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No Deal Would Be Signed For Procuring Any American Equipment for the India

^^^ are you expecting some thing good......this forum discussing less about defence....more about Indian issues like (poverty, economy,rupee falling so and so)......lolz
actually,in another forum,he posted that "Due to superior Chinese culture,he can't lower himself in the Indian level"..so,you can draw the conclusion.. :lol:


may be it is Indian media who misreported.but still,i failed to see the reason behind cut in numbers of Javelin missile..

The Javelin missile numbers were cut, because the United States has to take Chinese interests into account.

China has nice anti-tank missiles too. China can sell their anti-tank missiles at friendship prices to Pakistan, Iran, or whoever they want. Therefore, it makes sense for the major powers to moderate their arms sales to potential belligerents to lower the tension and reduce the probability of conflict.

The Javelin missile numbers were cut, because the United States has to take Chinese interests into account.

China has nice anti-tank missiles too. China can sell their anti-tank missiles at friendship prices to Pakistan, Iran, or whoever they want. Therefore, it makes sense for the major powers to moderate their arms sales to potential belligerents to lower the tension and reduce the probability of conflict.

do you really believe that???don't you think selling 15000-20000 Javelin is against China's interest???India wanted to buy some 40000 Javelins.so this cut sounds funny to me.

and for Chinese ATGM,india already has NAG.and we have a large stock of Konkurs and Kornet.we'll buy Spike rather than some Chinese one..anyway,thanx for asking. :lol:
Ah I wondered where some of the nonsense came from and then i saw the "XINHUA" in your pic! :no:

actually,in another forum,he posted that "Due to superior Chinese culture,he can't lower himself in the Indian level"..so,you can draw the conclusion.. :lol:


may be it is Indian media who misreported.but still,i failed to see the reason behind cut in numbers of Javelin missile..

Spot the XINHUA in his pic! lol. No wonder he starts passing silly comments like " .....China's interest" Come on mate! China's export-oriented economy will feel more pressure. China is not immune to anything
At Griffin, Javelin deliveries will be in stages. It remains to be seen how many are ultimately delivered. India had this problem before, no?

Also, the United States can always withhold spare parts. India's actual useful Javelin inventory is subject to American control.

What happened when the U.S. withheld battery replacements from the Mujahideen? All of the Stinger missiles became useless. The U.S. can nullify India's Javelin inventory at will.


At ENRL, don't get too excited about my avatar. My first choice was China's 1967 3.3-megaton thermonuclear explosion. I decided against it, because it seemed too martial and provocative.

I chose the Three Gorges Dam, because it seems peaceful. Also, the particular picture was chosen for the three pools of whitewater against a greenish lake. I did look for a picture without the Xinhua logo, but I couldn't find one with the three pools of water.
CIA Supplied 500 FIM 92s to Afghan Mujhaideen. Inspite of with-holding Battery Coolant Unit (BCU) Replacements Many FIM 92 were used with vintage upto 7 years the normal BCU life stated by Rathon was 4-5 yrs . Afghans used Argon gas canisters to fire disabled Stingers where BCU had expired.

At end of Afghan war CIA took an Massive Combing Operation to collect remaining Stingers. Of all 16 were unaccounted for which ended with Land of Aryans Alias Iran.

India, if procures for FGM- 148, would seek Technology and licence to locally Manufacture rather than use like other Tin Can Nations or Yahoos Jumping with Glory for possessing American Weps...........
Nonsense this Martian guy clearly is biased- whatever that may be because of. And anyway the whole point of this story is that India won't be dictated to by the US on what to sign and having to submit to end-user inspections.

If the US is going to act like this then there are plenty of other options avlailble to India.
What happened when the U.S. withheld battery replacements from the Mujahideen? All of the Stinger missiles became useless. The U.S. can nullify India's Javelin inventory at will.

you are comparing gorilla war fighters "Mujahideen" with world's emerging superpower India??? Can US stop India in anyways, they were not able to sustain sanctions against India post-pokhran not more than 3 years since there companies were at lost & do you think in case of war if US tries to make sanctions, India will sit happily & does not say a word?? Even if US sanctions India we have no worries, we made our own supercomputer, our own LCA, our own nuclear reactor & even our own cola company :lol: On the contrary your sanctions are blessings for us & curse for you, so best of luck with your sanctions :tup:
At Griffin, Javelin deliveries will be in stages. It remains to be seen how many are ultimately delivered. India had this problem before, no?

Also, the United States can always withhold spare parts. India's actual useful Javelin inventory is subject to American control.

What happened when the U.S. withheld battery replacements from the Mujahideen? All of the Stinger missiles became useless. The U.S. can nullify India's Javelin inventory at will.

this problem can occur for any weapon platform..remember,india have to buy shoddy parts of Mig-21 because of lack of spare parts.and India is buying quite arms platforms from US now.so problem of withhold of spare parts can happen on those platfrms.even any country can do that.you have to take those risks.but the reason that is bothering me is why they only want to sell 15000 missiles while they can sell them in large numbers.by the way,if we have problems with that,we can always go for Spike.
US agrees to sell India weapons - Chinese trolls : "Look at India : US slaves , puppets blah blah"

US refuses to sell India weapons - Chinese trolls : "Look at India : broke , back-stabbed blah blah"

Get a life , you guys !

@ Topic : Lots of options in the ATGM market - PARS , SPIKE , MILAN , KONKUR , INVAR ...
Perhaps India is broke and running out of foreign hard currency?

After all, India has to save most of its hard currency to ensure payment for import of foreign oil. At less than $300 billion in forex, India can only cover 7 months of imports. Military hardware is secondary when a country needs to import oil and fertilizer.

Chinese megaton fart.....just for making 50 cents
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