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#NEWSALERT: MIG 27 crashes in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. More details awaited...

The recent spate of crashes can be theorized to be a result of increased sortie rate by IAF. Possibly, they are stressing their capabilities to find weaknesses, with the intention to remove them. Whether they are successful or not, Pakistan needs to monitor these behavioral changes.
Good thing is that the pilot survived the crash !
3 aircrafts down in the past 1 month :pop:
2019 is not looking good for IAF .
offtopic sorry,just a joke !
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Garima Abrol, wife of squardon leader Samir Abrol killed in a Mirage 2000 crash says something wrong with the system


Garima Abrol

10 February at 09:12 ·
I am Garima Abrol…..I am the wife of Martyr Squadron Leader Samir Abrol….whose tears are still not dry…It still hasn’t sunk in that you are gone. No one has the answer to my questions. Why YOU ?

My husband was a proud Indian and i loved sending him off to serve the nation with a morning cup of tea and a head held high.

Every soldier’s wife’s biggest fear in life is when her husband would be called to the front line and serve in an active war. I too had this fear. Many a times I woke up crying after having one such bad dream…But Samir would hold me, console me and tell me…that is the ultimate purpose of his job…to be able to serve our nation when the call comes…He wanted me to be brave, as that’s what he was, a brave soldier, patriot to the core.

Such is the job of a soldier…it does not bring you fame…no one cries when you leave but the family…It does not make you a celebrity…the media covers it for a day and drops it just like they have done for the pilots who have met the same untimely fate before Samir…Then everyone forgets about it.

How many more of these pilots have to give up their life to shake you up and make you realise there is something really wrong in the system?

A pilot is not made in a day, it takes a decade of training for their souls to get molded for the job…How many fighters have to give up their life for you to wake up?
I do not want any other sister of the Armed Force family to suffer the pain that I am going through. Words can’t describe how painful it is out here alone without my better half, my BATMAN.

I need answers...

Whilst its just another story and incident for some, i will keep fighting for the cause that took you away from me.
Glad that pilots are safe ...
These crashes will add to the list of reasons why congress is a curse for the country ......
Neighbours crash on minimum 1 figther a week.
The recent spate of crashes can be theorized to be a result of increased sortie rate by IAF. Possibly, they are stressing their capabilities to find weaknesses, with the intention to remove them. Whether they are successful or not, Pakistan needs to monitor these behavioral changes.
Increased sortie or poor maintenece and poor pilots
The recent spate of crashes can be theorized to be a result of increased sortie rate by IAF. Possibly, they are stressing their capabilities to find weaknesses, with the intention to remove them. Whether they are successful or not, Pakistan needs to monitor these behavioral changes.

Only a foolish set of people will ask their pilots to stress the aircraft till it is 'ready to crash' - the increased crashes do not send the required message to opposing air forces. Either it is just a bad time for IAF or that sortie rates have increased suddenly without adequate maintenance being done. Are you sure that sortie rates have increased?
The recent spate of crashes can be theorized to be a result of increased sortie rate by IAF. Possibly, they are stressing their capabilities to find weaknesses, with the intention to remove them. Whether they are successful or not, Pakistan needs to monitor these behavioral changes.

Have they been stressing their capabilities to find weaknesses for the last 70 years then?
MiG-27 Aircraft Crashes Near Pokhran Range, Pilot Ejects Safely


The MiG-27 is a Russian-origin ground-attack aircraft

A MiG-27 fighter jet of the Air Force crashed during a training mission in Rajasthan's Jaisalmer at 6:10 pm today, a defence official said today. The pilot ejected safely above the Pokhran range.

A court of inquiry will investigate the cause of the accident.

"A MiG-27 aircraft airborne from Jaisalmer crashed during a routine mission today evening. Pilot ejected safely. A court of inquiry will investigate the cause of the accident," defence spokesperson Colonel Sombit Ghosh said.

The MiG-27 is a Soviet era ground-attack aircraft that India bought in the early 1980s. It flew strike missions in the Kargil War in 1999, hitting hard targets in the mountains.

Jaisalmer police officer Kiran Kang said a police team that had gone to the site where the MiG-27 had crashed is in touch with Air Force officials, news agency IANS reported.

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