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No change seen in Pakistan's view of India threat


Jun 2, 2010
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No change seen in Pakistan's view of India threat

* Pakistan army seen unlikely to review its stance on India

* No attack from India expected, but capability remains

* Progress on political disputes, Kashmir, needed first

By Myra MacDonald

ISLAMABAD, Aug 27 (Reuters) - The Pakistan army is unlikely to change its assessment of the threat from India despite heavy demands on its troops to provide flood relief while also fighting Islamist militants, a senior security official said.

The Wall Street Journal said this month Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency had decided -- for the first time in the country's history -- that Islamist militants had overtaken India as the greatest threat to national security.

But the security official suggested this was a misinterpretation of the stance of the Pakistan army, which views the threat from militants and India in very different ways, rather than comparing them against each other.

"These are two mutually exclusive threats. The magnitude, the type, is quite different. One is an internal threat which is insidious, difficult to quantify. It is a clear and present danger. This is a very serious threat," he said. "The other is a conventional threat. What has India done, politically and militarily, for this threat to have been reduced?"

Another official said the threat from India had if anything increased into both a conventional and unconventional threat, as it used its presence in Afghanistan to support those fighting against the Pakistani state in its western border regions.

India denies accusations by Islamabad that it backs separatists in Baluchistan province, which borders Afghanistan, saying it is interested only in promoting Afghan development. With flooding which has uprooted some 6 million people further destabilising a country already battling militants, the WSJ report raised the possibility the Pakistan army might revise its assessment of the threat from its much bigger neighbour.

It keeps the bulk of its troops on the Indian border.


India has promised Pakistan $5 million in flood relief and analysts there see no chance of it exploiting its nuclear rival's current vulnerability by raising tensions on the border.

"At this time no one is thinking of anything other than how to help them get over the suffering and the damage," said retired Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal at the Centre for Land Warfare Studies.

"The Pakistanis should feel free to pull out their troops for flood relief as and when they want. The Indian Army obviously cannot give any written guarantees but our DGMO (Director General of Military Operations) could reassure his counterpart that we have no intention of attacking them at such a time."

The DGMO's of the two countries talk by phone once a week, mainly to clear up misunderstandings over any ceasefire violations on the Line of Control dividing disputed Kashmir.

But the security official said that Pakistan's military deployment was based on its assessment of India's potential offensive strength. "The configuration of any defence force is based on enemy's capabilities and not intentions," he said.

Pakistan has taken more casualties in its battle with Islamist militants than in all its wars against India combined -- the two countries have fought three full-scale wars since independence in 1947 along with other smaller conflicts.

Yet for Pakistan to drop its guard against India would require progress on political disputes, including over Kashmir, officials say.

India broke off a peace process with Pakistan after the 2008 attack on Mumbai by Pakistan-based militants and despite several attempts the two countries have been unable to get their talks back on track again.

And even while Pakistan fights militants on its western border with Afghanistan, it remains wary of sudden Indian retaliation should there be another Mumbai-style attack on India.

"This enforced attention to the western border has made the Pakistan army reassess its priorities," said western military analyst Brian Cloughley, an expert on the Pakistan army.

"But it still does not wish to drop its guard to the east, especially as there is still the threat of a swift and dramatic attack if a terrorist outrage in India is determined by India to have been planned in Pakistan."

Pakistan has said it cannot guarantee there will be no more attacks on India, arguing that it too is a victim of bombings.
Whether we admit it or not the decision making in pakistan is always controlled directly or indirectly by the armed forces and they are strategically defined in a large part by their "threat perception of India" in various degrees ....while such a situation exists ...there will be no "change seen in Pakistan's perception of India "......
India is, was and will remain No1 threat. From 1948 Kashmir to 1971 Bangladesh they have always attacked us unprovoked and cried foul about terrorism.
India is, was and will remain No1 threat. From 1948 Kashmir to 1971 Bangladesh they have always attacked us unprovoked and cried foul about terrorism.

must agree to disagree on the bold part....however the rest of your statement is just a reflection on the current geopolitics of the subcontinent....whether we like it or not its here to stay.....:devil:
India is inherently aggressive, just look at the massive spending in increasing her war making capablity - however, if the Indian were to reposiiton the strike corps and armor posiitoned across the Pakistan border and evacuate captive Kashmir, Pakistanis could not argue that India maintains aggressive capabilties and this would allow the Pakistani public to see India and her willingness to curb her aggressive tendencies, in a new light.
So you want Pakistan Army to sell its weapons and go home?Plenty of people are afraid of Pakistan Army.Would want nothing more then conversion of PA into paramillitary force.Indians have more soldiers stationed on Pakistani Borders and Eastern Sector compared to size of Pakistan Army Deployments.
India is inherently aggressive, just look at the massive spending in increasing her war making capablity - however, if the Indian were to reposiiton the strike corps and armor posiitoned across the Pakistan border and evacuate captive Kashmir, Pakistanis could not argue that India maintains aggressive capabilties and this would allow the Pakistani public to see India and her willingness to curb her aggressive tendencies, in a new light.

india is not aggressive.u need to ensure ur security in any point,this is wat india doing.y dont u look at china+pakistan,india looks at,thats y they r preparing.
India is inherently aggressive, just look at the massive spending in increasing her war making capablity - however, if the Indian were to reposiiton the strike corps and armor posiitoned across the Pakistan border and evacuate captive Kashmir, Pakistanis could not argue that India maintains aggressive capabilties and this would allow the Pakistani public to see India and her willingness to curb her aggressive tendencies, in a new light.

