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no ‘business as usual’ with China after pandemic, Britain says


Jul 25, 2016
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  • Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab says ‘hard questions’ need to be asked following Covid-19 outbreak, in latest sign of hardening attitudes towards Beijing
  • France’s Macron says there were grey areas in China’s handling of disease, adding that ‘things happened that we don’t know about’

Published: 3:19am, 17 Apr, 2020


Britain’s acting leader Dominic Raab said it could no longer be “business as usual” with China when the coronavirus pandemic is over, the latest sign of hardening attitudes toward Beijing as the crisis drags on.

“There absolutely needs to be a very, very deep dive after the event and review of the lessons, including of the outbreak of the virus,” the foreign secretary said at a press conference in London on Thursday. “I don’t think we can flinch from that at all.”

Raab, who is standing in for Boris Johnson as the prime minister
recovers from Covid-19
, said Britain has seen good cooperation from China, both in terms of the repatriation of its nationals from Wuhan and in terms of medical supplies during the pandemic. But he said there were “hard questions” to be answered about how it started.
“There’s no doubt we can’t have business as usual after this crisis,” Raab said. “We’ll have to ask the hard questions about how it came about and how it could have been stopped earlier.”

Just as in the US Republican Party, a growing number of senior members of Johnson’s ruling Conservatives have called for a reset of relations with China because of its handling of the pandemic.

William Hague, a former Tory leader and foreign secretary who now sits in the House of Lords, said on Wednesday that Britain cannot be dependent on China as it has showed it does not “play by our rules”.

The British parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee has warned that an orchestrated disinformation campaign by China is “costing British lives” in the fight against coronavirus.

In the report, lawmakers said China sought to “obfuscate” what was really happening when the outbreak began, when it should have played a key role in collecting data on its spread.

China has said there is no evidence the outbreak started there. The Chinese embassy in London said “there has been no scientific or medical conclusion” about the origin of Covid-19 and that tracing work is still ongoing.

“The World Health Organisation has made repeated statements that what the world is experiencing now is a global phenomenon, the source is undetermined, the focus should be on containment and any stigmatising language referring to certain places must be avoided,” the embassy said in a statement on Monday.

Speaking at the daily press conference in Downing Street to discuss the government’s response to the pandemic, Raab said “the one thing the coronavirus has taught us is the value, and the importance, of international cooperation”.

France’s Macron meanwhile said there were grey areas in China’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak and that things “happened that we don’t know about”, speaking in an interview with the Financial Times published on Thursday.

“Let’s not be so naive as to say it’s been much better at handling this,” he said of China’s management of the outbreak.

“We don’t know. There are clearly things that have happened that we don’t know about.”


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Coronavirus is the new 9/11. The old 9/11 was an inside job to start Middle East Wars and to destroy evidence of the looting of Russia (by the Bushes).

The new 9/11 is the start of the war with China (to gut and loot China).

Why the US wanted this corona crisis blamed on the Chinese:

Decade After Crisis, a $600 Trillion Market Remains Murky to Regulators


That trillion dollar market was about to burst:

Derivatives to crash markets again?


US was rightly blamed for last derivatives burst in the financial meltdown of 2008. US was losing Europe to Huawei. Losing military and economic dominance to China.

A 9/11 event was needed to blame China on market meltdown, and get world back to supporting Washington policies.

Even the Washington Post was pointing out how convenient this coronavirus is to trump:

A market crash was coming, even before coronavirus
Cheap credit saved the global economy in 2008. It just went on for too long.


And Washington wanted mostly to stop the dominance of Chinese military and economy:

America’s political and military mission in the post-cold-war era is to ensure that no rival superpower is allowed to emerge in Western Europe, Asia or the territories of the former Soviet Union..The classified document makes the case for a world dominated by one superpower whose position can be perpetuated by constructive behavior and sufficient military might to deter any nation or group of nations from challenging American primacy. US Department of Defense, The New York Times, March, 1992.
UK can go fck themseleves up, loosers.

keep counting the dead in Great failing Britian.
I think we are making too much of this.

