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Both Nitish and Modi are good leaderd and capable of leading the country, both have done a great job in development in their areas....but Modi is just a step ahead when it comes to popularity.
Is there someone who can tell me the background of this man. Who is Nitesh Kumar and what has he achieved for India. Why is he such a popular candidate for election? The real clash will be between the BJP and the Congress. Atleast the political scene in India is much better than the one in Pakistan.
Is there someone who can tell me the background of this man. Who is Nitesh Kumar and what has he achieved for India. Why is he such a popular candidate for election? The real clash will be between the BJP and the Congress. Atleast the political scene in India is much better than the one in Pakistan.

He was railway minister in NDA when Godhra incident happened. Then he became the chief minister of Bihar after Lalu ruined it for decades, he improved it and pleases both Hindu and Muslims populations there. Your Imran Khan has praised him and according to some reports sent his party members to study the development model of Bihar.
Is there someone who can tell me the background of this man. Who is Nitesh Kumar and what has he achieved for India. Why is he such a popular candidate for election? The real clash will be between the BJP and the Congress. Atleast the political scene in India is much better than the one in Pakistan.

He became CM of Bihar in 2005 after defeating Lalu Yadav. He improved the law and order situation, highest GDP growth among Indian states, Fast track courts, improving road connectivity etc. In 2010, he again got massive victory, while opposition lost more seats.
Is there someone who can tell me the background of this man. Who is Nitesh Kumar and what has he achieved for India. Why is he such a popular candidate for election? The real clash will be between the BJP and the Congress. Atleast the political scene in India is much better than the one in Pakistan.

He is the Chief Minister of Bihar and has brought out Bihar from the absolute devastation and regression that Lalu prasad brought on bihar.
Lalu ruled bihar for 15 years and destroyed the economy of bihar, brought it to absolute ruin..there was no concept of law and order in bihar...it followed the concept of might is right...gangs ruled bihar..there were private armies...police was corrupt and handed handed over the state to goons..the entire govt was corrupt.

This is what nitish inherited and slowly brought law and order in the state. Has curbed lawlessness. Is finally bringing high growth rate in bihar.
Bihar has grown above the national average for the last 10 years and yet today the average income of bihar is less than HALF of the national average. You can imagine what condition it was in earlier.

He is bringing investments and destroying the feudal militias.

To be honest I think he should stick with Bihar. Bihar needs him more than India. He should rule Bihar for the next 10 years and bring it up to speed with the rest of India.
Momota Banerjee. :dance3:

Nah... We should just vote for Jyoti Basu and make him the eternal PM like Kim-il-Sung... :D

OT Nitish is required more in Bihar. Biahr cant afford to have lalu back. It will be devastating if Lalu comes and I might have to start using Talwar in place of kalam. :(
Now matter how hard he jump, he will remain inside the boundaries of Bihar.

Nitish kumar is just shining his own political turf by creating the recent hue-cry over Modi's candidature for PM, Its all about securing your minority vote bank (politics) in the state(Bihar).

Its very unlikely that he will be chosen as the prime candidate of NDA for 2014, chances are almost in negative terms. BJP cadre highly demands NaMo for that position, and sighs of polarization are already visible, only if BJP select Modi as its face for 2014.

But their are chance's that Advani may be selected as PM candidate in case BJP, don't wana risk its alliance with JD-U.
Independent Analysis:

1. Minority Prime Minister is a big failure in India (H D Devegouda, I K Gujral, C Charan Singh etc), So even if with 20 seats Nitish, Mulayam, Maya or Momta become PM, they can't stay in power for long duration.

2. Modi can become PM only if BJP gets 200+ seats, which is unlikely possible. Muslims are anti BJP (recent attack on BJP office), They vote in bulk and they will do anything to keep BJP out of power (Which they are doing since decades :) )

3. Hindus are unorganised and many Hindus don't care about nation, They vote for money, Wine etc. These ppl typically vote for non NDA parties.

Strategy of BJP:
1. BJP will collect as many vote possible in the name of Modi. Excluding Modi will not help them as Muslims never vote for BJP. If BJP get 200+ seat then Modi will become PM else Shushma will become PM.

Now matter how hard he jump, he will remain inside the boundaries of Bihar.

Nitish kumar is just shining his own political turf by creating the recent hue-cry over Modi's candidature for PM, Its all about securing your minority vote bank (politics) in the state(Bihar).

Its very unlikely that he will be chosen as the prime candidate of NDA for 2014, chances are almost in negative terms. BJP cadre highly demands NaMo for that position, and sighs of polarization are already visible, only if BJP select Modi as its face for 2014.

But their are chance's that Advani may be selected as PM candidate in case BJP, don't wana risk its alliance with JD-U.

Bro Bihar is new Muslimstan, All recent terror connection leading to Bihari Muslims. Many "Bangla Killers" Pakistani-Muslims have settled in Bihar. They decide many seats, Nitish has no other option than supporting terrorism (Nitish was unpleased when Mumbai Police captured Pakistani-Muslim from Bihar).

