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Newborn dies after being thrown in garbage

There can be two reason behind it either some dumbo had same mentality which before Islam Arabs had that they hated to have girls or this is the case of illegitimate child or let call it birth

So what??
Whatever it is,she was a human being .She had a life given by God.That parents should prosecute and give maximum punishment offered by Pak Constitution.

This happens a lot in India as well, especially in north-central region. I can never understand, how a parent would have the heart to throw away his or her own infant child. People like them don't deserve to live. If we can give capital punishment for murder, shouldn't we also give the same to infanticide? I for one will not shed a tear, to see such people hung to death.

And now they are paying the price because of the lack of the girl childs.There was a thread in this PDF about the lack of brides in Haryana and surrounding region.
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