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No evidence of China supporting Maoists: Chidambaram

Yes I can't really blame India for allowing the Dalai lama in, he was a refugee after all, it had nothing to do with sovereignty over Tibet.

India's core interests involve the protection of various minority groups, including refugees. They couldn't have turned him away.

Very valid point you make up there.

The Chinese can find fault at some of Nehru's actions. But sheltering the Tibetans refugees definitely should not be one.

It would be have been impossible for Nehru (or any other Indian PM for that matter) to not give shelter to the inflowing Tibetans!
QUOTE -Chinese-dragon
The thing is, it was "Chairman Mao" who was responsible for all of that, including the 1962 war.

Chairman Mao's failed economic policies also led to the deaths of millions of innocent Chinese people, so we suffered horribly as well.

So I hope India realises that the war was because of Chairman Mao... not because of the Chinese people. The Chinese people had no say in the issue, we had no influence on the decision making process that led up to the war
I believe you are dead wrong in assigning blame to Mao. Rather it was India' aggressive forward policy that led to the border war. Sino-India relation started to deteriorate in the late 1950s. The CIA and the Indian government helped to ferment the short-lived 1959 Tibetan rebellion through the provision of arms and training. Mao was absolutely correct in deciding to put a stop to incessant Indian forward push along the largely undemarcated border. Or else, there would be no end. Mao's economic policies were of course an entirely different story. They largely failed, causing misery to tens of millions in China. However, it is wrong to confuse the two entirely unrelated issues. Mao's decision to "draw a line in the sand" so to speak has achived peace along the border, tense peace it may be.
Yes I can't really blame India for allowing the Dalai lama in, he was a refugee after all, it had nothing to do with sovereignty over Tibet.

India's core interests involve the protection of various minority groups, including refugees. They couldn't have turned him away.

ok, dalai lama is just a refugee.
please tell me what is 'tibetan government in exile'? why it is setup in India?
And, please stop representing whole Chinese people by saying Chinese people want this or that. You are just 'Chinese-Dragon' nothing more than that.
The CIA and the Indian government

US and India! Do you know how ridiculous this sounds?! US was never a friend of India (which has been pro USSR) and you're talking about the CIA and Indian agencies working together!

They've always favored our smaller neighbor, they even sent a bloody NUCLEAR POWERED AIRCRAFT CARRIER in the Bay of Bengal to intimidate India !
US and India! Do you know how ridiculous this sounds?! US was never a friend of India (which has been pro USSR) and you're talking about the CIA and Indian agencies working together!

They've always favored our smaller neighbor, they even sent a bloody NUCLEAR POWERED AIRCRAFT CARRIER in the Bay of Bengal to intimidate India !

Our economy and rise of china changed the game.
Yeah, true but this was AFTER the supposed 'CIA-Indian' Tibetan separatist movement
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On the topic - IMO we have enough people inside the country to support maosits and I would not blame any external factor for their rise, definitely not China. In the current equation, the Chinese are influential enough on the international front and powerful enough to challenge India upfront, they will not resort to proxy war.
US and India! Do you know how ridiculous this sounds?! US was never a friend of India (which has been pro USSR) and you're talking about the CIA and Indian agencies working together!

They've always favored our smaller neighbor, they even sent a bloody NUCLEAR POWERED AIRCRAFT CARRIER in the Bay of Bengal to intimidate India !

You are correct about India being closer to the Soviet Union and the US sending a carrier group to the Bay of Bengal in 1971, but you have neglected the timeline. In the 1950s India and the US had a common interest over the Tibetan issue , i.e. the US wanting to cause as much trouble as it could for China and the Indian government not happy with Chinese sovereignty over Tibet. As the saying goes, common interest make strange bedfellows. After 1962 India got closer to the Soviet Union and China started to split with the USSR. That was when the US-Indian relation began to cool and the Sino-US relation began to improve following Henry Kissinger's secret visits to China in 1971. (Incidentally, the visits took place via Pakistan.) During the 1971 Indo-Pakistan war, the US actually encouraged China to open another front against India in order to help Pakistan. That didn't happen because China was in the height of the Cultural Revolution. Domestic turmoil prevented China from doing much of anything at all.

PS. I welcome your comment
In the 1950s India and the US had a common interest over the Tibetan issue........ As the saying goes, common interest make strange bedfellows.

