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No charge for dad who killed daughter's rapist

Is rape a crime under sharia. I cant see it in the list of grave crimes listed above.

Under sharia rapists are put to death. This serves as a deterrent to future rapists or at least it is supposed to in theory.

I've been to Houstan a few times. Lots of Pakistanis living over there.

Huge Pakistani community most of them migrated from the New York/ Jersey area (my uncles are two examples.) Houston is really under-developed I visited there couple months ago they are still building most of that city up to today and a lot of the people living there are from the east coastal areas.
I dont think it would matter which religion you turn to the crime is one of a hideous nature and if anyone behaved in this manner - even if i didnt know the child - i would behave in a similar manner - let alone if i was the father......
i like Texas.

good people over there....i can relate to them more than the overly-stodgy east-coasters

as long as you dont annoy them :lol:

Agreed Texans are really hospitable definitively recommend visiting Texas to any tourists. They like to refer to themselves as Texans before Americans because they have their own culture and identity. Also a lot of Texans would rather be their own country I believe even the governor of Texas at one point stated Texas could survive on its own as a republic.
World is one life free of such MFcukers...
Commendable act by a father !!
Seeing such incident would have shocked him... Parents should keep more watch on babies... And in US parents looking after kids is very less... A parent must not have let stranger enter the house and do this injustice on a poor baby...
Burn in hell bastard...
Retaliation is permitted to the male next of kin of the victim by killing the criminal in the case of a homicide or exacting the same bodily injury that was inflicted on the victim.
Dafuq's that supposed to mean?
Dafuq's that supposed to mean?

I didn't type that, it's a quote from the page below.

Saudi Arabia - Criminal Justice System

It literally means; an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, & a foot for a foot. I could further clarify that proverb by inserting the phrase "a life for a life".

Note that we are talking about immediate retaliation at the scene of the crime by a male family member of the victim, it does not mean that the victim's family members are supposed to hunt down the criminal themselves. Hunting down criminals is naturally the job of the law enforcement.

Read about "Qisas", it literally means "equal reprisal or retaliation".

The Noble Quran; Chapter 2 Verse 178

O you who have believed, prescribed for you is legal retribution for those murdered - the free for the free, the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. But whoever overlooks from his brother anything, then there should be a suitable follow-up and payment to him with good conduct. This is an alleviation from your Lord and a mercy. But whoever transgresses after that will have a painful punishment.
We dont F around here in Texas... tuff laws keeps bad guys in check.

you do a really bad crime, we execute you.
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