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New Zealand pubs ban Israelis over Gaza operation

Hi Marcus the bulk of Europeans don't give a hoot about the conflict. There is also a sizeable greater percentage that dislike Israel more than those folks who like it, who mainly seem to have links with political parties and don't represent everyday folk.

I'd rather both get on.

Thats what i say. This is so far away. I care more about the conditions of the wheels of mars rover curiosity than this gaza stuff.

This ban should also be applied to indians who have recently found their lost love for israelis out of no where.

Germans are the most apolitical people, don't mind this mixed child, he is not pure german.

I´m more like a god. You are right with this.
Thats what i say. This is so far away. I care more about the conditions of the wheels of mars rover curiosity than this gaza stuff.

Fair enough friend.
@forcetrip ,

As far as i am concerned, Israel never used chemical weapons in Palestine or on Palestinians. Theirs is usually a pre-emptive strike. I am in no way saying that Israel is devoid of blame for the collateral damage seen in Gaza and the West Bank. But at least, the Israelis did not drop bunker bombs or chemical weapons on civilians at the volume seen in Syria.

Additionally, i think it is verily unfair for the New Zealanders to target Israeli civlians for government / military operations. That's ridiculous.

You gotta be kidding me...what about white phosphorus used in Lebanon couple of years back...unfair is just a word..what about dozens of kids and women killed everyday...Israelis sitting on roof tops enjoying bombing of Gaza from a distance.....
You gotta be kidding me...what about white phosphorus used in Lebanon couple of years back...unfair is just a word..what about dozens of kids and women killed everyday...Israelis sitting on roof tops enjoying bombing of Gaza from a distance.....

There have been casualties on both sides. Period. You're not getting my point wherein I find it erroneous to target citizens of a country for the actions of their military.

Very dumb move on NZ's part. Who target citizens because of their government's policy.

Go to Israel and say anything in favour of Palestinians.....it will open your eyes..regarding your other posts saying that they din't use chemical weapons, well they are doing such a wonderful job killing kids that at the moment they don't need them, will they use chemical weapons if conventional bombing failed oh yes they will without a doubt. I don't know which world you live in. you didn't condemn Israeli lawmakers callling Palestinian kids 'snakes' and nuking Palestine.

Again good on you NZ!

There have been casualties on both sides. Period. You're not getting my point wherein I find it erroneous to target citizens of a country for the actions of their military.

Can you read my 'avatar' there's a reason I have that. Both sides have casualties, compare how many Israelis have died and how many Palestinians...compare adults..kids..women...and pregnant ladies. Israel is a criminal state.

Don't try making excuses you retard, you were wrong and now you can't accept it so you are deflecting, typical Muslim move.
Banya move...love it first time someone said 'muslim' move .
Go to Israel and say anything in favour of Palestinians.....it will open your eyes..regarding your other posts saying that they din't use chemical weapons, well they are doing such a wonderful job killing kids that at the moment they don't need them, will they use chemical weapons if conventional bombing failed oh yes they will without a doubt. I don't know which world you live in. you didn't condemn Israeli lawmakers callling Palestinian kids 'snakes' and nuking Palestine.

Again good on you NZ!

Stop putting words in my mouth. First of all, I never brought into question about the deaths of the innocents in Palestine. There is no question -- I condemn the deaths of innocents. Both in Palestine and in Israel. What I am against is the racial targetting of certain nationalities just because of the actions of their government and military. Be it Israel, United States, China, Japan, Egypt, India, Pakistan, or what not.

Direct your anger and project it somewhere else.
Stop putting words in my mouth. First of all, I never brought into question about the deaths of the innocents in Palestine. There is no question -- I condemn the deaths of innocents. Both in Palestine and in Israel. What I am against is the racial targetting of certain nationalities just because of the actions of their government and military. Be it Israel, United States, China, Japan, Egypt, India, Pakistan, or what not.

Direct your anger and project it somewhere else.
I am not angry, now you have twisted it beautifully. Very swift attempt, I was waiting you will play 'hate jews' card (now you will say I am not jew...blah blah). Fact it these so called Israeli civilians who sit and watch from hill tops, their army murdering innocent civilians and them celebrating. I don't have any sympathy for such retards. They should realise that their barbaric actions will have global implications, not whole world is silent like US and feeding western people what they want to hear.

Australia should follow what NZ pubs have done! now suck it up.
I am not angry, now you have twisted it beautifully. Very swift attempt, I was waiting you will play 'hate jews' card (now you will say I am not jew...blah blah). Fact it these so called Israeli civilians who sit and watch from hill tops, their army murdering innocent civilians and them celebrating. I don't have any sympathy for such retards. They should realise that their barbaric actions will have global implications, not whole world is silent like US and feeding western people what they want to hear.

Australia should follow what NZ pubs have done! now suck it up.

Wow, you must be totally : 1) inept or 2) blind, because i did not , not once, even mention the word Jew or anything of the sort. At your reasoning, then shouldn't Americans, too, or better yet, British, Australians and New Zealanders, should be cited for their action in Iraq and for the deaths of the some 1 million Iraqis. Your double standard is rather obvious.

I will reiterate my previous points. That Israeli citizens should not be targetted or barred nor should their rights to limited based on the actions of the Israeli military. The same as how Palestinian citizens' rights should not be limited nor should they be targeted to discrimination when they are abroad simply based on the actions of Hamas.

