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Nigerian Islamists kill 59 pupils in boarding school attack

I consider this justification.
You really just felt the need to add in that little nugget of information that "Christians are doing it too!", didn't you?

You don't what justifying violence, and neither do you know much about religion, religion is being at peace with God. There's no such thing as world peace from violence, that's a fantasy of the modern day.
That's exactly what I said in post #11, go back and read. I also wish all 'humane peace loving people' of this world also express similar outrage when violence is done by NATO/Israel or other tribal violence.
Why do you feel the need to mention NATO and Israel? Of course I condemn them, but why mention them right now?
I only decided to post here because you decided you wanted to justify these barbaric attacks. If you don't like people expressing outrage at your silly posts, then don't post at all.
Why do you feel the need to mention NATO and Israel? Of course I condemn them, but why mention them right now?
I only decided to post here because you decided you wanted to justify these barbaric attacks. If you don't like people expressing outrage at your silly posts, then don't post at all.

That post wasn't directed at you and there was nothing silly about my post, kid. People know Africa has been in turmoil for decades now. That's the point I was making, now, don't waste your time with me.
That's exactly what I said in post #11, go back and read. I also wish all 'humane peace loving people' of this world also express similar outrage when violence is done by NATO/Israel or other tribal violence.

The attack was carried in the North East according to the article so most likely they killed fellow muslims.Actually,sry,not "fellow muslims" as those innocent victims had nothing in common with these animals

May the Dead Rest In Peace.
That post wasn't directed at you and there was nothing silly about my post, kid. People know Africa has been in turmoil for decades now. That's the point I was making, now, don't waste your time with me.
I doesn't matter if it wasn't directed towards me. I find it amazing that when confronted upon your justification, you reply with how NATO and Israel are doing the same thing as if you have no other thing in your mind to say.
Double OMG at the comment

Yes because Boko Haran just appeared a few months ago as a result of the CAR conflict.It's not that these retards are doing this senseless killings (of muslims to !) for years now.

Boko haram is decade old terrorist group with stated objective of imposing Sharia on Nigeria. It has nothing to do with CAR republic and going by the culture of violence in central Africa ( where it is akin to background noise ),no body cares to avenge anybody.

Boko Haram is killing for their 72 virgins, not for some twisted sense of vengeance .
The attack was carried in the North East according to the article so most likely they killed fellow muslims.Actually,sry,not "fellow muslims" as those innocent victims had nothing in common with these animals

May the Dead Rest In Peace.

May they all rest in peace indeed, everybody is against such an organization. Hopefully the region sees less turmoil but there are many massacres like this occurring and I'm not too sure what to make out of it. They indeed are criminals, so are other perpetrators of violence whom people give a free pass. Shame on such people.
Why do you have bring religion to it? :cuckoo:

Well if allmost evry terrorist act or slaughter of innocent people is in the name of my religion(Islam),how can i say he is wrong?
Rest in peace to the innocent pupils.
I doesn't matter if it wasn't directed towards me. I find it amazing that when confronted upon your justification, you reply with how NATO and Israel are doing the same thing as if you have no other thing in your mind to say.

Because I've been involved in the political scene longer than you have, there are people you will find about in the next few months of your life who express outrage only in certain cases against violence but they cheer for violence perpetrated by others. This is just to test some people and see where they really stand. If you don't understand what I'm doing just distance yourself from my matters.
Well if allmost evry terrorist act or slaughter of innocent people is in the name of my religion(Islam),how can i say he is wrong?

I'm not a muslim. There are some rotten apple who are bringing bad name to Islam. One can make his/her point without bringing religion into discussion. :)
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