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No ammo, air defence obsolete: Army Chief to PM


What a incompetent chief, Isn't he responsible for not highlighting this issue on time?
He is just stating the ground realities, that most have known for a while. The question is why now?
Why did he prefer to wait till the fag end of his career to raise such important issues.
this is exactly my point.. who was stopping him to state all these things much earlier.....

As if the govt. facing corruption charges wasn't enough, it got an egg thrown on its face from the armed forces also. Clearly things are not at all right at governance front.:disagree::disagree:

Why shoot the messenger?? Rather then criticizing him, we should take notice of his warnings and take necessary steps.
messenger with bad timing is bad messenger.....
He is not govt stooge.He has shown and raised his voice but why so late??
I dont believe in govt but am forced to believe him
You are missing the point. I have no doubt inefficiencies, supply problems and even corruption exists in indian armed forces. they can't be clean when the rest of the nation is totally corrupt.

BUT this guy is doing publicity stunts when he's being forced to retire in the age row, his intention is obviously suspect as he was happily doing his job ''diligently'' before the age row, was he not?

Even y'day when reporter asked him why he did not go to police when someone offered a bribe, his answer was complete BS. This guy will do our armed forces decades worth of damage without improving an iota. Because that is not his intention.

Two points - as per service rules he is supposed to report any corruption to his superior, in this case the RM, which he promptly did. He is not supposed to approach a police thana directly.

Secondly, even if his intention is to embarrass the govt (and the criminals in the govt need to be behind bars actually, embarrassment is hardly adequate) - that is immaterial. The nation is being done a service by his speaking out.

messenger with bad timing is bad messenger.....

For the corrupt, there is never a good time to talk about corruption.
The Chief is bang on target..majority of us have no clue about the rot which is thier in MOD..This man the very first day in his office had stated that he would come down hard on corruption which ahs gripped the armed forces..The age controversy is just an example how and why he is being targetted...He is a man of actions this bloody govt. has sold of its soul and thier is inaction at every part of it every deal which goes through MOD requires a Joint sect. for some formalities and many of the deals were in the middle coz thier ws no JS for completing those formalities now imagine ....:angry: This man has some balls to spit out the truth and he is smart enough and doing good...we talk about modernisation and i dnt knw about wht all but the real situation is a actually a bit grim this man alone cannot remove the rot which has set in past 63 years in just 2 years...but iam happy somebody has stood against the system....What do we want hear in the next war from a generals mouth "THAT WE WILL FIGHT WITH WHATEVER WE HAVE":disagree::angry:
Now look at the last military chiefs.They never barked against govt but this guy done this.
I have been saying that govt always puts their stooge on army chief post,but every body was bashing me when our new sikh chief was given post one month ago.
This present new chief is also govt stooge and he will never speak against govt..(write it on wall).

VKS was obstacle for the corrupts and he was not letting corruption in ..thats why many deals of army were hanged in b/w.

now in presence of new chief..every deal will be completed coz he is govt stooge and he is corrupt too.
Now look at the last military chiefs.They never barked against govt but this guy done this.
I have been saying that govt always puts their stooge on army chief post,but every body was bashing me when our new sikh chief was given post one month ago.
This present new chief is also govt stooge and he will never speak against govt..(write it on wall).

VKS was obstacle for the corrupts and he was not letting corruption in ..thats why many deals of army were hanged in b/w.

now in presence of new chief..every deal will be completed coz he is govt stooge and he is corrupt too.
The major problem with the selection of Army Chiefs in India is that they are selected on the basis of their age, not merit! This has some benifits in our scenario, but also creates the problem of impotent people being chosen for the job.
i bet he is lying no sane person would ever reveal such things he is just asking for increase in budget give him a break. i guess he is too old for duty anyway
indians are super naive thinking breaking their banks in foreign weaponry acquisitions will earn them a tiny bit of respect. they are the biggest clowns on the world's stage!

Do you have any idea what the thread is about? Can you read, or do you just type out a few flashcards with one liners like this, given out by your superiors to blurt all over the internet?
Indian Military? :lol: ....

1.3 Million Strong and still answers to Civilian bosses. Yes, it is funny

indians are super naive thinking breaking their banks in foreign weaponry acquisitions will earn them a tiny bit of respect. they are the biggest clowns on the world's stage!

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