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no ‘business as usual’ with China after pandemic, Britain says

Don't like it, pack up your bags and leave. Your type of people are the reason why we get hated on. Don't be a snake.

I agree with you. If you do not like a country then one should not live there. You are free to move somewhere else after Coronavirus.
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Don't like it, pack up your bags and leave. Your type of people are the reason why we get hated on. Don't be a snake.

I dont know you noticed but most of the posters here (Perhaps with few exceptions like you) with extremist views and pure hate for the Western civilization sport flags from the very liberal democracies they ironically want to end.. Hypocrisy much ??
I dont know you noticed but most of the posters here (Perhaps with few exceptions like you) with extremist views and pure hate for the Western civilization sport flags from the very liberal democracies they ironically want to end.. Hypocrisy much ??

Westerners are the master of hypocrisy, don't need to look further than your mirror if you're searching for it "bro"
China can't be trusted after Covid outbreak. First step should be ban any huawei device, or even any telecommunication device made in china.


It's not sinophobia, there are han chinese in taiwan, hong kong, singapore, and no problems with them.

The problem it's China government and how they handle the covid outbreak, hiding information to the whole world.

Agree, People should'nt equate criticism of the Chinese authorities to it's people and why should anyone adhere to this view that the Chinese govt is above criticism and scrutiny ?

Westerners are the master of hypocrisy, don't need to look further than your mirror if you're searching for it "bro"

Yeah yeah but given a chance boatloads of you are waiting to flood those hated unholy "hypocritical" lands claiming discrimination, War, poverty, persecution by your own wonderful countries dont you ? Oh the irony
American propaganda tryin hard to drag other countries into their feud against China and paint the image that other countries are joining them, exaggerating individual opinons and framing them as official government policy and dragging completely unreleated statements pulled out of contex like the Macron quote that "things "happened that we don’t know about"" that has nothing to do with this articles sagenda. Pathetic as usual.
Of course no ‘business as usual’ after Covid-19, they lost everything and they are going to depend on China more. Money and goods. China will buy up UK cheap.
Of course no ‘business as usual’ after Covid-19, they lost everything and they are going to depend on China more.

Many powers and empires came before and diminished. Look at the Mongolian empire.

Who knows what is going to happen in the future.
Of course no ‘business as usual’ after Covid-19, they lost everything and they are going to depend on China more. Money and goods. China will buy up UK cheap.

Many Western governments are already putting up regulations that would prevent China from buying up corporations and assets after this. I think your optimism is misplaced.

China is going to be more isolated than ever after this. This will only be the first wave of many viral attacks that will hit China in the next 1-5 years.
UK can go fck themseleves up, loosers.

keep counting the dead in Great failing Britian.

Do you realise how many Pakistanis have died because of this virus? The reason I say this is because I'm not sure saying for white people died would have any affect.

Are these the the ones we should be counting?





Stop writing such insensitive posts.
China is going to be more isolated than ever after this. This will only be the first wave of many viral attacks that will hit China in the next 1-5 years.
We have everything and we can make everything, we have the whole world to trade with, why this virus hit the west so hard? cause they are not self reliant and have to depend on China for their supply chains of everything, otherwise they have to wipe their butts with their hands. this virus crisis is a watershed for the western domination, the virus stripped the west naked, their good days are gone for good.

Assalamu Alaykum,

Do not waste your time with fools. One can never win an argument with a fool. They never provide evidence or little. Unfortunately, many of them on the internet. Just ignore or block them, and if you think it is appropriate then report them to the administrators.

If someone has an argument then they have to provide evidence. Wikipedia is not official evidence. Anyone can go and edit an article on Wikipedia, unless the sources used on Wikipedia can be traced and verified. Then those sources are used as evidence.

These days there are so many scholars on the internet. They all have a platform.
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