Interesting perspective, but sharing a 'common interest'? Nehru wasn't exactly know for his pragmatism, quite the opposite really, he was busy lecturing the world on morality.

btw I don't buy the 'china-backstabbed-us' part , Nehru was shortsighted but not a pragmatist.

CIA was probably involved but not with Indian assistance, actually could you provide a link to your claim? It would be an interesting read.
Interesting perspective, but sharing a 'common interest'? Nehru wasn't exactly know for his pragmatism, quite the opposite really, he was busy lecturing the world on morality.

btw I don't buy the 'china-backstabbed-us' part , Nehru was shortsighted but not a pragmatist.

CIA was probably involved but not with Indian assistance, actually could you provide a link to your claim? It would be an interesting read.

The CIA Circus: Tibet's Forgotten Army | Friends of Tibet (INDIA) Data-Base

This is a description of the BBC documentary "The Shadow Circus: The CIA in Tibet"

India allowed CIA agents into India to recruit Tibetans in exile, train and arm them and then dropped them off into India where the Indian government helped them cross the border into Tibet.
In reply to justaobserver

The US and India shared a common interest in regard to Tibet, albeit for different reasons. In the 1950s, China and the US fought the Korean War and China was the second most important member of the socialist bloc. Not surprisingly the US wanted to destabilize China any way it could. Tibet came in handy. India always regarded Tibet as a buffer between itself and China and was certainly not too happy with Chinese presence there.
I may be able to find the link that you are interested in, but it is in Chinese. I came across it a few years ago. It was in a memoir of a retired high ranking official in the Chinese foreign ministry.
Finally, I do enjoy rational discussions rather than shout matches with our Indian members.
India did righ things.. it was chinese greed for land... first tibet then casting eyes on indian areas... (akshai chin and AP... )

naturally tensions were to rise, and then the chinese here on this forum conveniently forget about this part of chinese act and blame India... and also what they did is,

used stupid reasons for waging ful scale war against India... why dont u do so now again when India cleared funding for AP water projects..?? coz now the chinese know India is prepared, and at that time India was not.

The core reason for all the conflicts post 1950 is Chinese greed for land... which became eveident slowly and slowly....

i firlymy beleive India has made a grave mistake by agreeing to Tibet as part of CHina...when China has kept issues even on Indian territories..!!!!

India should have kept that as part of negotiations....India always accepts easliy others territory whereas others forget about wht they get and then start making issues about more other lands soon that are Indian...:angry:
The CIA Circus: Tibet's Forgotten Army | Friends of Tibet (INDIA) Data-Base

This is a description of the BBC documentary "The Shadow Circus: The CIA in Tibet"

India allowed CIA agents into India to recruit Tibetans in exile, train and arm them and then dropped them off into India where the Indian government helped them cross the border into Tibet.

...and the reason why India was doing that....and why without preparing herself from any repurcussions
India did righ things.. it was chinese greed for land... first tibet then casting eyes on indian areas... (akshai chin and AP... )

naturally tensions were to rise, and then the chinese here on this forum conveniently forget about this part of chinese act and blame India... and also what they did is,

used stupid reasons for waging ful scale war against India... why dont u do so now again when India cleared funding for AP water projects..?? coz now the chinese know India is prepared, and at that time India was not.

The core reason for all the conflicts post 1950 is Chinese greed for land... which became eveident slowly and slowly....

i firlymy beleive India has made a grave mistake by agreeing to Tibet as part of CHina...when China has kept issues even on Indian territories..!!!!

India should have kept that as part of negotiations....India always accepts easliy others territory whereas others forget about wht they get and then start making issues about more other lands soon that are Indian...:angry:

oh good god, must i bring up the CIA analysis again. let it be known that china had always tried to negotiate. it was the indian greed for chinese lands that cause the war.lets not even talk about disputed lands, sending soildiers into undisputed chinese land is a cause for war and indeed war happened. well that and the whole, sending american trained terrorists into tibet from india.
...and the reason why India was doing that....and why without preparing herself from any repurcussions

Naivety? Bad planning? It is plain that Nehru was a amateur in the global stage. He acted petulantly and childishly. This is no reflection on the India people but he bungled it badly.

What he essentially did was publish a new map with all disputed Territories as India, sent troops to occupy those regions, and peevishly refused to talk about it hoping that China would just let it go.

This is not the way to settle dispute, this is what a child does when throwing a tantrum.
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