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Nigerian Islamists kill 59 pupils in boarding school attack

They want Islamic state by killing any other Muslims that don't agree with them. Killing Non-Muslims because they are not worthy in their eyes to live. So they want a Islamic State with only themselves i.e only bearded clowns with women locked behind barns like cattle. It seems like our Islamist brothers are also very pro Gay. Maybe the Mullahs just want a Gay State for themselves with free supply of young boys.

Guys we have all misunderstood the Islamists. They are pro gay. Their Jihad is for the rainbow flag.
People this attack wasn't against religion. It was against "western education and values". Thats why they attacked a school
I'm not a muslim. There are some rotten apple who are bringing bad name to Islam. One can make his/her point without bringing religion into discussion. :)

Actually it's not some rotten apple, there loads of rotten apples - Islam need massive clean up. But yeah point can be made with out generalizing but that's for mature people.
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(Reuters) - Gunmen from Islamist group Boko Haram shot or burned to death 59 pupils in a boarding school in northeast Nigeria overnight, a hospital official and security forces said on Tuesday.

"Some of the students' bodies were burned to ashes," Police Commissioner Sanusi Rufai said of the attack on the Federal Government college of Buni Yadi, a secondary school in Yobe state, near the state's capital city of Damaturu.

Bala Ajiya, an official at the Specialist Hospital Damaturu, told Reuters by phone the death toll had risen to 59.

"Fresh bodies have been brought in. More bodies were discovered in the bush after the students who had escaped with bullet wounds died from their injuries," he said.

Rafai, who had given an earlier estimate of 29 killed, said all those killed were boys. He said the school's 24 buildings, including staff quarters, were completely burned to the ground.

President Goodluck Jonathan called the attack "callous and senseless murder ... by deranged terrorists and fanatics who have clearly lost all human morality and descended to bestiality".

The Islamists, whose struggle for an Islamic state in northern Nigeria has killed thousands and made them the biggest threat to security in Africa's top oil producer, are increasingly preying on the civilian population.

Militants from Boko Haram, whose name means "Western education is sinful" in the northern Hausa language, have frequently attacked schools in the past. A similar attack in June in the nearby village of Mamudo left 22 students dead.

They have killed more than 300 people this month, mostly civilians, including in two attacks last week that killed around 100 each, one in which militants razed a whole village and shot panicked residents as they tried to flee.

That attack prompted U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to condemn Boko Haram for "unspeakable ... acts of terror".

The failure of the military to protect civilians is fuelling anger in the northeast, the region worst affected by the four-and-a-half-year insurgency. An offensive ordered by Jonathan in May has not succeeded in crushing the rebels and has triggered reprisals against civilians.

A military spokesman for Yobe state, Captain Lazarus Eli, said "our men are down there in pursuit of the killers", but gave no further details.

Addressing a news conference on Monday, Jonathan defended the military's record, saying it had had some successes against Boko Haram. He said Nigeria was working with the Cameroon authorities to try to prevent militants from mounting attacks in Nigeria and then fleeing over the border.

The military shut the northern part of the border with Cameroon on the weekend.

The insurgents mostly occupy the remote, hilly Gwoza area bordering Cameroon, from where they attack civilians they accuse of being pro-government. They have started abducting girls, a new tactic reminiscent of Uganda's cult-like Lord's Resistance Army in decades past.

(Additional reporting by Ibrahim Mshelizza in Maiduguri; Writing by Tim Cocks; Editing by Andrew Roche and Alison Williams)

Nigerian Islamists kill 59 pupils in boarding school attack| Reuters

Time for the world to join hands and finish off these scoundrels from the face of the earth, enough is enough.
Time for the world to join hands and finish off these scoundrels from the face of the earth, enough is enough.

Every group is funded & supported by one or another. These fundos can't survive without backing.
Every group is funded & supported by one or another. These fundos can't survive without backing.

Yeah, it's either oil money or drug money or blood diamond money. Best way to deal with them is to strike all of them in every corner of the world simultaneously without any regional prejudice, UN should take up the task. And severe sanctions should be imposed upon any country found to be helping these groups with fund & support. But then.....many twisted geopolitical interests are attached to these groups.
boko haram means haram education. They believe western education is haram.:hitwall:
boko haram means haram education. They believe western education is haram.:hitwall:
It doesn't matter for them... Yeh to bando ko b zinda halal ker daitay hain... I was just watching videos of Syria and sham in live leak...
They are slaughtering each other by saying Allah o Akbar.... I came here in defense.pk , and saw this thread ..
Sorry, even animals are better than them, they only kills for food unlike inhuman, truculent human being.... :(:(
It doesn't matter for them... Yeh to bando ko b zinda halal ker daitay hain... I was just watching videos of Syria and sham...
They are slaughtering each other by saying Allah o Akbar.... I came here in defense.pk , indecently saw this thread ..
Sorry, even animals are better than them, they only kills for food unlike inhuman, truculent human being.... :(:(

I have seen some very extremist youths in UK too. They don't even consider this their own country. They are so intoxicated with hate that you cannot hold a intelligent debate with these people. And this extremist thinking is spreading like cancer everywhere.
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