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Next front in America’s war


May 3, 2011
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Pakistan may be the next theater of war as the US military establishment and Israeli lobby expand their campaign

Even though it was Colin Powell who rang up Musharraf that cold September morning in 2001 asking him to join America’s war in the finest diplomatese, it was his deputy Richard Armitage who proved himself more persuasive by offering to help Pakistan go back to the Stone Age where it belonged. Musharraf has repeatedly revisited those eventful days in the wake of 9/11 ever since, patting himself for rescuing Pakistan from meeting a fate that has befallen its neighbor across the Durand Line.

Over the past decade or so, Pakistan has upended itself to keep its “commitment” to Uncle Sam and to avoid ending up the way Afghanistan has. It has lost nearly 35,000 lives in Washington’s war; its economy is on the brink and the country is unraveling faster than you could say the so-called “war on terror”.

It now turns out that all that hard work and those impossible feats of bending over backward to please the emperor after all have been of little consequence. Pakistan appears all set to go the way of Afghanistan and Iraq. Washington’s suspension of $800 million military aid to Islamabad this week, coupled with top US officials, including military chief Adm. Mike Mullen openly accusing Pakistan’s military of being in cahoots with the terrorist groups it has been fighting all this while doesn’t merely signal the end of a broken marriage. It suggests that after Afghanistan and Iraq, Pakistan could be the next front of America’s war.

The detention of Ghulam Nabi Fai, head of the Kashmiri American Council this week for lobbying for the Pakistani government in a city where every other guy is a lobbyist is part of the plot. The target of course isn’t Fai, a popular figure on the Capitol Hill because of his activism for Kashmir, but Islamabad. This is a seismic shift in Washington that has gone little noticed. America is done with Pakistan.

The US military-industrial establishment, the Israeli lobby and Muslim bashers on the Hill have been looking for an excuse to take the war to Pakistan, the only Muslim state with a nuclear arsenal. And they got it when Osama Bin Laden was conveniently discovered, not in a cold cave along the Afghan frontier but living cheek by jowl with Pakistan’s elite military academy.

So if the Pakistanis and Afghans thought that with the killing of Sheikh Osama the Yanks will declare “Mission Accomplished” and happily go home, they could be in for a shock. This war is far from over; only the action has moved to a new front. While there has never been any love lost for Pakistan in the US establishment despite it having been Washington’s devoted, unquestioning ally for more than half a century and helping it win the Cold war, the past few months have seen the campaign against Islamabad gather steam.

The US media, with Murdoch’s Fox News and Wall Street Journal leading from the front, has lately been full of stories targeting Pakistan with “incriminating evidence” about the Pakistani military and intelligence agencies sleeping with Afghan Taleban and Al-Qaeda. Adm. Mullen, no less, has suggested that Pakistani journalist Saleem Shahzad was bumped off by the ISI because he was about to expose the agency’s links to the militants. While the spy agency’s affair with the Taleban and their far more ruthless allies has never been a secret, the Americans choose to forget that there are actually three in this marriage. The third one in this threesome is none other than Uncle Sam himself. Indeed, it was the Americans who encouraged the Pakistanis to initiate the affair before the West and Arab fighters, including a certain sheikh, joined the jihad to drive out the Russians and bring down the Soviet Union. Today, those chickens have come home to roost.

This is a chapter from recent history that America and the West have chosen to erase from their collective memory and would have the world to do the same. But history isn’t something you could just wish away by hitting the “delete” key on your computer. You can’t obliterate it the way you obliterate those faceless, nameless people in Pakistan’s northwest using those drones. It will confront you time and time again.

But what’s new? Seldom do empires learn from history. And they are condemned to repeat it, again and again. So today even as the disastrous campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq are hastily being wrapped up, after burning 4 trillion US dollars, the ever voracious monster that is America’s war machine is now sizing up Pakistan. Indeed, Pakistan may only be the stepping stone to take a shot at the greater prize-the oil-rich, Israel-baiting, fiercely independent Iran.

Iran has long been an inviting target for the so-called champions of the new American century and their Israeli gurus, not just because of its nuclear ambitions or its rhetoric on Zionist machinations. It is Iran’s rich oil resources, its leadership ambitions and continuing defiance of the US-Israeli hegemony that make it a perfect target. Over the past decade or so, the Middle East has lived with the fear of an imminent US-Israeli attack on Iran. Indeed, as Seymour Hersh of The New Yorker has repeatedly warned following his investigative reports, Bush’s Crusaders and the Israelis had been itching for a showdown with the Ayatollahs, taking the new imperial project to its next level.