Isnt India's spending as a % of GDP lower than that of Pakistan??
Isnt India's spending as a % of GDP lower than that of Pakistan??

When the ADB says that as a percentage of the population Pakistan have a bigger middle class, our Indian friends say that is unfair and total numbers are a better reflection.

When poverty numbers are discussed, our Indian friends want percentages and not total numbers.

This is a reflection of that inherent agggressiveness I was referring to.

Now look at the stike corps and in particular the armor the Indian is amassing across the Pakistan border, The Indian says that China is her enemy, but unless it hopes to use armor over the Himalyas, this is a lie, and yet another example of the inherent aggressiveness, I have referred to.

India can change the threat perception in Pakistan - The threat perception is based on capablities and obviously 4 strike corps and thousands of armor are the substance of that capablity - India should reposition them against the China border, in accord with it's own stated positon, this would allow Pakistanis to see that India is willing to curb her aggressive tendencies.

Evacuating captive Kashmir would help people in Pakistan and people in captive Kashmir see that India is willing to make sacrifices for relations with her neighbors.
Isnt India's spending as a % of GDP lower than that of Pakistan??

I don't think there should be comparison of percentage spent on defence by both countries. It's the numbers that matter.

Plus, the point that the article is making is that threat perception is different for both militants and India. Pakistan does not see militancy as an ever-lasting threat. India, on the other hand is. Obviously, if you have the kind of issues that the two countries have, the past history, the number of troops facing each other at the border besides the all-important trust deficit, there cannot be a change in threat perception.
I think it is fine ..even if Pakistan consider India as no 1 threat..as it hardly affects us ..we know Pakistan can not pose a threat to India...as they are stretched beyond their limits ..they can not attempt a sneak attack like 65 or 99.. but we should not let our guard down..we can maintain adequate force levels on our borders..without over stretching our forces..and we should.
must agree to disagree on the bold part....however the rest of your statement is just a reflection on the current geopolitics of the subcontinent....whether we like it or not its here to stay.....:devil:

Had you stayed away form east pakistan in 71 we did have different prespective of indian threat and may have come to resolve kashmir issue. Contanary to propoganda by ugly witch, there was no bengali persecution. All offical documents uptil that era were bi-lingual in Urdu and Bengali. Even the graves of Pakistan founding fathers are marked bilingualy. Pakistan which is home to tens of major languages natuarlly has to give higher preference to national language at one point but still Benglai language had near equal right to national language. The cream of Bengali talent was offered government scholarships without prejudice and Bengalis made the best intellactual brass which earned Pakistanis pride. Just to name a few below.

Fazul Khan who designed Sears towers, Abdus Suttar Khan distinguished aerospace researched at NASA whose input actually contributed to sucess of F14 and F15. And finally MM Alam who ejected some IAF pilots from this world faster than their ejection seats could work.

Its a shame on our behalf that we couldnt handle the defence of east pakistan and double shame on Indian behalf for tresspassing all measures of confidence and infiltrating completely unconcerned and undefended part of Pakistan and calling it a victory despite publicised PA war doctrine to limit all wars in western theater. This is called back stabbing the Indians are most famous for. :flame: There was no threat being posed to India from East Pakistan but the witch was in game for dominance by her soviet masters and tearing apart east-pakistan was first step.

But what ever happens does happens for good Pakistan not only emerged stronger with much bigger political clout post 1971 much to Indian dismay. But we also enjoy coordial releations with Bangladesh minus the AL regime prejudice.

It was also the epic of democracy failure happening at the hands of none other than democracy champion Mr ZA Bhutto. Had it been for fair share of power things would be different today. :pakistan:
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Make no mistake about this INDIA is and will be in the future a VERY LARGE AND VERY POWERFUL threat/menance to Pakistan.

A threat that will get bigger and bigger.


Because the dominate the South Asian peninsula both geogrpahically. economically and militaraily.

And this gap seems to be growing year in year out.
it's never going to change as long as military keeps dictating the foreign policy of pakistan. then again pakistani army has to play this card if they need to stay in power either on the background or in the forefront. this is the only thing which is stopping pakistan in progressing in other fields. lucky that india is out of this paranoia and as a result one can see the progress and developments on various fields.
the biggest threat is India undoubtedly... Pakistan Armed forces should not compromise on this , regardless of what US maniacs says....

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