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No foreign conspiracy to oust Imran govt: NSC

Imran Khan is behaving just like Donald Trump. He lost the confidence of his coalition. End of story. An undersecretary of the USA State Department does not have the power to form or promote a conspiracy against Pakistan. If the USA mounted a real conspiracy it would have come from the CIA and Department of Defense. A second level State Department functionary expressing displeasure with the anti-Americanism of Imran Khan is not a conspiracy, it's simple diplomacy.
The “conspiracy” was never American as such to start with. The current crop of criminals already have a collective $3-4 billion in assets worldwide.. they can buy out anyone they want. If the United States expresses dissatisfaction and tells these elements that if they make a move it will mean better relationships then it’s not a conspiracy still.
Unfortunately, Pakistanis constantly need outsiders to blame instead of seeing their own moral, ethnical and financial corruption along with general malaise as the SOLE cause for their downfall
Bajwa is JUDGE, JURY and EXECUTIONER. IT CANNOT GET ANY MORE EMBARRASSING THAN THIS !! Bajwa is now sitting in yet another NSC meeting and endorsing yet another statement. Doesn't this as.shole understand that HE IS ONLY MAKING MATTERS WORSE?? Day by day, he is loosing every last bit of respect he had from within Army and outside.

Does this dude think people are FOOLS?? What the Fuk is this guy drinking these days?? Seriously??
Jernails have an IQ of a child. Just like they destroy constitution that encourages other ghaddars then use stupid tactics to suppress those ghaddars.
Good thing Imran Khan has exposed that these people cannot be trusted with absolute power.
Question is what did Uncle Sam say to Bajwa to have him follow orders like a lapdog. Was it another "we will bomb you to the stone age"? I like to think it was a combination of threats both directed individually to compromised individuals (which I believe Bajwa is, after all he was selected by Don Nawaz Sharif himself) with assests abroad and to the nation as a whole.

I was under the impression Pakistan being a nuclear power and the one of largest armies in the world would not cave to Uncle Sam so easily. It was a perfect time to make a stand, with the US and the world attention on Russia. But I did not account for our own Mir Jafars.

Bajwa is traitor and should be hanged!

Why would they have revealed a conspiracy to the ambassador? Who tells the other person of the plan?

What they did was interfere.


The letter from the ambassador was proven to be interference.

Combined with the events that happened afterwards, it amounts to conspiracy, but the letter itself in isolation, does not demonstrate conspiracy.

Nobody has ever claimed the letter contained details of conspiracy.
The “conspiracy” was never American as such to start with. The current crop of criminals already have a collective $3-4 billion in assets worldwide.. they can buy out anyone they want. If the United States expresses dissatisfaction and tells these elements that if they make a move it will mean better relationships then it’s not a conspiracy still.
Unfortunately, Pakistanis constantly need outsiders to blame instead of seeing their own moral, ethnical and financial corruption along with general malaise as the SOLE cause for their downfall

Its just got so obvious that everyone can see it..

It's an NRO 2 for dollars.

NS and Zardari made a deal with the Americans ( their meetings are out in the open). The Americans liked what they proposed and launched this operation to bring them into power.
Some higher ups in th establishment were onboard. Pieces were put in places in military to make sure that it goes smoothly.

The letter/meeting minutes was a threat conveyed to the establishment to make sure they don't back out of the arrangement they had agreed on.

The people sitting in NSC today were all part of the plan. They sold out the elected governement, country sovereignty. The political players got their cases taken care off, the military/country got the dollars and other goodies.

I can't believe you guys can't see it clearly. The letter is just a small piece in a much larger conspiracy.

The Americans were very much on ground meeting the concerned people and making sure its going according to plan. The pawns they were moving are the real Mir jafers both in the establishment and political circle.
I humbly request Imran Khan sahab to quit playing soft ball.

It's time to call spade a spade. Hold no words.

Khan sahab, it is Now or never.

If we dont speak now, they will bankrupt Pakistan and surrender nukes. Miftah Ismail visited IMF in US the next day they came in power.

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Lies and more lies. First they endorsed the threat, now no interference. Amazing.The nation has been fooled again and again.
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