And I will say this. Israel has the right to exist. So does Palestine. Finding the appropriate balance and equilibrium is the issue.
New Zealand genocided Maori. Now they play nice. What a joke.

What a joke the plan to genocide was by British Empire, hiring local Maoris with guns and weapons/axes who killed their own people now don't blame modern New Zealand.

Still israel Tops butchering almost million Palestinians.
Yeah, I think I'll stay out of this one. My only comment is that the Turk should have thought about the consequences before posting such a sign.
Wow, you must be totally : 1) inept or 2) blind, because i did not , not once, even mention the word Jew or anything of the sort. At your reasoning, then shouldn't Americans, too, or better yet, British, Australians and New Zealanders, should be cited for their action in Iraq and for the deaths of the some 1 million Iraqis. Your double standard is rather obvious.

I will reiterate my previous points. That Israeli citizens should not be targetted or barred nor should their rights to limited based on the actions of the Israeli military. The same as how Palestinian citizens' rights should not be limited nor should they be targeted to discrimination when they are abroad simply based on the actions of Hamas.

And I will say this. Israel has the right to exist. So does Palestine. Finding the appropriate balance and equilibrium is the issue.
Who is getting desperate and angry, go and brag about Israelis rights on some other forum, not once you spoke about Palestinians rights..you just said what was politically correct. Go back to the whole where you came from. Stop twisting and mixing different topics, whole world should ban Israelis movements and activities, they did against SA I don't see why not in this case.
Who is getting desperate and angry, go and brag about Israelis rights on some other forum, not once you spoke about Palestinians rights..you just said what was politically correct. Go back to the whole where you came from. Stop twisting and mixing different topics, whole world should ban Israelis movements and activities, they did against SA I don't see why not in this case.

You're just ranting now. I reiterate and stand by my points.

PS. Go back from whence thou cometh... :lol:
Who is getting desperate and angry, go and brag about Israelis rights on some other forum, not once you spoke about Palestinians rights..you just said what was politically correct. Go back to the whole where you came from. Stop twisting and mixing different topics, whole world should ban Israelis movements and activities, they did against SA I don't see why not in this case.

'Allergic to stupidity' whatever you call baby boy, truth is Israel is not state, it's an occupied territory and nothing can change that, sooner or later history will repeat and you like it or not, this criminal and illegitimate nation wont be there anymore.

As I said crawl back to the hole where you came from or where you are stationed.
Fair enough friend.

@waz ,

Let me ask you a question, buddy. Do you think there will be a diplomatic solution to this quagmire Israel and Palestine are both in? You seem to have a balanced view on things. I'd like to hear your point(s).
Sign placed at entrance to pub in Kaikoura reads, 'Israelis not welcome before Gaza shelling stops'; two Israeli woman ordered to leave another pub because 'Israel kills innocent babies and women'

Anat Shalev Published: 01.16.09, 11:48 / Israel News

An Israeli citizen residing in Kaikoura, New Zealand has informed Ynet Friday that a local pub, the Strawberry Tree, placed a sign outside its door reading, "Israelis not welcome before shelling (in Gaza) stops".

Surprising Figures

Denmark: 29% support Israel, 22% back Palestinians / Yael Levy

Survey held by Danish TV2 reveals surprising figures, as more Danes side with Jewish state in Operation Cast Lead; 38% believe two sides to be equally responsible for situation. Picture in rest of Scandinavia is much different
Full Story
Two other Israeli tourists encountered a similar restriction at a café located in another part of the country. Kaikoura, located on the east coast of New Zealand's South Island, is a tourist hub known for its dolphin shows.

"The pub's owner has extreme views; in the past he worked as a photojournalist in Gaza, and inside the pub a sign reading 'Free Palestine" has been hanging for some time now," the Israeli citizen, who wished to remain nameless, told Ynet.

"It is alarming the (conflict in Gaza) has resonated to this region and in such a one-sided way."
The Israeli continued to say that "the owner expressed his aversion to the supposed racism on Israel's part – but he himself is acting in a racist manner when he screens his patrons according to their nationality."

'You never know'
He said the local community has unequivocally condemned the pub owner's act. "People are calling us (Israelis) to offer their support; they are even saying that the restriction is redolent of the days in which black Americans were banned from public places and even of Nazi Germany.

"The community is made up of many immigrants, and that is why it identifies with us," he said.

The Southland Times reported Friday that two Israeli women, Natalie Bennie and her sister Tamara Shefa, were ordered to leave the Mevlana Café in Invercargill, New Zealand's southernmost city.

According to the report, the pub's owner Mustafa Tekinkaya, a Turkish Muslim, told the women he would not serve anyone from Israel "until it stopped killing innocent babies and women in Gaza."

Tekinkaya was quoted as saying he had received dozens of phone calls from people supporting him and a handful of calls opposed to his stance.

Natalie Bennie told the newspaper that she and her visiting Israeli sister had received over a dozen calls from strangers to say they were appalled by Tekinkaya's stance. She said the pub owner displayed "anti-Semitic" behavior, adding "he might as well have put a sign outside his shop saying 'No Jews Allowed'."

Bennie told The Southland Times that her mother, who lives in Israel, was concerned she could now become a target for New Zealand radical Muslims.

"It could be a possibility, you never know."

New Zealand pubs ban Israelis over Gaza operation - Israel News, Ynetnews

Its always the White people who have sympathy for Muslims. When was the last time Muslims did a similar thing for Whites when they were targeted by fellow Muslims in terrorist attacks??
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