His answer is being taken out of context as he praised China for assistance, but did sensibly say that there will need to be a full investigation as to how the virus came into being and whether it spread by any negligence from China.

The UK has not blamed China for Covid-19 and just wants to get to the bottom of this after the pandemic is over.
Stop being deluded guys, you all know how everybody is systematically kicked out of UK., the reason I am frustrated with UK is you have to look closely how BAME ppl are being treated. BAME ppl are Black, Asians, Minorities towns and areas. UK government is not investing money in minority areas, towns, cities have no infrastructure development at all, infact, the Hospitals and healthcare is extremely poor pathetic in those British towns where non-white population lives, where we all pay equal Taxes, fares, and rents, even Europeans hate British, Ireland hate England, Scots hate English, and they all want to independence and separation.

If you know a lot of Asians have been deported to their respective countries forcefully, UK government have made laws to create panic among minorities; foreign students from Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Iran, Asia, China, Bangladesh pays 3-5 times more fees than Europeans or British students, why? There is rascism and extreme unfair treatment with non-Brit, non-white ppl. Overall UK is a deteriorating society to be honest, you have to admit that.

Don't you live in UK? If you are going to do Namak Harami then don't live in that very nation.

Don't like it, pack up your bags and leave. Your type of people are the reason why we get hated on. Don't be a snake.

we have tons of them.

anyhoo OP article is distorted (is lying by omission) https://defence.pk/pdf/posts/12245743/
Aren't these Brits the same people who claimed to have found WMD from Iraq? Now the Goal post of their master has shifted so has theirs!

PS: UK Establishment is my subject here and not the common populace. The same section of the government who has hosted people like Altaf Hussain and Hyrbyair Marri and other such characters for decades.
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u.k not matters much for china as there are many other markets in europe and asia,africa for chinese goods and at end chinese products will enter u.k from other europe nations as there are no alternate supplier for u.k for these goods
I think we are making too much of this.

His answer is being taken out of context as he praised China for assistance, but did sensibly say that there will need to be a full investigation as to how the virus came into being and whether it spread by any negligence from China.

The UK has not blamed China for Covid-19 and just wants to get to the bottom of this after the pandemic is over.
I agree but you can sense Macron is pissed China handled it better. How can chinkistan be better than Europeans.
Stop being deluded guys, you all know how everybody is systematically kicked out of UK., the reason I am frustrated with UK is you have to look closely how BAME ppl are being treated. BAME ppl are Black, Asians, Minorities towns and areas. UK government is not investing money in minority areas, towns, cities have no infrastructure development at all, infact, the Hospitals and healthcare is extremely poor pathetic in those British towns where non-white population lives, where we all pay equal Taxes, fares, and rents, even Europeans hate British, Ireland hate England, Scots hate English, and they all want to independence and separation.

If you know a lot of Asians have been deported to their respective countries forcefully, UK government have made laws to create panic among minorities; foreign students from Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Iran, Asia, China, Bangladesh pays 3-5 times more fees than Europeans or British students, why? There is rascism and extreme unfair treatment with non-Brit, non-white ppl. Overall UK is a deteriorating society to be honest, you have to admit that.

The Scots, and Irish can badmouth the British, YOU can't. The Scots and Irish have been living in their land for generations for probably even before the British were around, YOU weren't.

If you aren't native to the land and are just an immigrant or whose father/grandfather was an immigrant, you can't badmouth it, but you can criticise it, you can take your complaints to a political forum... You can't stage an uprising, the natives can. If all the British tomorrow told you to pack your bags and leave, you better leave, because you are only a guest in their nation, you aren't a native. I am not trying to be harsh towards you, but I am simply reminding you that we are only immigrants to these lands, you in Britain and I in Canada.
China can't be trusted after Covid outbreak. First step should be ban any huawei device, or even any telecommunication device made in china.


Deja Vu! You're seeing the whole purpose of the Covid19. It seems Sinophobia is replacing Islamophobia.

Ask yourself, how many pandemics that the world has seen; what makes the current one different?

It's not sinophobia, there are han chinese in taiwan, hong kong, singapore, and no problems with them.

The problem it's China government and how they handle the covid outbreak, hiding information to the whole world.
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