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Can you differentiate between red and saffron? Are you color blind?

Turkey flag:

Why dont u differentiate kiddo?



They r exactly same.
Do you believe her father's RSS connection and her own Janata Party affiliation would limit her BROAD APPEAL ?

I dont think so.

The entire BJP is a political extension of the RSS, as such that is no major issue.

This post brings out the glorious uncertainties ( to borrow a word from Cricket) of Coalition politics.

Modi : Good idea but supporting him would mean Coalition partners in NDA running the risk of eroding their appeal among the Muslims. In any case it throws them open to being targeted by UPA & putting them on a weak wicket. Modi remains the best bet but a method needs to be found to sugar coat this pill.

Nitish : Good record but his party will never be the dominant player in the NDA hence producing a leader from a party not in majority in the coalition would throw open a can of worms and may weaken the BJP cadres who may feel slighted.

Sushma : Could be surprise Plan B - a compromise to Modi . This way BJP maintains the lead in NDA and no feathers are ruffled for its partners.

You have summarized it correctly but ofcourse everything holds true if NDA gets enough numbers in the first place.
@anyrandom, I could tell you 10 sayings about arguing with fools, but you have heard all of them before. So take a hint and stop feeding trolls.
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@anyrandom, I could tell you 10 sayings about arguing with fools, but you have heard all of them before. So take a hint and stop feeding trolls.

thank you buddy, actually its my immaturity, i expect a bit of intelligence from them but no they are total retards! I will remember this from the next time ;)
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19 MP's and why will BJP let him become PM? Modi and Advani are better contenders.
Plus in Bihar if he walks out of alliance with BJP his govt will fall instantly as he has 115 mla's and half way mark is 122 mla's. If he joins congress he still cannot stay in power as congress has just 4 mla's. So forget PM he wont even be CM of bihar.
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