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Mr. Nitish is doing well in Bihar.. He is capable I accept.. But personally I feel he is way behind NaMo.. And look at his recent acts to get money from central goverment he betrayed BJP.. he is not onest with people he is in collision for more than ten years.. Not a right choice and even to think about his credentials for PM candidate
Nitish will be an influential person in the new government whichever it may be in 2014.

However he really should focus on Bihar. That state is just coming out of the dog house situation that Lalu prrlasad led it to. Bihar needs Nitish more than india does.

Do you think he needs some grooming to be a future leader or is he ready now ?
If Nitish is NDA PM candidate (very unlikely though), I will either not vote or vote for a regional party.
No Nitish , no Modi and no Advani.

Its time for a woman PM, Sushma Swaraj in an ideal candidate.

Do you believe her father's RSS connection and her own Janata Party affiliation would limit her BROAD APPEAL ?
I would vote for bjp if NaMo is PM canditate or else i wont for any of them
Do you believe her father's RSS connection and her own Janata Party affiliation would limit her BROAD APPEAL ?

RSS connection is not a big deal, Vajpayee was from RSS too.
Within BJP, Modi has a good chance but all will depend of electoral arithmetic. If BJP does not do well on its own, and need allies support(especially JD), Modi's chance will reduce. If rest of BJP leader keep fighting, they might find it easier to appoint Nitish as PM.
Do you believe her father's RSS connection and her own Janata Party affiliation would limit her BROAD APPEAL ?

Almost every one in BJP is a RSS SwayamSevak. Modi was Pracharak, Sushma was in ABVP like wise every one has sound connection with RSS.

RSS has more than 100 autonomous organisation under its Umbrella, RSS does many social work all around India.

RSS is social and cultural organisation and its camp of patriots. There is an organization which has patriotic Muslims as Swayamsevaks, Its name is "Muslim Swayamsevak Sangh".

Recently Patriotic Muslims of Gujrat introduced this Flag... "Cresend moon on safron"

The changed landscape of Gujarat. Muslim flag in saffron at Salaya, Gujarat. By @IndiaToday's Shailesh Raval. : Mosiqi

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No Nitish , no Modi and no Advani.

Its time for a woman PM, Sushma Swaraj in an ideal candidate.

This post brings out the glorious uncertainties ( to borrow a word from Cricket) of Coalition politics.

Modi : Good idea but supporting him would mean Coalition partners in NDA running the risk of eroding their appeal among the Muslims. In any case it throws them open to being targeted by UPA & putting them on a weak wicket. Modi remains the best bet but a method needs to be found to sugar coat this pill.

Nitish : Good record but his party will never be the dominant player in the NDA hence producing a leader from a party not in majority in the coalition would throw open a can of worms and may weaken the BJP cadres who may feel slighted.

Sushma : Could be surprise Plan B - a compromise to Modi . This way BJP maintains the lead in NDA and no feathers are ruffled for its partners.
Do you believe her father's RSS connection and her own Janata Party affiliation would limit her BROAD APPEAL ?

Every one in BJP is someway or the other connected to RSS in fact BJP is almost a political wing of RSS
Do you think he needs some grooming to be a future leader or is he ready now ?

Oh he is ready. He has won a 2nd term in Bihar with a thumping victory. He has made bihar perform spectacularly.

In terms of pure GDP performance he is second only to Modi.

But he does not have the marketing department that Modi has. Narendra modi has marketed himself as the messiah that india needs against corruption and for blazing economic growth.

So in terms of sheer nation wide appeal he lags behind...but as a leader and as a CM he has already proven himself.
Bihar is one of the most undeveloped state in India and even tiny development like building raods have made big difference to this backward state. :rolleyes:

And the biharis who were suffering from the stigma of being bihari have promoted this hype :tdown: because in media, ias, ips there are very huge number of biharis becaue in bihar there are no jobs.
we are lacking a truely secular party and a visionary leader . leaders are either pro-hindutva or those who play votebank politics.
for once, I will recommend Communists(CPI(M)) a try.
Almost every one in BJP is a RSS SwayamSevak. Modi was Pracharak, Sushma was in ABVP like wise every one has sound connection with RSS.

RSS has more than 100 autonomous organisation under its Umbrella, RSS does many social work all around India.

RSS is social and cultural organisation and its camp of patriots. There is an organization which has patriotic Muslims as Swayamsevaks, Its name is "Muslim Swayamsevak Sangh".

Recently Patriotic Muslims of Gujrat introduced this Flag... "Cresend moon on safron"

The changed landscape of Gujarat. Muslim flag in saffron at Salaya, Gujarat. By @IndiaToday's Shailesh Raval. : Mosiqi

The bold statement was most funny........and this flag is of Turkey.

please take this to Central & South Asia section.
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