If they eventually backed out, it wasn’t because of Ahmadinejad’s persuasive powers or his soliloquies on Israel’s future and Holocaust but because of the mess that greeted Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan. Uncle Sam had spread himself so thin and already had so much on his plate that Iran had to be put on the backburner. Or so we thought. Now that witches’ brew is being vigorously stirred all over again.

Iran already finds itself encircled with the US forces in Iraq on its West and Afghanistan in the north, not to mention the US military assets across the Gulf. If Pakistan eventually goes down and gives up its desperate attempts to maintain its independence — or what little remains of it — it wouldn’t be too difficult, from Washington’s viewpoint, to beat Iranians into submission. Gets you two birds with one stone and takes care of two potential, or imagined, challenges to Israel’s and Western hegemony.

I’m no sucker for conspiracy theories but I wish for once this was merely a conspiracy theory of idle pundits. An attack on Pakistan and then Iran sounds like a crazy, outrageous idea out of a Tom Clancy thriller. But then so did the idea of Iraq invasion. If you take into account the madness of Zionism and the US right’s raving ambitions to take total control of the strategic, energy-rich region, nothing looks impossible.

These are challenging times for the Middle East. Those in the line of fire could confront this threat only by sticking together. Pakistan, Iran and Arabs must learn from the examples of Iraq and Afghanistan. If they do not huddle together, they will be taken out like sitting ducks, one after another. The next showdown in the Middle East is more than a distinct possibility. And those who aren’t prepared for it will perish.

— Aijaz Zaka Syed is a widely published commentator.

Next front in America
The US will go bankrupt in going to war with Pakistan and no matter how powerful the US military it will never be able to win a gurillea warfare in the Pakistan mountains from Balochistan all the way to Karakorum.

I hope it does not come down to that becuase that will be devastating for both countires. Pakistan is not a small country of 25 million like Vietnam, Afgahnistan or Iraq. There will definately no shortage of fighters if all of the maulvis called for Jihad in case of the US launching a war with Pakistan.
Even though this article is worrying and the current attitude of the U.S. shows all the symptoms of the ones they had with Iraq, Afghanistan.
The U.S. cannot afford to engage Pakistan directly like they did in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Their own economy is burdened, and they wouldn't dare pushing it even further with us. They already have had their unreasonable demands. And the domestic opinions about the U.S. in Pakistan are very low, to say the least.

Pakistan is a country of many tribes, races, ethnic groups or whatever you would like to call them.
And everyone is happy to be either Punjabi or Sindhi or whatsoever, in the end, when things get rough and we're pushed in a corner, i'm confident our people will unite when it's truly needed for the sake of our future. We'll all be Pakistanis in the end.

Yes I am worried about what is to come, but I know our people are headstrong, proud and loving. And no force on earth can bring us down to our knees like the Americans did with (especially) Iraq.

These articles are meant to fill us with fear, to inject uncertainty and insecurity in our veins so we become seperated and lose our way of things.
So that we start doubting our ability to be independent and free in our minds.

F_ck that, our future will be bright, and hell no will we let these Taliban bastards or the American influence ruin our dreams for a prosperous and honest nation with opportunities for both men & women and where inequalities are a thing of the past.

Many times have the disgusting western and American media tried to isolate us from the rest of the world by portraying us as a rogue state which supports the killing of innocent people by harboring evil :angry:

But soon no more, when these incompetent corrupt politicians are finally unmasked and hanged, and our people wake up, realizing that if Pakistan is to move forward and grow with the rest of the world, it's either now or never.

The idea, the philosophy and thoughts behind the creating of Pakistan are beautiful, sincere and honest.

Look what mess we are in nowadays, it's heartbreaking.
Our ancestors would be deeply ashamed if they experienced what was going on right now.

We cannot let go of our basic principles, the sole foundation on which our country is built upon may never be forgotten.
It's fading away, and we need to retrieve it, Pakistan first.

It angers me, fills me with so much sadness.
But I know there is no time to sit with my head held down.

That's no justice to my nation, it's time to fight for what we're worth, for what Pakistan is worth, for what the future of our existence is worth.

Realize that people, especially to the entities running the country, realize that the responsibility of leading this nation is a huge task, if you cannot handle it, then pass it on to the people who truly care.

Pass it on to the people with their hearts and minds at the right place. :tup:

Come on! To the people in Pakistan: STOP voting for MORONS who are DESTROYING the nation.

Don't take it away from them...it's our moral right to rectify this and confront the people responsible for our issues, but also to look in the mirror at ourselves.

