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New Zealand pubs ban Israelis over Gaza operation

I respect only people from countries that offer highspeed internet and railways to evry city. :) So what is your argument?

I see that you are woefully ignorant about us.

Reading the material below confirms the cause.

There is a reason I've never had a German Male as a friend. I've found them to be unpleasant company. Girls are friendly though. At my graduation ceremony while I conversed with a German girl, her father kept interjecting as though I was going to ask her for a date or something.

majority of pakistan has not even electricity, Sorry but i dont take 3 rd world countries serious. you guys clean my room in the cruise ship or in hotel and thats fine. But dont expect me to greet you when we walk next each other while you carry your "towel trolley". Since germany is one of the leading technology nations in the world, im proud that our products enable Israel to protect itself. Its nuclear armed submarines that allow it 2 nd strike capability come from us. As a gift. :) There is a reason why germany is called the " trader of death". Our technology corporations lead in that field. One classic story: we sold iraq poison gas and iran gas masks.
Let me ask you a question, buddy. Do you think there will be a diplomatic solution to this quagmire Israel and Palestine are both in?

The sad thing here is that everyone knows the solution, these lives are being tragically lost.

A state of Palestine with East Jerusalem (maybe Jerusalem as joint capital), removal of settlements from the West bank, no rights of refugees to return to Israel but could be compensated from an international fund. Adequate funding for a new Palestinian state will be required but there is nothing much more than that .
majority of pakistan has not even electricity, Sorry but i dont take 3 rd world countries serious. you guys clean my room in the cruise ship or in hotel and thats fine. But dont expect me to greet you when we walk next each other while you carry your "towel trolley". Since germany is one of the leading technology nations in the world, im proud that our products enable Israel to protect itself. Its nuclear armed submarines that allow it 2 nd strike capability come from us. As a gift. :) There is a reason why germany is called the " trader of death". Our technology corporations lead in that field. One classic story: we sold iraq poison gas and iran gas masks.
What do you mean we?

You’re one of the most conceited people I've come across on PDF and that’s saying something
I see that you are woefully ignorant about us.

Reading the material below confirms the cause.

There is a reason I've never had a German Male as a friend. I've found them to be unpleasant company. Girls are friendly though. At my graduation ceremony while I conversed with a German girl, her father kept interjecting as though I was going to ask her for a date or something.

Well no german would want his daughter to interact with someone from your area. Call it racism, but it is like it is.
@waz ,

Let me ask you a question, buddy. Do you think there will be a diplomatic solution to this quagmire Israel and Palestine are both in? You seem to have a balanced view on things. I'd like to hear your point(s).

Hello bro. A two state solution that has been agreed in principle by both parties is best. The rest of the world says the same thing from the US to Saudi.
The pub owner is most probably going to lose his license.
The pub owner is most probably going to lose his license.

as what happens with most emotional decisions. their embarrasing end should be highlighted to bring about real forms of civilized protests.
Well no german would want his daughter to interact with someone from your area. Call it racism, but it is like it is.

It is racism, but at least you are honest about it.

During my time in University, despite mutual attraction, I kept away from white girls. I did not want to deal with cross-cultural issues.

The German girl was just an open-minded and interesting person; some one I enjoyed conversing with. Her father need not have said anything. But the fact that he did, and that fact that you are open about your racist views just confirms what I always suspected. German girls are good, guys are not.
It is racism, but at least you are honest about it.

During my time in University, despite mutual attraction, I kept away from white girls. I did not want to deal with cross-cultural issues.

The German girl was just an open-minded and interesting person; some one I enjoyed conversing with. Her father need not have said anything. But the fact that he did, and that fact that you are open about your racist views just confirms what I always suspected. German girls are good, guys are not.

Well i'm honest with it. It would be worse if i would say otherwise, right? Thats not a german thing at all. An italian father would be even much harsher.
Well i'm honest with it. It would be worse if i would say otherwise, right? Thats not a german thing at all. An italian father would be even much harsher.

Now that I think about it, yes that would be so.

Why are Europeans like that though? Fewer people in USA would have such a reaction. Is it because of Crusades or something? I am intrigued and I think I can depend on you for an honest answer.
New Zealand genocided Maori. Now they play nice. What a joke.

LOL. Take it easy. NZ govt will never ban anyone like that. They are neutral. Maybe some pubs may be doing it, but not the majority. NZ does not want to take sides.
I see that you are woefully ignorant about us.

Reading the material below confirms the cause.

There is a reason I've never had a German Male as a friend. I've found them to be unpleasant company. Girls are friendly though. At my graduation ceremony while I conversed with a German girl, her father kept interjecting as though I was going to ask her for a date or something.

He has spent alot of time in Italy so you have to spare him people over there are dim from their heads, most Germans I met on a visit were friendly male/females.
Now that I think about it, yes that would be so.

Why are Europeans like that though? Fewer people in USA would have such a reaction. Is it because of Crusades or something? I am intrigued and I think I can depend on you for an honest answer.

Its hard to say. And it depends. I had a girlfriend from Jordan and it was cool. If my sister would come home with a boyfriend from Jordan my father would run amok. I dont know if it is a crusade thing, propably not. But the general opinion about people from your area and middle east is not very positive. Terrorists, Islamists, Women beaters and so on. Most europeans have not one positive idea about you guys. Well maybe that you are good to hosts. I think it simply sticks from the fact that we have historic little contact and that little we had was mostly hostile. That goes back far beyond islam and christianity. Even my roman ancestors looked down on the "orientals". If you look at emperor Elagbal, he was born in syria. He was basicly still a teenager when he became roman emperor because the influnce of his mother. But roman politicians labelled him oriental idiot, despot, oriental decadence and so on. And we roma s learned this from the greeks, who saw persians and so on as decadent, stupid. Its quite interesting if you think about it.
It happens in all cultures, seen stories of honour killing over a pakistan etc going out with a white boy.
Israel is a Pariah Nation and the only countries that support this Illegal and Immoral nation are low lives themselves....

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