.
cmohan said
Dear Pakistani Forum Members, Please do not forget why Bangladesh was born. Bangladesh would have been a part of Pakistan if you had shown the same consideration that you are NOW showing towards international muslims especially Indian muslims. Bangladesh is a testimony about your attitude towards fellow muslims.

This is a classic example of the fable The Fox and the Goat, after failing to keep your house in order you want the Indian muslims to follow you, No Way. They are smart enough to understand the intentions. They are very safe in India and can buy house anywhere in India and enjoy the benefits of a democratic India. Please do not cry foul over localised incidents.

Your self implicating logic actually supports 30 some independent movements exist within india. Ironic ain’t it? Infect, indian genocidal spree against its own minority of Sikh, Muslims and others and media/public denial can rarely be found in world democracies - perfect reason for Muslims, Sikh, Christians, Assam, Tripura, Nagaland, Orissa …….to seek independence and self determination.

Flimsy logic that owning a house means safety and dignity may be entertained in indian view and in indian media circle but no way acceptable in civilized norm. Specially when life is under threat of chronic indian terrorism and extremism.

Apart from 37 years old BD-PAK history, relation has come long way…we as nations understand each other far better and share belief and co operate in virtually all fields. And more importantly face the same vicious enemy – india. So, spewing old venom has no use now.
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I always stand by the truth: A R Antulay
NEW DELHI, Dec 19 APP: Indian Minority Affairs Minister Abdul Rahman Antulay while referring to his observation on the killing of incharge of Malegaon blast case Hemant Karkare said that he always stood by the truth.
He Indian Minister, who has reportedly sent his resignation to the Prime Minister, had said Hemant Karkare was killed because of his leading role in investigation against Hindu extremists who were responsible for blasts in Muslim areas of India.
His comments drew criticism from BJP and other parliamentarians including his cabinet colleagues. However, some parties and parliamentarians have supported his stand.
He refused to comment over his reported resignation when asked by newsmen. He said he stood by his remarks about the killing of Karkare.

“Whether Karkare was a victim of terrorism or terrorism plus something, I do not know...” “I said a man like Karkare is born among millions... Who pushed him in the trap of death, he questioned.
To another question, he said his Congress party had no reason to be embarrassed by his comments. The party and government should feel proud over his comments.
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