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Nirbhay cruise missile to be tested by next month finally

Indeed ..see the excerpt below

" In 1998, when the Clinton administration launched 75 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Osama bin Laden’s bases in response to al Qaeda’s bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, six of the missiles misfired and landed across the border in Pakistan. It has long been suspected that these unexploded missiles were studied by Pakistani and Chinese scientists. Ted Postol, a professor of science, technology, and international security at MIT, confirms this: “A Pakistani colleague of mine told me that a significant number of those missiles that we launched at Afghanistan actually landed in Pakistan and those guys reverse-engineered them.”
The propulsion system of the Babur missile that Pakistan tested in 2005 definitely resembles that of the BGM-109 Tomahawk. After an initial launch by a solid-fuel booster, a cruise turbo fan engine cuts in, giving the Babur a speed of 880 kilometers per hour and a range of 500 kilometers. "

The Missiles of August--Part II | MIT Technology Review

No wonder there is not a single country from 57 OIC block which is known as a advance/developed nation.
While there is not a single Hindu country in the world :)
No wonder there is not a single country from 57 OIC block which is known as a advance/developed nation.
While there is not a single Hindu country in the world :)

Definition of developed or advanced nation can vary based on what actually we are talking about .
frankly speaking people of some of the countries from OIC enjoy overall good standard of living ( e.g KSA , Oamn, Bahrain etc ) due to the strength of petrodollars than many asian countries .
( except the wartorn countries like Iraq ,Egypt etc )

Yes we have advanced in some domains of science and technology due to sheer grit .
But we have long way to go in improving standard of living of our people .

Please do not take offence by my comments .
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Crystal ball might go up in smoke when it takes into account an equally smoky history of Indian Missile program. (the going up in smoke type smoky)

meanwhile we can see smoke already coming out of your bottom .

On Topic- Good luck DRDO. make us proud :)
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...and powered by a Chinese engine.

:lol: :lol: One liner Parsuna style crappy statement :lol: :lol:

Indeed ..see the excerpt below

" In 1998, when the Clinton administration launched 75 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Osama bin Laden’s bases in response to al Qaeda’s bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, six of the missiles misfired and landed across the border in Pakistan. It has long been suspected that these unexploded missiles were studied by Pakistani and Chinese scientists. Ted Postol, a professor of science, technology, and international security at MIT, confirms this: “A Pakistani colleague of mine told me that a significant number of those missiles that we launched at Afghanistan actually landed in Pakistan and those guys reverse-engineered them.”
The propulsion system of the Babur missile that Pakistan tested in 2005 definitely resembles that of the BGM-109 Tomahawk. After an initial launch by a solid-fuel booster, a cruise turbo fan engine cuts in, giving the Babur a speed of 880 kilometers per hour and a range of 500 kilometers. "

The Missiles of August--Part II | MIT Technology Review

:lol::lol::china::pakistan: shaheen-e-tomahawk :rofl::rofl:

Unsubstantiated news. Pakistan returned all those downed cruise missiles.
??? What is a Parsuna? What engine is it powered by if not Chinese?

Ermm, No official statement exist which tell us the origin of engine and if I say some "rumor" like news, you won't accept it. ( it's not chinese. )
Ermm, No official statement exist which tell us the origin of engine and if I say some "rumor" like news, you won't accept it. ( it's not chinese. )

C'mon don't joke. It is definitely Chinese.:bounce::agree:
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