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No evidence of China supporting Maoists: Chidambaram

I prefer to credit Deng Xiaoping with the rise of modern China.

Read about recent Chinese history (1950-1976) to see how we suffered under Maoism as well.

True. Deng Xiaoping just rubbished all the Mao's policies and started much needed reforms which put China on a path to become the economic behemoth it is today. India's ex-PM the Late Mr. P.V.Narasimha Rao did exactly the same and we credit him for dismantling the 'License Raj' to give us this liberalized economy, the fruits of which we enjoy today.
Obviously this is a strategy to appease the dear neighbours that our ruling government is well known for. How would PC dare to go against his masters' (mistress's) friend? :lol:

Funny to have declared such a thing in the open.
I'm not really a huge fan of Chairman Mao.

I prefer to credit Deng Xiaoping with the rise of modern China.

Read about recent Chinese history (1950-1976) to see how we suffered under Maoism as well... the casualties were in the millions...

Yes, the 5th nation (and until last year, one of the only 5) to build a nuclear submarine, fastest fission to fusion transition in history, holding off two superpowers, quadrupling the average lifespan, increasing literacy 8 times, educating women who previously were 100% illiterate, increasing industrial production 10% per year and winning 3 major wars is a true disappointment.

Don't look at Deng's propaganda alone, he did some shady things such as scrap our Y-10 project in favor of buying Boing 737 from USA, leaking of scientific secrets to Japan, huge brain drain especially 1979-1986 and corrupt dealings with the privitazation of state companies.

Doesn't make either one a bad or good person, they're just leaders doing their jobs, no emotion.
^^ dont want to derail the thread but would u please mention which were the 3 major wars u won
^^ dont want to derail the thread but would u please mention which were the 3 major wars u won

korea, vietnam, india

on topic:

indian maoists are not affiliated with us at all. they are only using Mao's name, nothing more. However, India should look at underlying reasons for the insurgency, rather than blaming outsiders. If they were not desperate, they would not be risking their lives to fight the indian army.
korea, vietnam, india

on topic:

indian maoists are not affiliated with us at all. they are only using Mao's name, nothing more. However, India should look at underlying reasons for the insurgency, rather than blaming outsiders. If they were not desperate, they would not be risking their lives to fight the indian army.

Ironically, this thread is about not blaming the outsiders!! Also, Indian army is not yet involved.

I would blame Mao for this the 62's war. Had he openly talked, and been less paranoid, both countries would have been allies. Not that Nehru had a lesser fault. Whatever you say, Mao made you loose a potential ally cum friend.
I would blame Mao for this the 62's war. Had he openly talked, and been less paranoid, both countries would have been allies. Not that Nehru had a lesser fault. Whatever you say, Mao made you loose a potential ally cum friend.

I agree. :tup:

I wish the 1962 war never happened. It was mainly Chairman Mao that caused it.

There is SO much to gain from potential cooperation between China and India, the two rising economic superpowers. Imagine the mutual benefits we could achieve if we worked together!
Ironically, this thread is about not blaming the outsiders!! Also, Indian army is not yet involved.

I would blame Mao for this the 62's war. Had he openly talked, and been less paranoid, both countries would have been allies. Not that Nehru had a lesser fault. Whatever you say, Mao made you loose a potential ally cum friend.

China does not recocnize anyonen hegomony in Asia. Didnt the Chairman made is clear for everyone?? I think he made the right choice.. Teaching Chinese to 1.2 billion hindi speakers could have been a daunting task. :cheers:
China does not recocnize anyonen hegomony in Asia. Didnt the Chairman made is clear for everyone?? I think he made the right choice.. Teaching Chinese to 1.2 billion hindi speakers could have been a daunting task. :cheers:
Well you don't have much of a choice so it is okay for you to be sidekick to the new Big Brother. First USA and now China.
I agree. :tup:

I wish the 1962 war never happened. It was mainly Chairman Mao that caused it.

There is SO much to gain from potential friendship between China and India, the two rising economic superpowers. Imagine the mutual benefits we could achieve if we worked together!

Things are looking much better now. The trade is increasing. Even if the border problem is not solved, all we need to do is to convince each other that it will be solved by talks and not by force.
Things are looking much better now. The trade is increasing. Even if the border problem is not solved, all we need to do is to convince each other that it will be solved by talks and not by force.

You're right, it's all about economic cooperation now. :cheers:

There is no chance of a direct war between us in the future, since both sides are nuclear powers. The outcome of such a war, would be the mutual destruction of both sides, and nobody wants that.

There have been mistakes in the past... but I believe the future will be positive for all of us in Asia.
You're right, it's all about economic cooperation now. :cheers:

There is no chance of a direct war between us in the future, since both sides are nuclear powers. The outcome of such a war, would be the mutual destruction of both sides, and nobody wants that.

There have been mistakes in the past... but I believe the future will be positive for all of us in Asia.

For once a high ranking Chinese official should come to India and say something positive and friendly about us. That is going to quench our warmongering media!!
I would blame Mao for this the 62's war. Had he openly talked, and been less paranoid

Mao told you to stay out of Tibet for 12 years, He made it specifically clear that he wanted Indian troops out of disputed territory

Nehru invaded disputed territory in 1950, and started advancing into chinese territory building fortifications, every month Mao would tell Nehru to stop, and Nehru basically said **** YOU!

rediff.com Special: Who was to blame for the 1962 war? Was it India or China who initiated the conflict?

From the first days of India's Independence, it was appreciated that the Sino-Indian borders had been left undefined by the departing British and that territorial disputes with China were part of India's inheritance. China's other neighbours faced similar problems and, over the succeeding decades of the century, almost all of those were to settle their borders satisfactorily through the normal process of diplomatic negotiation with Beijing.

The Nehru government decided upon the opposite approach. India would, through its own research, determine the appropriate alignments of the Sino-Indian borders, extend its administration to make those good on the ground and then refuse to negotiate the result. Barring the inconceivable -- that Beijing would allow India to impose China's borders unilaterally and annex territory at will -- Nehru's policy thus willed conflict without foreseeing it.

Through the 1950s, that policy generated friction along the borders and so bred and steadily increased distrust, growing into hostility, between the neighbours. By 1958, Beijing was urgently calling for a standstill agreement to prevent patrol clashes and negotiations to agree on boundary alignments. India refused any standstill agreement, since it would be an impediment to intended advances and insisted that there was nothing to negotiate, the Sino-Indian borders being already settled on the alignments claimed by India, through blind historical process. Then it began accusing China of committing 'aggression' by refusing to surrender to Indian claims.
Mao told you to stay out of Tibet for 12 years, He made it specifically clear that he wanted Indian troops out of disputed territory

Nehru invaded disputed territory in 1950, and started advancing into chinese territory building fortifications, every month Mao would tell Nehru to stop, and Nehru basically said **** YOU!

rediff.com Special: Who was to blame for the 1962 war? Was it India or China who initiated the conflict?

As I said, its lack of dialogs. Both sides could not properly convey each other. It was more of a misunderstanding. Now if you go search, you would find articles blaming both sides, like you found one blaming India.

If you read Indian history, Nehru was one of the most peace loving leaders. He would not have wanted conflict. Doesn't means he is not to be blamed, and his subordinates were too stupid too.
About Tibet, its simple, a Buddhist monk wanted asylum. We gave it to him. His struggle is a separate story, and should have been basis of talks and not war.

You should also remember, we were one of the first countries to give recognize China. Even considered Tibet to be part of China. Tibet was a non-issue.
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