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No Blackwater presence in country NA told


Nov 27, 2008
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No Blackwater presence in country; armed foreigners not allowed: NA told

ISLAMABAD, Nov 13 (APP): The government told the National Assembly here Friday that there was no Blackwater presence in Pakistan and the foreign ministry has categorically informed all the embassies that no foreigner would be allowed to carry weapons in the country.“I assure you that there is no Blackwater in Pakistan. No foreigner is allowed to carry weapons. All the embassies have been warned through a letter by the foreign affairs ministry that no foreigner would be allowed to carry weapons,” Interior Minister Rehman Malik said during the question hour.

He said the government has allowed a contractor firm supplying arms to Afghanistan for US troops as an agreement was signed in 2003 by the then government and it was honoured by the present government.

However, he said the PPP government has put the condition that the arms supply would be escorted by Pakistan’s security forces to keep it confined to its route.

He informed the House that three foreigners carrying arms were arrested by the Islamabad Police but they were released after they proved they were diplomats.

Following that event, he said a letter has been sent to all embassies that no foreigner would be allowed to carry arms in Pakistan.

To another question, he said 90,000 Afghanis had got fake national identity cards and passports but the computerization of the system has helped a lot to check such attempts. A task force has been formed to scrutinize the data and cancel the fake cards.

In a written reply, he said the Federal Investigation Agency has registered 1,058 cases for getting visas on fake documents during the period from January 2000 to March 2009 and most of the accused have been convicted by the courts.

Rehman Malik said to counter illegal immigration, the security at entry and exit points has been beefed up and due to the installation of computerized system at airports, it is almost impossible for the black-listed people to travel from there.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - No Blackwater presence in country; armed foreigners not allowed: NA told
Blackwater not operating in Pakistan: Malik

ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister Rehman Malik stated that Blackwater is not operating in Pakistan, but that the security firm Dyncorp - which provides security to American diplomats and also works with the US Army in Afghanistan - has been granted concessions in carrying arms.

Blackwater, visa fraud and deportation of US citizens and rape cases in the country were some of the issues raised in the National Assembly on Friday.

Speaking on the floor of National Assembly, Rehman Malik said that although concessions have been provided to Dyncorp, diplomats are still not allowed to display arms as per policy. He added that a strong protest has been lodged with a foreign embassy whose members were arrested in Islamabad for carrying arms.

Malik also said that 48 US citizens and over 12,000 Afghan nationals have been deported from Pakistan during the last five years.

Meanwhile, the government has cancelled illegally obtained ID cards belonging to about 90,000 Afghan nationals. He added that the FIA has registered over 1,000 cases of obtaining visas on fake passports since year 2000.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Blackwater not operating in Pakistan: Malik
Our leaders, more loyal to the king than the king himself! Everyone knows of the barbaric black water… yet our shameless leaders keep defending and denying their presence.
In support of my above statement;

WASHINGTON — Top executives at Blackwater Worldwide authorized secret payments of about $1 million to Iraqi officials that were intended to silence their criticism and buy their support after a September 2007 episode in which Blackwater security guards fatally shot 17 Iraqi civilians in Baghdad, according to former company officials.

Source: The New York Times


Unfortunately, all of your references are unsubstantiated garbage. So sorry! Cannot accept such unadulterated BS as "proof". Hope you will understand! I realize you cannot do better since you cannot make truth up out of total lies. It is a real problem, I agree. Oh well! You tried.

Yes, we shall overcome all such xenophobia and amateur reporting, in good time! Inshallah!

It seems that the Blackwater personnel have been on Pakistani soil for years before the current rumors surfaced. From a secret division at Blackwater's North Carolina headquarters, it has assumed a role in Washington's most important counterterrorism program: the use of drones to kill Al Qaeda's leaders, according to government officials and current and former employees who talked with the New York Times.

The division's operations are carried out at hidden bases in Pakistan and Afghanistan, where Blackwater contractors assemble and load Hellfire missiles and 500-pound laser-guided bombs on remotely piloted Predator aircraft, work previously performed by C.I.A. employees. They also provide security at the covert bases, the officials said.

Last month, the CIA disclosed that it had hired Blackwater to kill senior al-Qaida leaders. The targeted assassination program has come under strong criticism in Washington. However, German publication Der Spiegel has learned that the level of cooperation between the CIA and the paid mercenaries at Blackwater has been deeper than previously known. The firm has also been heavily involved in CIA's secret rendition program of kidnapping, jailing and torturing terrorism suspects, according to persistent reports.

The stakes are now much higher in Pakistan than in Afghanistan or Iraq. The elite commandos of US Navy Seals, mentioned recently by Seymour Hersh in his New Yorker article, are reportedly part of a US team allegedly training to "secure" Pakistani nukes. Blackwater, renamed Xe, was founded in 1998 by former Navy Seals. Xe is on record as saying it has prepared tens of thousands of security personnel to work in hot spots around the world, without naming such hot spots. Soon after 911 terrorist attacks, the Bush-Cheney administration deployed private security firms on an unprecedented scale. Almost overnight, Blackwater transformed itself into a huge business funded to the tune of $1 billion by US taxpayers. The company obtained 70 percent of its contracts without going through the normal bidding process.

Haq's Musings: Blackwater Bribing in Pakistan?
Sorry non-truthseeker, Blackwater's involvement, as well as many private contractors in Iraq, Afghanistan, and yes even in Pakistan hasn't really been a secret. It's like how the Pakistani government condemns the U.S. predator drone strikes on its soil, even though it has been shown that the very same drones are parked on Pakistani air bases. No Pakistani official who is towing the line for Zardari is going to confirm on the record that there is a presence of American military, or private contractors within Pakistan.

Flushing Blackwater
Yes truth seeker is telling truth this is no proof of "kalapani" but there is proof and presence of renamed mercenary group in Pakistan famously known as blw. so as Jana said "ok as you say"

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