Is there any way better to fetch vote other than bashing Modi???
Now please stop saying that Hindus are unorganized.. We must have to organize its high time now.. We have to initiate these changes at I individuals level don't wait for any leader or any one to do so.. Now at this time we can only help ourselves... If congress formed next goverment we will be in deep trouble.. M telling U either U have to change U R religion or become slave or leave this country.. This is the worst situation I have ever seen with any government in every aspect.
Do Indian members think Nitish Kumar can be a possible prime minister of India ?

Nitish Kumar, who witnessed a lacklustre career in the 1990s and remained in the shadow of both friends and foes, has now emerged in the full glare of the political spotlight with his name being mentioned as a possible prime minister.

Even if he fails to make it to the very top, he will still be playing a seminal role in redefining the contours of the two major political formations - the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA).

Yet, few could have imagined that he would gain such prominence when he played a secondary role to Lalu Prasad in Bihar and to George Fernandes at the centre. The basis of these connections was their common membership of the Janata Dal. However, the parting of ways came when Nitish Kumar broke away from his old friend, then Bihar chief minister Lalu Prasad, to form, first, the Samata party in 1994 and then the Janata Dal-United (JD-U) in 2003.

Although Nitish Kumar was a minister in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government, he remained a figure in the margins until he was able to consolidate his position in Bihar. He however might not have been able to do so but for Lalu Prasad's embroilment in corruption cases and the rise in the incidents of lawlessness in Bihar.

If the latter had not let Bihar run to seed, Nitish Kumar would have remained a bit player if only because his primary base of support, the Kurmis, the caste group to which he belongs, is the smallest of the three major backward castes - Yadavs (making up 13 percent of Bihar's population), Koeris (5 percent) and Kurmis (2.5 percent).

It was because the Kurmis and Koeris felt that they were not getting their due under the Yadav-dominated Lalu Prasad's government that they not only broke away to form the Samata Party but also reached out to the upper castes (comprising 12-13 percent) affiliated to the BJP to form an alliance.

The antipathy of the non-Yadav backward castes and the upper castes towards Lalu Prasad has been strong enough to enable the now-defunct Samata Party and the JD-U to remain powerful political forces for nearly a decade. But this lower caste-upper caste combination would not have survived for so long but for Nitish Kumar's amiable personality and administrative capabilities.

A fortuitous combination, therefore, of Lalu Prasad's dismissal of the need for good governance and development as an elitist fad, and Nitish Kumar's realization of the value of precisely these two factors, was responsible for the latter's success in the 2005 and 2010 elections. But no less crucial was his ability to crack the MY or Muslim-Yadav combination that Lalu Prasad regarded as his trump card.

Since the MY vote bank added up to nearly 30 percent (Muslims 16.5 percent, Yadavs 13 percent) of the population, Lalu Prasad was sure of his electoral security, especially when he believed that he would be able to get a fair portion of the 15 percent Dalit vote via his ally, Ramvilas Paswan of the Lok Janshakti Party (LJP). But these calculations sank in the quicksand of Bihar's descent into anarchy in the 15 years of Lalu Prasad's and his wife Rabri Devi's rule.

Since it is the weaning away of sections of the Muslims from Lalu Prasad's Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) which contributed to Nitish Kumar's success, his aversion for Narendra Modi is understandable. Considering that Nitish Kumar did not even allow the "modern-day Nero", the Supreme Court's phrase for Modi, to campaign for the JD(U)-BJP combine in the assembly elections lest he scared away the Muslims, there was no way that the BJP could have expected him to endorse Modi's candidature for the prime minister's post.

It has to be remembered that Nitish Kumar has been able to win over at least some of the Muslims despite the BJP's presence in his government by ensuring that the BJP remains very much a junior partner even if this displeases the Bhumihars, Rajputs and Banias who constitute the saffron outfit's main base of support.

In this respect, Nitish Kumar can be said to have partly replicated the old Congress electoral base comprising Brahmins, Muslims and Dalits, except that the Dalits are not fully with Nitish Kumar. There may be questions, too, about the quantum of Muslim support since there is little doubt that the RJD has retained a fair share.

However, one of Nitish Kumar's achievements has been to tone down the caste antagonism which marked the RJD's tenure when armed groups of the upper castes like the Ranbir Sena were at loggerheads with the senas of the lower castes, creating a mayhem in the countryside. By ensuring that hundreds of these brigands are jailed, Nitish Kumar has pushed the state, which was regarded with derision earlier, to the No. 2 position in terms of the growth rate.

Nitish Kumar a possible prime minister? : North, News - India Today

Honestly speaking...He is a good person and capable person...But the problem is that he is from a regional party...And whenever any regional party becomes PM candidate, that does not goes well with nation....If he would have been in BJP, i would have choosen him in ahead of Modi for PM candidate.
Is there someone who can tell me the background of this man. Who is Nitesh Kumar and what has he achieved for India. Why is he such a popular candidate for election? The real clash will be between the BJP and the Congress. Atleast the political scene in India is much better than the one in Pakistan.

Now days, there is a new type of competition that has been emerged in India....All the state CM of different states are competing with each other based on what they have offered in their rule to their state. Basically they are presenting and marketing to their audiences about how much successful they are in their politics....And i feel that it is a good sign that politician are competing with each other based on their success in respective constituency based in level of development they have offered to their people.
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