Yes i'm also venting out anger and frustration right now, just a small piece of it, because there's alot more inside.

Pakistan first, and foremost, let people speculate, we'll prove them wrong, nobody in the world even dare to set foot on our soil and harm our people.

Our leadership has already let the U.S. tarnish our selfrespect and the pride of our people, let them not go any further.

It's a matter of time my friends, a nation and its people can only take so much before they finally come to their senses and decide not to put up with all this sh_t anymore.

Time is running out and there is no space for other misfortunes.

We are not going drop tears of sorrow and pain on our soil all the time, rather tears of joy and happines, it's a dream, but it can and will be reality my dear brothers and sisters.

Never forget who you are and how important each person's sacrifices are to his & her nation.
Even though we are threatened, pushed, bullied, laughed at and ridiculed over and over again in the course of our history.

We will rise together, with the power of 180+ million people who will seek justice, trust me.

This is no short election speech or a feel-good story, this is the truth and the feeling not only I share, but every Pakistani shares.

Perhaps these negative articles about us do have a good outcome, they unite us even more in these dark times.

Pakistan Zindabad.
Seems the flavor of the month in the Pakistan media every few days there is another OMG the US is going to invade.

Every article ignores the elephant in the tent. No one in their right mind would want to.
Pakistan cant manage to run Pakistan at the moment it would be a nightmare of epic proportions for any one else to try.

The only people invading Pakistan at the moment are Uzbeks, Chechyens and Arabs.
Hes pretty much scaremongering. U.S. is pulling out of Iraq. Also is pulled out of Saudi Arabia with the threat Iraq over since Gulf War 1, which many Muslims claim they wanted to occupy and control. Didn't happened. Who benefited the Iraqi oil? China...
War already going on with American from last 10 years....

This is not war but bad relation that may led to war. america is still helping pakistan many ways. the war with america writer talking about will be different.
The US will go bankrupt in going to war with Pakistan and no matter how powerful the US military it will never be able to win a gurillea warfare in the Pakistan mountains from Balochistan all the way to Karakorum.

Wrong thoughts. US will never go for a gorilla war in Pakistan they will mainly capture the cities. even if they do not occupy it will completely destroy Pakistan without any harm to US.
The US will go bankrupt in going to war with Pakistan and no matter how powerful the US military it will never be able to win a gurillea warfare in the Pakistan mountains from Balochistan all the way to Karakorum.

I hope it does not come down to that becuase that will be devastating for both countires. Pakistan is not a small country of 25 million like Vietnam, Afgahnistan or Iraq. There will definately no shortage of fighters if all of the maulvis called for Jihad in case of the US launching a war with Pakistan.
US is still the largest economy in the world and another front will not cause bankruptcy. US is no longer in recession.


Good thing is that the US congress does not blindly approves budget for any military adventure. An example is that the Congress extremely restricted the scope of military operations by US forces in the recent Libyan front. The charge of that front has been given to NATO.

Current US leadership is simply using pressure tactics on Pakistani leadership to force it to allow the US forces to conduct unilateral military operations inside Pakistan against terrorists without any hindrence. This is the thing that people often fail to understand and mistake it for an impending invasion of the country like that of Iraq. That is unlikely to happen, so ease up.

Also, Iraqi chapter is about to be closed so that will pave way for funding of future military operations, if any are planned.
War against pakistan will be the beginning of 3rd world war .
The US will go bankrupt in going to war with Pakistan and no matter how powerful the US military it will never be able to win a gurillea warfare in the Pakistan mountains from Balochistan all the way to Karakorum.

I hope it does not come down to that becuase that will be devastating for both countires. Pakistan is not a small country of 25 million like Vietnam, Afgahnistan or Iraq. There will definately no shortage of fighters if all of the maulvis called for Jihad in case of the US launching a war with Pakistan.

Now its time to send this evilUS to graveyard. In Quran it says that whoever loves life cant live independant rather slaves of the enemies....we shold not fear for our lives cuz it is the gift of Allah SBWT , shold be used for the cause of Allah SBWT..........Insha-Allah........:)
War against pakistan will be the beginning of 3rd world war .

Yes it is! ...Insha-Allah......:)
as is also conveyed by the American Jewish astrologist who did prediction about Pakistan in 2012 in his video below .It has been predicted within BIBLE and TAURAH.

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War already going on with American from last 10 years....

But during these 10 years Americans had no strike directly on Pakistan (except for the drone attacks). Article suggests that we may face situations like of Afghanistan and Iraq.

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