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No flat for her in Mumbai because she is Muslim

Issued in public interest by MUMBAI police and RED fm. :coffee:

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Mere pyar ko aaj tumne bhari mehfil mein badnaam kar diya :cry:

What do you people see in her?

She is below average, a 3/10 or 4/10 at best on looks and even lower in figure/fitness and boob size.
Bhai.....mereko chalegi :pissed:
If She want I can rent her One bedroom in my Duplex... :P I can cook for her.. I am a good cook.. I like Muslims... :) Will she relocate to Bangalore???

She is Atheist, She wear Modern dress. What say Pakistani now???

By the way if she want to settle in Bangalore, I can rent her one of room from my Duplex Villa :P

1. She is a journalist and not a model as many media houses claim.
2. She has been living in Mumbai for 5 years and not 1 year as many media houses claim.
3. She is an atheist and not Muslim
4. Her brother Nabeel Quadri, is an active AAP volunteer
5. She herself is a member of several AAP groups and very active in them
6. She is an admin of Anti-Modi group “Apna Adda”
7. She is a member of “We hate Narendra Modi”
8. She tweeted on 21st May, making fun of the PM
9. Misbah is a supporter of Teesta Setalvad
10. Misbah WAS NOT driven out because she was Muslim
11. Misbah had not even informed the builder that she was staying there
12. Several Muslim families live in the building, particularly, one in flat 804
No she won't
Line pe lag pehle :astagh:
There is nothing particularly wrong in a young girl venturing into a new city. I did the same thing. I find it difficult to digest that she couldn't find an accommodation for herself in a big city like Mumbai. Someone might have refused, may be have religious bias, instead of making a hue and cry, one needs to move to the other one.
There is nothing wrong but the parents are way too possessive about their girl child. The more orthodox they are the more possessive they will be and the more restrictions on the girls. My community is comparatively more orthodox so it pleases me when I see them becoming more liberal and receptive to change.
Well, the girl here is certainly not on the streets of mumbai and she will find a better accommodation as majority of us don't believe in such communal non sense. But its ok to highlight such occurrences to demotivate and embarrass such people as such acts are divisive and against the national interest.
She was a AAP member, her brother is a candidate of AAP from Gujarat and she spews venom against Modi on her twitter profile,which was exposed by Twitterati on Social Media.
All media houses yesterday got bashed for villifying Hindus of Sanghvi heights and Mumbai without checking the facts.
There were couple of Muslim families residing infact some Bachelorette Muslim girl was residing in the same Building with couple of her female friends.
1)The girl didn't pay the rent.
2)She did not sign Rental agreement or other papers.
3)When asked for these things she had a fight with the broker and was staying illegaly in the Apartment without paying rent.The broker complained to Police and had her evicted.
4)She used the Muslim Victim card as its the Minority Persecution season of this year in Bharat.To highlight herself for publicity and image building.
5)She is a journalist not a model,She used her Journalistic contacts to put the paper on story for fame and Recognition.What people do for fame.just baffles me.
6)The fallout of this episode is the real people will now be politely told "NO" by Owners and Brokers, because they don't want this Nuisance and trouble of being dragged into media and highlighted.She has made it hard for other people to rent their Apartments or property to Bachelors.
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