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Newborn dies after being thrown in garbage


Apr 27, 2012
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Newborn dies after being thrown in garbage

MULTAN: A newborn girl in Multan died after being thrown in a garbage dump on Tuesday, locals said. The tragedy took place in the city’s Ghaziabad Colony.

“I was on my way to a grocery store when I saw a car stop by beside a dump a few steps ahead of me… a woman sitting in the back seat tossed a newborn girl into the dump but started weeping,” said witness Muhammad Kazim.

“But she and another woman stepped out of the car and tried to hide the baby girl under the trash lying around,” he told The Express Tribune.

Another witness claimed the two women were trying to bury the newborn alive. However, they fled when people started to gather at the place, he said.

“The baby girl was severely injured… she was bleeding and crying,” Ghaziabad resident Izhar said.“I immediately called Rescue 1122 and rushed to save the child.”

The girl succumbed to her injuries while being moved to Multan’s Nishtar hospital.

Police arrived two hours after the incident and lodged an initial report.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 1st, 2014.

Newborn dies after being thrown in garbage – The Express Tribune
Shocking incident !!!.
RIP to that poor infant.She left this world before feeling it beauty.
Very Sad News...Why people do these kind of stupidity?This is truly inhuman. what was the fault of that small child...:cray:..
I am not surprised at what happened Pakistan needs to mend it's fences first before people point at other Nations but what is shocking for me is "Police arrived two hours after the incident and lodged an initial report."
I am not surprised at what happened Pakistan needs to mend it's fences first before people point at other Nations but what is shocking for me is "Police arrived two hours after the incident and lodged an initial report."
Its almost same here too.....
The kind of people and culture we humans have attained, it is rather good or almighty ultimate choice not to let humans have any girl child, thus killing the entire human race.

Without a girl child, there will be no women and thus ending this mad, selfish world.
Only wish the baby could have been saved on time. Not too long ago I remember reading a similar report of a mother in Haryana who was going to throw her baby girl in a canal. But just then a man who was also near by had a feeling what she was about to do. He rushed over to her and asked her what she is going to do and she answered, she is going to throw the baby in the canal and the man then said "give the baby to me". That man adopted the baby and raised her as his own daughter.
Shocking incident !!!.
Very Sad News...Why people do these kind of stupidity?This is truly inhuman. what was the fault of that small child...:cray:..
RIP to that poor infant.She left this world before feeling it beauty.
The god saved her from the cruelty of man. Thats how I see it.
I am not surprised at what happened Pakistan needs to mend it's fences first before people point at other Nations but what is shocking for me is "Police arrived two hours after the incident and lodged an initial report."
Its almost same here too.....
This is like tradition in police in both Pakistan and India.
South Asia unfortunately "SUCKS".

South Asia is one of the most beautiful regions of the world. We the people "SUCKS". We should change our self and educate our people if we want to make south asia a better place.
I hope the people there have noted the car number plate-
This happens a lot in India as well, especially in north-central region. I can never understand, how a parent would have the heart to throw away his or her own infant child. People like them don't deserve to live. If we can give capital punishment for murder, shouldn't we also give the same to infanticide? I for one will not shed a tear, to see such people hung to death.
today is another day to be ashamed of our selfs as a nation and people somewhere in between its our fault too
Rest in peace poor little soul
Newborn dies after being thrown in garbage

MULTAN: A newborn girl in Multan died after being thrown in a garbage dump on Tuesday, locals said. The tragedy took place in the city’s Ghaziabad Colony.

“I was on my way to a grocery store when I saw a car stop by beside a dump a few steps ahead of me… a woman sitting in the back seat tossed a newborn girl into the dump but started weeping,” said witness Muhammad Kazim.

“But she and another woman stepped out of the car and tried to hide the baby girl under the trash lying around,” he told The Express Tribune.

Another witness claimed the two women were trying to bury the newborn alive. However, they fled when people started to gather at the place, he said.

“The baby girl was severely injured… she was bleeding and crying,” Ghaziabad resident Izhar said.“I immediately called Rescue 1122 and rushed to save the child.”

The girl succumbed to her injuries while being moved to Multan’s Nishtar hospital.

Police arrived two hours after the incident and lodged an initial report.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 1st, 2014.

Newborn dies after being thrown in garbage – The Express Tribune
There can be two reason behind it either some dumbo had same mentality which before Islam Arabs had that they hated to have girls or this is the case of illegitimate child or let call it birth

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